Newsletter No. 335

No. 335, 4.4.2009 NEWS & EVENTS L iu Lu, a graduating PhD student in mechanical and automation engineering, has been appointed by the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, as assistant professor upon completion of her studies. She assumes duties in April 2009. The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tokyo was ranked 9th in the world and top in Asia in the technology category by the Times Higher Education Supplement in 2008. Dr. Liu named the University’s training and international vision as reasons for her appointment in addition to hard work and academic achievements. She said, ‘I was not particularly enthusiastic about 工程學博士生獲東京大學教席 Engineering Doctorate Appointed by University of Tokyo • 機 械與自動化工程學系博士生劉璐去年底修畢課 程,隨即獲日本東京大學(東大)垂青,聘任為 信息科學與科技研究院助理教授,並於本月正式上任。 根據《泰晤士報高等教育特刊》2008年全球大學排行 榜,東大工程學院在「科技」組別排名第九,全亞洲排 名第一。能夠獲聘於此,劉璐認為除了個人努力和學術 成績外,更重要的是得到老師的悉心栽培和具備國際視 野。「我原本對工程學並不是特別熱愛,但來到中大之 後,指導老師黃捷教授卻大大擴闊了我的眼界;加上中 大提供了很多參加國際學術會議的機會,讓我得以吸收 最新的資訊和技術,並與世界級學者交流砥礪,令我對 研究工作愈感興趣,亦因而有所進步。」 今年廿七歲的劉璐生於咸陽,2003年於西安西北工業 大學取得工程學學士後,於中大攻讀碩士及博士課程, 並於去年12月獲頒機械與自動化工程學哲學博士學 位。她的主要研究範疇是非線性控制理論及智能材料與 結構。 中大單車籌款隊 CUHK Cycles for Charity • 在 大學輔導長吳基培教授( 後排左三 )和學生事務處處長梁汝照先生( 後排右一 )牽 頭下,學生事務處組成一支十人的單車籌款隊,參加3月15日首次在香港舉行的 「滙豐博愛單車百萬行」,為博愛醫院籌募經費。車隊於大埔海濱公園出發,經科學園及 沙田單車俓,至終點站沙田公園。中大隊花了近一小時完成十公里的路程,並獲「優異籌 款獎」。 A team of 10 staff from the Office of Student Affairs led by Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng (3rd left, back row), University Dean of Students, and Mr. Raymond Y.C. Leung (1st right, back row), director, Office of Student Affairs, participated in the ‘HSBC Pok Oi Cycle for Millions’ on 15 March. The cycling charity event, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, amied at raising fund for Pok Oi Hospital. Participants started at Tai Po Waterfront Park and rode along Tolo Harbour Cycle Trail to Shatin Park, covering a total distance of 10km. The CUHK team completed the journey in an hour and received the Outstanding Donation Award in appreciation of the sponsorship solicited. 與文壇祭酒對話 In Conversation with Margaret Atwood • 近 六百中大師生、中學生及社會人士出席英文系於3月16日舉辦的「Margaret Atwood與Prof. David Parker對話」,聆聽著名作家Ms. Atwood的創作歷程。 Ms. Atwood是享譽國際的小說家和詩人,過去三十年出版的詩集、小說和散文逾三 十五冊,其小說《盲眼刺客》更獲2000年英國Man Booker Prize。英文系系主任 Prof. Parker說:「Ms. Atwood睿智敏辨,學貫天人,不囿於語言,更廣涉其他學科。 她於席上朗讀其詩作,其識見以及在腦科學、希臘神話和人類學方面的旁徵博引,叫 聽眾無不折服。」 T he Department of English organized ‘Margaret Atwood in Conversation with Prof. David Parker’ on 16 March on campus. About 600 staff and students from CUHK, secondary school students, and members of the public were in attendance. Atwood, a renowned novelist and poet, has received numerous awards throughout her 30 years of writing. She is the author of more than 35 volumes of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The Blind Assassin , one of her books, won the 2000 Man Booker Prize. Prof. Parker, chairman, Department of English, said, ‘Ms. Atwood is formidably intelligent and intellectually alert, not just to language but to many realms of knowledge. She also gave an inspiring reading of a poem and amazed the audience by her insights and her knowledge of such things as brain science, Greek mythology and anthropology.’ engineering at the very beginning. But Prof. Huang Jie, my tutor, broadened my vision. The University also provides opportunities for research students to acquire the most up-to- date information and technology through taking par t in inter national conferences and meeting renowned scholars.’ Aged 27, Dr. Liu was born in Xianyang and received her BEng from Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an. She continued her master’s and doctoral studies at CUHK, and was awarded a PhD in mechanical and automation engineering in December 2008. Dr. Liu’s research focuses on non-linear theory and smart material and structure.