Newsletter No. 339

No. 339, 4.6.2009 單孔腹腔鏡闌尾切除手術研究見成效 Research on Single Incision Laparoscopic Appendectomy Bears Fruit 急 性闌尾炎(俗稱盲腸炎)是全球最常見的緊急外 科手術之一,每年全港約有二千宗新症。過去二十 年,醫學界已廣泛利用微創腹腔鏡進行闌尾切除手術,這 類手術至少須要開啟三四個如鑰匙孔般大小的切口。 外科醫生近年深入研究的單孔腹腔鏡闌尾切除手術,只需 開啟一個細小切口,遂可進一步減低病人手術後的創傷及 痛楚,加速復原,傷口也更為美觀。 中大外科學系在4月12日至5月1日利用 嶄新的單孔腹腔鏡技術,成功為七名 闌尾炎病人進行單孔腹腔鏡手術。所有 病人均沒有出現術後併發症,且能在一 天後恢復進食,兩天後出院。手術傷口 位於肚臍附近,只有約1.5厘米闊。 外科學系相信,單孔腹腔鏡將會是治 療闌尾炎的新趨勢。 A cute appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies worldwide and there are an estimated 2,000 new cases per year in Hong Kong. With the rapid development of minimally invasive surgery in the last two decades, laparoscopic appendectomy is now a widely accepted option for acute appendicitis in many institutes. A standard laparoscopic appendectomy requires at least three or four keyhole incisions over the lower abdomen. Recently, there is an increasing interest in the research of single incision laparoscopic operation, which aims at further reducing surgical trauma and wound pain of patients. From 12 April to 1 May 2009, the CUHK Department of Surgery applied this new technique on seven cases involving patients with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis—with success. There was no major post- operative complication. All patients were able to resume oral intake on day one and were discharged on day two. In conclusion, single incision laparoscopic appendectomy is a novel, feasible and safe treatment approach for acute appendicitis. It has the advantages of less wound pain, faster recovery and significantly better cosmetic outcome when compared to the standard laparoscopic appendectomy. The Department of Surgery believes that it may become a standard choice of treatment for acute appendicitis in the future. 單孔腹腔鏡闌尾切除手術 Single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy 中大學術交流獲國際讚揚 CUHK Academic Exchange Receives International Award 中 大的學術交流工作獲得國際讚譽。於四月 在北京人民大學舉辦的第四屆亞洲太平洋 國際教育協會年會開幕禮中,學術交流處處長吳 偉岸先生獲得該會首次頒發的「國際高等教育領 導獎」,讚揚他推動學生及學術交流的貢獻,稱許 他致力培育年輕人才,促進各地院校合作,彰顯跨 文化互諒、耐性、包容、樂觀及友善等價值觀。 亞洲太平洋國際教育協會於2006年由十三所亞洲 大學共同創辦,旨在推動亞太高等教育機構的國 際化,中大為創會成員。 中大的國際聯繫可追溯至1965年,其時創校不久, 已與美國加州大學簽訂交流協議。吳偉岸表示,近 年中大的國際交流發展迅速,人數及院校數目均有 增長。十年前每年只有3%學生有機會作一學期或 一年交流,現時已大幅躍升至約17%。過往交流目 的地主要為北美國家,現時則遍及歐洲、亞太區及 澳洲。 中大的交流夥伴多屬各國頂級大學,惟亦 有不少其他類型,以照顧不同學生的需 要。吳偉岸說:「並非人人都適合或只 想入讀頂級院校,每所院校的強項 都不同,一些院校着重照顧個別學 生的學術發展,期望在語文及學術上 有突破的同學,若有機會到這類大學 體驗,必定獲益良多,英語進步神速。」 因此,大學正不斷拓展及擴闊夥伴院校的涵 蓋面,以切合各類型的學生。 藉着學生交流的基礎,學術交流處亦着力推動教研合作。 吳偉岸續表示,建立持續的學生交流關係,有助雙方加深 認識,利於探索科研合作的空間。他形容學術交流處有如 「做媒」,要了解中大部門的新發展,也要留意外地院校的 趨勢,看似「登對」的,便拉攏雙方討論合作可行性。 M r. Thomas Wu, director of Academic Links, CUHK, was given the first Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Award for Leadership and Collaboration in International Education and Exchange in the APAIE annual conference held in April at Remin University of China in Beijing. The award was presented to him in recognition of his outstanding contribution to international education, especially in student and faculty exchange. Mr. Wu has been constant in mentoring younger professionals, fostering collaborative relationships, and exemplifying the values of cross-cultural understanding, patience, tolerance, optimism and good will. APAIE was founded in 2006 by 13 Asian universities with the aims of activating and reinforcing the internationalization of higher education in the Asia- Pacific region. CUHK was one of the founding members. CUHK’s international links began in 1965 when it signed an agreement on student exchange with the University of California. Mr. Wu said, in recent years, the development of academic exchange in terms of both the number of participants and of participating institutions has been growing rapidly. Ten years ago, only 3% of students could go on term-time exchange, compared to about 17% now. There are also more destinations now, spanning Europe, Asia and Australia. Apart from partnering with non-local top universities, CUHK also has connections with many different types of universities. Mr. Wu said, ‘Not all students are eager to study at top universities and not all are suited for it. All universities have their strengths. Some emphasize pastoral care and academic development. They may be good for students wishing to improve their language and academic competence.’ Based on student exchange programmes, the Office of Academic Links promotes collaborations in teaching and research. Mr. Wu said strong ties in student exchange could help to foster a closer relationship which in turn was conducive to cooperations in research. He drew an analogy between the Office of Academic Links and Cupid, the Roman God of Love. The office is familiar with the latest development of CUHK and the current trends in non-local institutions. When spotting potential good matches, the office will try to bring the two together. 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 二十八項研究項目獲撥款 Twenty-eight Research Projects Receive Grants