Newsletter No. 337

No. 337, 4.5.2009 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR 非洲黃昏漫步 盧煜明,化學病理學系 A Sunset Stroll in Africa Dennis Y.M. Lo, Department of Chemical Pathology There are actually a lot of artistic activities going on on campus, thanks to various student groups and the Colleges. CUHK students write and produce their own plays, and excel generally in the technical skills, undoubtedly due to the existence of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Many have developed their careers in local orchestras, troupes and public bodies. Some even come back from time to time to mentor current students and help stage plays on campus. Even without a drama school, these students make up a talented and dedicated group who have made impact in the local artistic scene and that is quite an achievement in itself. 5 早期的馬料水遠離市區,甚至可說地處邊陲,這是 否有助孕育 / 推廣藝術? Ma Liu Shui was remote, even peripheral, in the old days. Did that help to cultivate or promote art? 我想在這方面時代的關係大於地點。八十年代無疑是 中大藝術發展的黃金時期,當年的社會無論政治和經 濟都相對穩定,加上中大行四年學制,學生有更多時間 發展興趣。可不要低估這些客觀因素,它們提供了鼓勵 試驗和參與的肥沃土壤,使藝術得以茁壯成長。 It has less to do with the locale than with the times, I think. To me, the heyday of artistic activities at CUHK is no doubt the 80s, when our society was less volatile both politically and economically, and CUHK basked in a four-year curriculum in which students had more time to develop themselves. Do not underestimate these objective factors. They cultivated a fertile ground for experimentation and participation which are vital for the arts. 6 香港戲劇的特色是甚麼? What are the distinctive features of Hong Kong theatre? 香港劇壇其實頗為多元活躍。每年約有二百場演出,一 般來說,演期短,場次少,那即是說劇團不能光靠門票 收入維持,必須依賴政府資助或其他贊助。有限的演出 會影響演員的表現和他們與觀眾的互動。 Hong Kong theatre is actually very diverse and active. There are about 200 shows each year. Generally speaking, the number of performances is small and the runs are short here, meaning that the theatre companies cannot thrive on ticket sales alone but have to depend on government subsidies or other sponsorships. Limited showings take its toll on the performance of the actors and their chemistry with the audiences, too. 7 本地劇團是否應多演出原創劇本?原創劇本是否 足夠? Should local troupes perform more original works? Are there enough original works? 他們已演出不少原創劇,問題不在於數量。假若我們的 劇團能夠大幅擺脫市場導向,掙脫大眾趣味、消費主義 及商業元素的羈絆,情況會更健康。本地劇壇必須全方 位發展,網羅更廣的層面,才能有充沛的生命力;只有這 樣,才會出現真正好的原創劇本。 They are already doing a lot of original works. The problem is not with numbers. It would be healthier if our theatre can break away from the market to a greater extent, from the shackles of mass entertainment, consumerism and commercialism. To be really full of life, local theatre must go in all directions and cast a wider net. Only in this way can truly good and original works appear. 8 你會否繼續在「眾劇團」的工作?對它的發展有甚 麼看法? Are you going to continue your work with TNT Theatre? How do you want to see it develop? 我當然會繼續「眾劇團」的工作,亦即一方面向觀眾介 紹經典劇目,另方面演出以時事為主題或實驗的劇作。 經典劇目是永遠需要的,但我們亦關心周遭發生的事 情。是以,數年前我們曾公演了一齣關於沙士疫情的劇 目,而稍後又會有一齣以四川地震為題材的製作。 I will definitely continue my work with TNT Theatre, which will continue to present the classics to the general audience on one hand, and do more topical or experimental works on the other. While the classics are never dispensable, our concerns are often turned to what happen around us. Therefore, we produced a play on SARS a couple of years back and will soon be doing one on the Sichuan earthquake. 9 將於這個暑假告別中大的人和事,你的心情怎樣? Tell us about your feeling of saying goodbye to the people and things of CUHK this summer. 實在有太多值得紀念和回味的窩心事情,時至今日,許 多仍歷歷在目。比方說,我還清楚記得差不多三十年 前,當我剛接掌邵逸夫堂時,Mr. David Gilkes(時為大 學總務長)對我說:「我們必須打出名堂。」我希望已達 標。我又記得在林蔭大道上,與很多校外藝術界嘉賓在 雨中跳起恰恰舞。記憶猶新,真切得就如伸手可觸,以 致我不知該如何與這兒的人和事道別。 There are really too many anecdotes, all of them fond and memorable. They are all very vivid to me even to this day. For example, I clearly remember Mr. David Gilkes, then Bursar, saying, nearly 30 years ago, when I was first put in charge of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, that, ‘We must put ourselves on the map.’ I hope I have achieved that much. I also recall how I danced cha cha in the rain on the University Mall with many guest artists from the outside. These memories are still so fresh, so vivid, so palpable, that I don’t think I’ll ever know how to say goodbye to the people and things here. 10 從現在起,你將怎樣運用時間?有甚麼計劃? What will you devote most of your time to from now? Any plans in the pipeline? 我期望看到學生文化大使計劃的開展,這計劃形式新 穎,有系統地藉學生大使在同儕間推廣藝術。我想會多 花時間於心愛的戲劇上,包括編譯劇本和導演。我也躍 躍欲試,考慮參與演出。 I hope to see to the launch of the Student Cultural Ambassador Scheme which will be a new form of promoting arts through structured peer participation. I think I can devote more time to my beloved theatre including scripting and directing. I am tempted to take up some acting, too. 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問辛世文教授 Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming (接上頁 Continued )