Newsletter No. 337

No. 337, 4.5.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 第一屆大中華地區藥物經濟學論壇 First Pharmacoeconomics Forum in Greater China • 藥 劑學院於4月3及4日主辦首 屆「亞洲華夏藥物經濟學及 衞生科技評估論壇」,兩岸三地藥 物經濟學專家出席,包括復旦大學 公共衞生學院藥物經濟與研究中心 主任胡善聯教授( 右二 )、中大藥劑 學院副院長(外務)李烱前教授( 左 一 )、台灣國立陽明大學衞生福利研 究所所長藍忠孚教授( 左二 )、台灣 財團法人醫藥品查驗中心醫藥科技 評估組組長譚延輝博士、澳洲紐卡 素大學李樹泉教授( 右一 )和前國務 院法制辦文教衞生司副司長宋瑞霖 先生。他們發表了多項專題報告。 與會人士熱烈討論,除協議每年於大中華地區輪流舉辦藥 物經濟學論壇,又提出需就區內的藥物成本效益,以及政 府購藥預算的影響進行研究分析,並期望建立藥物定價機 制。大會亦決定來屆論壇在台灣舉行。 T he School of Pharmacy hosted the first Forum of Asia Huaxia Pharmacoeconomics and Health Technology Assessment on 3 and 4 April. Prof. Hu Shanlian (2nd right, director of Health Economics Centre, Fudan University), Prof. Kenneth Lee (1st left, associate director (external affairs) of School of Pharmacy, CUHK), Prof. Lan Chung-fu (2nd left, director of Institute of Health and Welfare Policy, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan), Dr. Tony Tarn (director of Division of Health Technology Assessment, Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan), Prof. Li Shu-chuen (1st right, University of Newcastle, Australia), Mr. Song Ruilin (former division director of Department of Education, Science, Culture and Health Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council), and experts from China and Taiwan were invited to present on topics on pharmacoeconomics and health technology assessment. After some deliberation, delegates agreed to host the forum at different places within the Greater China region every year, and proposed to initiate studies on the cost-effectiveness of drugs and impact analysis of the government’s drug purchasing budget. A consensus was also reached on setting up a drug pricing mechanism. Taiwan will host the forum next year. 文化及發展研究中心成立 Centre for Culture and Development Established • 文 化及宗教研究系宣布成立文化及發展研究中心, 旨在透過卓越和領先研究,使文化與發展兩者相 輔相成、互協互動。中心於4月18日舉行成立典禮,主禮嘉 賓包括發展局局長林鄭月娥女士( 右三 )、副校長楊綱凱 教授( 左三 )、聯合國教科文組織文化事務助理總幹事之 資深顧問Dr. Richard Engelhardt( 右一 )、著名作家Mr. John Howkins( 右二 )、文化及宗教研究系系主任黎志添 教授( 左二 ),以及文化及宗教研究系教授暨文化及發展 研究中心總監許焯權教授( 左一 )。 林鄭月娥局長致賀說:「發展局在推行市區重建的工作 中,致力保育文物,維護本土特色及文化,這與中心的研 究重點不謀而合。我相信透過政府、學界和私人界別的共 同努力,我們定可以為香港市民帶來優質生活。」 典禮冠蓋雲集,有八十多位學者、政府官員、立法會議員、 文化及發展領域的人士出席。典禮後隨即舉行「文化及發 展的創意生態」公開講座,由Mr. Howkins主講。 楊綱凱教授表示,大學將全力支持中心發揮其研究優勢, 為社會探討和分析文化及發展的張力和互動。中心受政 府中央政策組委託,進行名為「香港藝術及文化界別人 力資源狀況與需要」的研究,將於本年內完成。另外又與 聯合國教科文組織合作,積極參與多個國際文化及發展 項目。 W ith a vision to promote synergy between culture and development through excellence and leadership in research, the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (CRS) has established the Centre for Culture and Development. The centre was inaugurated on 18 April by guests of honour including Mrs. Carrie Lam (3rd right), Secretary for Development, HKSAR, Prof. Kenneth Young (3rd left), CUHK Pro-Vice- Chancellor, Dr. Richard Engelhardt (1st right), senior adviser to the UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, Mr. John Howkins (2nd right), celebrated author, Prof. Lai Chi-tim (2nd left), chairman, CRS, and Prof. Desmond Hui (1st left), professor of CRS, and director of the centre. Mrs. Lam congratulated the University on setting up the centre. ‘The centre’s scope of interest tallies very much with the Development Bureau’s commitment to heritage conservation and preserving local characteristics and culture in urban renewal programmes. I am sure that through the concerted effort of the government, academia and the private sector, we will be able to provide quality urban life for the people of Hong Kong.’ Over 80 academics, government officials, legislators and personalities from the cultural and development sectors attended the ceremony, which was followed by a public inaugural lecture entitled ‘Creative Ecology in Culture and Development’ by Mr. Howkins. Prof. Young affirmed the University’s support for the centre in using its research expertise to shed light on the synergies as well as tensions between culture and development. The centre has been commissioned by the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR government to conduct a research project titled ‘Study on the Manpower Situation and Needs of the Arts and Cultural Sector in Hong Kong’, which will be completed later this year. It is also actively involved in other international cultural and development projects with UNESCO.