Newsletter No. 338

中文大學,我們的第二個家﹗ 二零零八年度長期服務獎(逾三十五 A Home Away From Home! Long Service Award 2008 (Over 3 工 作逾三十五年的員工,對任何機構都彌足珍貴。中文大學何其榮幸 有一群忠心耿耿的員工,一直堅守崗位,盡責服務。他們的工種包括 職工、文書、技術,以至教學等,職級由清潔工人至副校長,各司其職,但上 下一心,同樣將青春獻與大學,見證大學的騰飛歲月,每一個大學的發展里 程碑,都盛載了他們的努力和汗水。 一百零八名在中大工作滿二十五和三十五年或以上的員工,獲大學頒發 2008年度長期服務獎,表揚他們多年來的忠誠服務。頒獎禮於5月8日舉 行,由校長劉遵義教授主禮。「三十五年或以上長期服務獎」是首年設立,劉 校長致辭時笑稱得獎人外貌年輕,怎也看不出已工作三十五年,他曾打探原 因,有意見認為中大空氣好、水質好,減慢老化速度,致令員工得天獨厚。 《中大通訊》特採擷了部分得獎者的心聲,以饗大學同人。他們均對中大愛 護有加,認為中大儼如第二個家。 I t is now very rare for a person to work for the same organization for over 35 years. Veter valuable assets to an organization and CUHK is privileged to have many loyal staff who h it for such a long time. They include office support, technical and teaching staff, ranking fro Pro-Vice-Chancellor. They have stayed put in their positions, dedicating their best years to the Their unfailing support has left its mark on every milestone the University has reached. A total of 108 staff members were presented the 2008 Long Service Award for their 25 years of service to the University. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau officiated at presentation ceremony held on 8 May. He praised the recipients of the new 35-year Long Ser for carrying their age well. He then joked that he had been told that the secret of staying young at CUHK because the fresh air and clean water here help to slow down the ageing process. Some of the awardees spoke to the CUHK Newsletter about their CUHK experience. Most o CUHK very much and some even describe it as a home away from home. 香港中文大學通訊第三三八期 二零零九年五月十九日 CUHK Newsletter No. 338 19 May 2009 在中大工作四十一年,實是 年來,我視學生如子侄,並 我辦的榮休晚宴,有近二 實「做好這份工」。 It is my blessing and hon here for 41 years. I regar my children, not my cust ago, my students held a r me with more than 250 mine in attendance. That fact that my popularity w been lasting. 數學系研究 Prof. Ng Kung-fu (rig De 服務中大四十一年,一生中只有一份工,既覺得幸福,又覺有所欠 缺。這裏同事關係相當融洽,令人懷念。任崇基院長十年,更使我 與不少同事和眾多校友建立親切的感情。 I have worked for CUHK for 41 years and it is the only job in my life. I am happy about it. I cherish the close relationships among colleagues. I was the Head of Chung Chi College for 10 years, during which I established close ties with the alumni and staff. 社會學講座教授 李沛良教授(右) Prof. Lee Pui-leung Rance (right) Professor of Sociology 文物館成立於1971年,當年「手空空,無一物」。三 十多年以來,蒙已故利榮森博士呵護扶持、屈志仁 教授擘劃規範,歷任校長、所長支持指導,奠定今 天文物館在國際大學博物館界的地位。創館不久, 本人即任職於斯,深有榮焉。 When the Art Museum was first established in 1971, it was virtually an empty shell. With the support of the late Dr. J.S. Lee and under the leadership of Prof. James C.Y. Watt, past and present Vice-Chancellors, and directors of the Institute of Chinese Studies, the museum developed into one of the premier university museums in the world. It is my honour to have worked here since its fledgling days. 文物館館長 林業強教授(中) Prof. Lam Yip-keung Peter (centre) Director Art Museum 在同 少辛 我們 服務 It is orga has libra staff, with servi 大 Ms. 三十多年來,校園變化很大,初來時, 全是荒蕪一片,現時建築物增加了很 多,學生和教職員也多了。 Over the past 30 years, the originally desolate campus has undergone enormous changes as buildings were erected and the population of the students and staff grew. 物理系高級裝配技工 方文鎮先生 Mr. Fang Wen-cheng Senior Fitter Department of Physics 當年沒有電腦,會計及賬目要用碳紙印製複本,雙 手常沾黑。現在辦公室設備先進了,只要按「列印」 便可,快捷方便。 In those days without computers, we had to print the account and balance sheet on carbon paper to make copies. It made our hands black. Now, we enjoy the convenience of modern technology. All you need to do is to press the ‘print’ button and you will get a neat printout. 財務處捐款及專用項目管理組二級會計主任  何榮先生(中) Mr. Ho Wing (centre) Accountant II Donations and Projects Management Unit, Bursary 記憶尤深的是崇基圖書館搬遷,同事和學生輪流 協助搬書,以人手一本一本傳至新館,很感受到大 家齊心團結。 My most memorable moment is the removal of Chung Chi Library. All the staff and students contributed their bit by forming a human-chain to move the books to the new place. 麻醉及深切治療學系一級文員 鍾智鳴女士(左) Miss Chung Chi-ming Nancy (left) General Clerk I Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care