Newsletter No. 343
No. 343, 19.9.2009 1 第三四三期 二零零九年九月十九日 No. 343 19 September 2009 同迎繽紛校園生活 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及投稿方法載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 經 過多月的漫長暑假,中大校 園又逐漸熱鬧起來,8月上 旬起,不時有參加各類迎新營的學 生,身穿營衣、一臉好奇的在校園 穿梭。9月7日為新生入學典禮,約 有千五名新生出席,標誌着大學生 活的開始。當天劉遵義校長親授治 學待人的秘笈,提醒學生治學要勇 於向人請益、謙遜、有懷疑精神、 並懂得取捨,認清事情的緩急輕 重,而在待人方面,則要真誠、寬 容和公正。 由8月上旬起,大學舉辦了各類迎新 活動、講座、營會予不同的學生, 先有院系會迎新營(俗稱細O),8月 底為書院新生輔導營(俗稱大O), 另8月底至9月初有專為內地生及 海外生而設的迎新活動,讓「新鮮 人」先作開課前熱身,熟習環境, 認識朋友。 8 月 2 8 日 的 林 蔭 大 道,驕 陽 如 炙,逾 千 六 名 學 生 渾 汗 如 雨,但仍 振 臂高叫「崇 基﹗」、 「新亞﹗」、「聯合﹗」、「逸夫﹗」, 叫聲此起彼落,不絕於耳。當天為 「大O」營會的高潮,四書院學生按 傳統舉行「四院會師」,高叫口號, 情緒高漲,不斷為自己書院搖旗吶喊 打氣,叫聲夾雜着鑼鼓聲、喧嘩聲、 歡笑聲,響徹雲霄,氣氛熾熱;及後 學生又合力砌出「中大」兩個中文字 的圖案,象徵他們雖來自不同書院, 卻團結一心建立中大精神。 「大O」營會在8月26至29日舉行, 因源於中大獨有的書院制,故僅見 於中大。營會由各書院學生會設 計,讓學生更認識所屬書院,培養 歸屬感。 大學又為內地本科生籌辦了為期 十三天的迎新營,約有二百六十名 學生參加;而陪伴子女來港開學的 家長,營會也有一環節安排他們遊 覽校園,欣賞這優美的學習環境。 至於為海外生而設的迎新活動,約 有四十人出席,活動內容包括介 紹中大的講座,並安排他們遊覽 景點,以及舉行分享會,讓新舊 海外生濟濟一堂,分享中大讀書的 經驗。 On 28 August, a festive mood pervaded the campus as over 1,600 students flocked to the University Mall. Though sweating under the burning sun, they chanted ‘CC’, ‘NA’, ‘UC’, ‘Shaw’ in high spirits in support of their affiliated Colleges. This was the traditional ‘slogan chanting activity’ at which new students gathered and chanted slogans for their Colleges. Afterwards they came together to form the characters for the words ‘Chinese University’, symbolizing solidarity in the building of the CUHK spirit. Held from 26 to 29 August, the Big O’Camp is the only one of its kind among local universities as CUHK is the only institution with a college system. The camp was organized by the College student unions with the aim of developing in students a sense of belonging to their Colleges. A 13-day orientation camp held for new mainland students attracted over 260 participants. Some of the parents took part in the campus tour specially arranged for them. About 40 international students joined the CUHK orientation. Various activities including talks, sight-seeing tours, sharing with current non-local students were offered to these freshmen to let them learn more about life and studies at CUHK and in Hong Kong. A Wonderful Campus Life A fter a long summer vacation, the sleepy campus became active again. Cheerful and curious faces can be found everywhere since early August. The inauguration ceremony for freshmen held on 7 September denoted the start of a new chapter in life for the students. Nearly 1,500 freshmen were in attendance. In his welcoming speech, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, encouraged them to maintain an open mind and to be humble, skeptical, and to set priorities and be selective. When talking about how to treat others, he urged them to be honest, tolerant and fair. Armed with such useful advice, the students should be well-prepared for university life. Starting from early August, a series of orientation camps, talks and activities were held for freshmen. The earliest was the Faculty/Departmental Orientation Camp (aka Small O’Camp), followed by the College Orientation Camp (aka Big O’Camp). There were also orientations for mainland and international students from late August to early September. All these aim at familiarizing freshmen with CUHK and encouraging them to make new friends.
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