Newsletter No. 339

No. 339, 4.6.2009 5 月20日,大學在新亞草坪舉行唐先生銅像揭幕儀式。 銅像由雕塑家朱達誠先生鑄塑,銘文由前新亞院長兼 第一屆畢業生余英時教授親撰,前藝術系系主任李潤桓教 授揮毫。 校長劉遵義教授於儀式上致詞,讚揚唐先生「一生馳騁 於中西哲學,以闡發中華傳統文化、重建中國人文精神為 己任」。 當天簡直就是中外哲學家的雅集和新亞書院早期學生的 舊生聚會。銅像奠立儀式的主禮嘉賓有( 左起 )雕塑家朱 達誠先生、美國密歇根大學哲學及中文榮休教授孟旦教 授、唐氏家族代表王康先生、中大校長劉遵義教授、中大 哲學系榮休教授及台灣中央 研究院院士勞思光教授、法 住文化書院院長霍韜晦教 授、中大副校長及新亞書院 院長黃乃正教授、中大哲學 系系主任張燦輝教授,以及 中大哲學系校友會會長劉國 強教授。 余英時教授雖然不克親臨, 但也拍下錄像於儀式上播 放。他說:「香港之有哲學, 特別是有中國哲學,是從唐君毅先生開始的。」 塑像的朱達誠先生說,銅像所要體現的就是一個「憂」字, 即唐先生憂國憂民的精神。另外一個重點是銅像懷着希 望、看着遠方,視線和同在新亞草坪的孔子像一致。近觀 這兩米高的銅像,彷彿回到那神州板蕩、中華文化花果飄 零的時代。 余英時教授所撰銘文說,唐先生「發憤返本開新,持孔子 之教為天下倡,此海外新儒家之所由興也」。唐先生和孔 子的塑像先後樹立於中大,可謂象徵儒學的一脈香火在本 校乃至香港承傳與宏揚。 T o celebrate the centenary of Prof. Tang Chun-I, the University held the inauguration ceremony of a statue of Prof. Tang on 20 May 2009. Standing on the lawn near the Chi’en Mu Library at the New Asia Campus, the statue was sculpted by Mr. Chu Tat-shing. It comes with an epigraph written by Prof. Yu Ying-shih, former Head of New Asia College, rendered into calligraphy by Prof. Lee Yun-woon, former chairman of the Department of Fine Arts. Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice- Chancellor of the University, praised Prof. Tang for ‘spending a lifetime studying Chinese and Western philosophy, and dedicating himself to the promotion of traditional Chinese culture and the revival of Chinese humanism’. The occasion was more a gathering of philosophers and a New Asia ‘old boys’ reunion than a statue unveiling ceremony. The ceremony was officiated by (from left) Mr. Chu Tat-shing, the sculptor; Prof. Donald Munro, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Chinese, University of Michigan; Mr. Wang Kang, representative of the Tang family; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Lao Sze-kwang, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Philosophy, CUHK, and Academician of Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Prof. Fok Tou-hui, head of The Dharmasthiti College of Cultural Studies; Prof. Wong Nai-ching, Head of New Asia College, and CUHK Pro- Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Cheung Chan-fai, chairman of the Philosophy Department; and Prof. Lau Kwok-keung, chairman of the CUHK Philosophy Alumni Association. Although Prof. Yu Ying-shih could not attend the ceremony in person, he talked about the life of Prof. Tang on video. He said, ‘The studies of philosophy, especially Chinese philosophy, in Hong Kong began from Prof. Tang Chun-I.’ The sculptor of the statue Mr. Chu Tat-shing said he wanted to express Prof. Tang’s concern for the country and the people in the statue. The statue looks afar with hope and in the same direction as the statue of Confucius does, which shares the same lawn on New Asia campus. Looking at the visage of the statue takes one on a nostalgic trip back to the days when China and its culture was going through a period of turbulence. Prof. Yu Ying-shih wrote in the epigraph that Prof. Tang ‘looked for inspiration for cultural innovation in the roots of our tradition and promoted the teachings of Confucius to the world, thus bringing about Neo-Confucianism overseas’. The existence of the statues of both Prof. Tang and Confucius on the CUHK campus is a symbol of the preservation and development of Confucianism in the University and in Hong Kong. 哲人風範永垂不朽 哲學系創系 周年 The 60 th Anniversary of Philosophy Department 唐君毅先生銅像揭幕 Bronze Statue of Prof. Tang Chun-I Unveiled 2009年是哲學系創系六十周年,也是新儒家大師、創系系主任及首位講座教授唐君毅先生的百歲冥 壽。學系在5月舉辦多項誌慶活動,包括唐君毅先生銅像奠立儀式、唐君毅先生百歲冥壽紀念展、中 國哲學研究之新方向國際學術研討會。系主任張燦輝教授更親赴美國,訪問兩位唐先生的弟子 —余英時教授及狄百瑞教授,憶述唐先生生平點滴。 The year marks the 60th anniversary of the Department of Philosophy at CUHK, as well as the centenary of Prof. Tang Chun-I, master of Neo-Confucianism, the founding Chairman and the first Chair Professor of the department. The department celebrated these events with a series of activities including the inauguration ceremony of a statue of Prof. Tang, the exhibition on Prof. Tang’s life and works, and the International Conference on new directions in Chinese philosophy. Prof. Cheung Chan-fai, chairman of the department, also made a trip to the US and videotaped the interviews with Prof. Yu Ying-shih and Prof. William Theodore de Bary, both former students of Prof. Tang. an Eminent Scholar In Memory of