Newsletter No. 338

) Years) n staff are ve served janitor to University. or 35-plus he awards ice Award is working them love 的福份和光榮。這些 顧客。數年前舊生為 五十人參加,或許我確 ur to have worked ed my students as mers. A few years tirement dinner for revious students of is testimony to the th my students has 授 吳恭孚教授(右) t) Research Professor artment of Mathematics 獲得大學新增的三十五年長期服務獎,簡直是喜出 望外。數十年來,我默默盡力做好這份工,辦公室 可算是我第二個家。 It is beyond my expectations to be honoured with the new 35-year Long Service Award. I have tried to do my best all these years and regarded the office as my second home. 音樂系二級執行助理 區慧儀女士(中) Ms. Au Wai-yee (centre) Executive Assistant II Department of Music 我初來時校園甚麼也沒有,午膳常驅車往瀝源。雖然是 開荒牛,但同事的士氣卻很高昂。 The campus was virtually a barren rock when I first joined the University and we always drove to Lek Yuen for lunch. But we had no complaints and our morale was high. 工商管理學院二級執行助理 麥年豐先生(右) Mr. Mak Nin-fung Allan (right) Executive Assistant II Faculty of Business Administration 獲得這獎真是感受良多,中大校園仿如自己帶大的 兒子,甫來到時是荒地一片,經過慢慢的規劃,現 在除了建有各式的教學大樓,更是滿眼青葱翠綠。 I receive the award with mixed feelings. The CU campus is like a son whom I brought up. I remember that it was like a barren rock when I first came here. After many years of development, it is now a lush campus with modern teaching blocks and rich greenery. 校園發展處總技術員 鄧燦開先生(左) Mr. Tang Chan-hoi (left) Principal Technical Officer Campus Development Office 在中大工作實教人愉快,我很榮幸曾任不同工作 崗位,見證大學發展。教書是很有趣的工作,我 相信在教學過程中所學到的物理知識,遠超我讀 書時所學的。 It has been most enjoyable working at CUHK all these years, and a privilege to have worked in different roles, and witnessed how the University has grown. Teaching has always been the greatest fun, and I am sure I have learned more physics through teaching the subject than I ever did as a student. 副校長 楊綱凱教授(左) Prof. Kenneth Young (left) Pro-Vice-Chancellor 所機構工作三十五年殊不容易,這包含了不 與堅持。現時圖書館資料已全面電腦化, 不斷增值自己,為教職員及同學提供優質 remarkable feat to work in the same ization for 35 years. My work experience een one of perseverance. Nowadays, the y catalogue is computerized. As library we have to constantly equip ourselves new knowledge so as to provide quality es to the students and staff. 圖書館系統高級圖書館助理 劉翠紅女士(右) au Chui-hung (right) Senior Library Assistant University Library System 以前資訊科技部門要負責協助收生,每逢收生時節,我們便要總動員晝夜工作, 甚至要在校園留宿,給入學處準備錄取名單。現在雖已改行大學聯招收生,但那 時齊心工作的一幕幕片段,仍不時縈迴腦海。 In the old days, one of ITSC’s duties was to prepare the admission list for the admission office. During peak periods, all my colleagues had to work day and night, or even stayed overnight on campus, to produce the list. Now admission is mainly made through JUPAS. But the memories of those hectic days are still vivid. 資訊科技服務處電算機督導員 梁鄧美霞女士 Mrs. Leung Tang May-ha Computer Supervisor Information Technology Services Centre 中大仿如我的第二個家,我很幸運在這四十多年, 曾服事兩位卓越的上司。 The Chinese University is like a home away from home to me. I am lucky to have served two great bosses for over 40 years. 副校長辦公室高級私人秘書 麥李思敏女士(左) Mrs. Mak Lee Tze-man Alice (left) Senior Personal Secretary Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s Office 5 年 years 二零零八年度長期服務獎 Long Service Award 2008