Newsletter No. 335

No. 335, 4.4.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 空間綜合人文學與社會科學論壇 Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences Conference • 由 中大、北京大學(北大)及台灣 大學(台大)合辦的首屆海峽兩 岸「空間綜合人文學與社會科學論壇」 於3月16及17日在中大舉行。大會以遠 端視像連接中大和台大兩校,讓中大林 琿教授( 中 )、北大唐曉峰教授( 右二 ) 和台大孫志鴻教授( 左二 ),與身處台大 分會場的賴進貴教授同時主持開幕典 禮,貫徹空間綜合的會議主題。 會議分歷史學、政治經濟學、空間模擬 模型與方法、社會學、文化遺產、城鄉 發展、旅遊學與景觀學七個專題。來自 海峽兩岸和海外的一百多名學者及研 究生,交流在上述專題應用地理信息 系統、空間分析,以及空間模擬等空間綜合方法的研究成 果。與會代表均認為是次跨學科會議成功推動人文學科與 理工學科的交流,有助拓展思路,促進相關學科的發展。 他們一致同意延續這個平台,並即場決定於明年及2011年 分別在南京師範大學和台大舉行第二和第三屆會議。 是次會議得到香港培華教育基金會、中大聯合書院與社 會科學院贊助。 C o-organized by CUHK, Peking University and Taiwan University, the First Conference on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences was held on campus on 16 and 17 March. The opening ceremony was co-chaired using video conferencing by Prof. Lin Hui (centre) of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, CUHK, Prof. Tang Xiaofeng of Peking University (2nd right), and Prof. Sun Chih-hong (2nd left) and Prof. Lay Jinn-guey of Taiwan University. A total of seven themes were discussed, including history, political economy, spatial stimulation model and method, sociology, cultural heritage, rural and urban development, tourism and landscape studies. Over 100 scholars and research students from Hong Kong, mainland, Taiwan and overseas presented research papers and exchanged ideas on the themes by applying geoinformation science system, spatial analysis and spatial modelling. The Second and Third Conference on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences will be held in Nanjing Normal University and Taiwan University in 2010 and 2011 respectively. The conference is sponsored by the Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation, United College and the Faculty of Social Science, CUHK. 首間癌症病人針灸中心開幕 First Cancer Patient Acupuncture Centre Opens • 中 大癌症病人針灸中心於3月16日舉行開幕典禮,為 威爾斯親王醫院的腫瘤科病人提供針灸服務,以 紓緩因癌症及治療而導致的痛症,並開展臨床研究。 針灸中心設於威爾斯親王醫院包玉剛癌症中心三樓,是本 港唯一專為癌症病人而設的針灸中心,成立的款項來自去 年10月香港癌症基金會及豐保險合辦之「豐保險慈 善萬聖大巡遊2008」活動。 癌症病人受痛症煎熬者非常普遍,很多患者需要以嗎啡 類藥物止痛,但卻會有鎮靜神經、精神不集中,不安及抑 壓呼吸等副作用。此外,化療引起的噁心和嘔吐亦嚴重影 響病人的生活。因此,患者往往會尋求諸如針灸的另類療 法,以改善生活質素。 針灸療法屬傳統中醫學術,有逾千年歷史。最近有研究 調查針灸具紓緩痛症、噁心、口乾、疲勞、熱潮紅症及關 節痛的效用,發現將之與西方醫學結合,更能提升癌症護 理的成效,紓緩癌病的痛楚及化療引起的噁心,減少副作 用。適當地運用針灸,效果 尤勝毒性較高的藥物。 癌症病人針灸中心主管莫樹 錦教授表示︰「中心的成立有 助開拓中、西醫綜合研究的 機會,加強以實證為本的醫 學療法以改善患者的生活質 素。」中心與上海中醫藥大 學針灸推拿學院合作,由上 海大學派出資深及富經驗的 針灸師來港,確保為癌症病 人提供優質服務。 T he first of its kind in Hong Kong, the CUHK Cancer Patient Acupuncture Centre was formally opened on 16 March. The centre aims to promote high quality clinical research and to provide acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy to alleviate cancer-related or therapy-induced symptoms, targeting cancer patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Located on the third floor of the Sir Y.K. Pao Centre for Cancer, Prince of Wales Hospital, the centre was established with the support of the HSBC Insurance Charity Halloween Parade, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Cancer Fund and HSBC Insurance in October 2008. It is common for patients with metastatic cancer to develop severe pain. A significant proportion requires morphine to manage the pain. Opiates for pain control, however, are often associated with multiple side effects including sedation, inability to concentrate, agitation and respiratory depression. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is also associated with a significant deterioration in the quality of patients’ lives. Patients, therefore, often resort to alternative non-pharmaceutical methods such as acupuncture to improve their quality of life. Acupuncture, as part of traditional Chinese medicine, dates back thousands of years. The practice involves the application of needles, heat, pressure, and other treatments to acupoints according to the meridian flow of ‘qi’, which brings about a change in the physical functions of the body. Recent scientific research has investigated its role in the treatment of cancer patients, including pain control, alleviation of nausea, xerostomia (dry mouth), fatigue, hot flashes and arthralgia. This has evolved into an area of cancer management where traditional Chinese medicine is integrated with evidence-based medicine to develop cancer care with limited adverse effects. Acupuncture, when properly administered, has the potential to relieve cancer pain or CINV with less toxicity compared with pharmacological intervention. Prof. Tony Mok, director of the Cancer Patient Acupuncture Centre, remarks, ‘The establishment of the centre will help develop research opportunities in the integration of Western and Chinese medicine, and enable the delivery of evidence-based therapy to improve patients’ quality of life.’ He further adds that ‘our collaboration with the College of Acupuncture- Moxibustion and Tuina, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, ensures high quality services to patients undertaken by qualified and experienced acupuncturists from Shanghai University.’ 莫樹錦教授(中)講解針灸療法 Prof. Tony Mok (centre) explaining about acupuncture