Newsletter No. 343
2 No. 343, 19.9.2009 T o many staff and alumni of CUHK, the University Guest House situated on Residence Road, next to Shaw College is the depository of many fond memories of past gatherings and activities. The Guest House actually consists of two parts: the University Guest House II has seven rooms providing temporary lodging to University visitors; the Staff Common Room Clubhouse, familiar to those who work and live on campus, is a bright and airy house filled with laughter and lively conversation during lunch hour. In view of the overall planning of campus development, the Guest House will be relocated to the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex High Block on Clinic Road. The new premises, with approximately the same dining capacity, overlooks the Chung Chi campus and Ma On Shan in the distance. A short downhill walk from central campus will take one to the serene location of the new Guest House. Vehicular access is equally convenient. As the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin is now providing accommodation to University visitors, the relocated Guest House can dedicate itself to better dining service to members and alumni. Mr. Gallen Kwan, general manager of the University Guest House System, said, ‘We will take this opportunity to plan a greater variety of gourmet, such 天下有不散之筵席 大學賓館覓得新址 對 不少中大人來說,位於士林路、毗鄰逸夫書院 的大學賓館凝固了不少回憶,是很多教職員及 校友聚會及舉行活動的場地。大學賓館其實由兩幢平房 組成,「大學賓館二座」設有七間套房,供訪校學人短 期居停;「教職員會所餐廳」則更廣為中大人熟悉,每 逢工作天午飯時間,滿座高朋師友的歡聲笑語、閒話家 常,充盈繚繞這座白色小屋。 為配合大學發展及整體校園規劃,大學賓館須覓地重置 爐灶,最近敲定了一個理想的新址——大學本部邊緣、 保健路五旬節會樓高座的地下,餐廳面積及座位數目跟 現時相若。新址鄰近何東夫人堂、學生宿舍、昆棟樓、 曙光樓、雅禮賓館等,遙望崇基校園,更遼遠處則有馬 鞍山的山與水。新的大學賓館靈秀依然,從中央校園前 往,只要走一段短短的下坡路,便可到達,附近也有足 夠停車位,走路開車同樣方便。 沙田凱悅酒店落成後,為訪校人士提供了更多住宿服 務,故遷移後的大學賓館可以集中向會員及校友提供 更佳的餐飲服務。大學賓館系統總經理關智康先生說: 「我們將在原有的基礎上,構思新的菜色及服務,例如 烘製新鮮麪包、設置示範廚房提供烹飪興趣班服務、推 出私房菜等,務求在提升餐飲水準之餘,也作出多元發 展。」 在大學賓館工作了十三年的服務員駱郁女士知道賓館將 要遷址,她說:「不會不習慣的,因為我知道不論搬到 哪裏,都會見到我們熟悉的客人及得到大家的支持。賓 客與館址,兩者同樣重要。」 成立了二十九年的大學賓館,已經成為校園內一個次文 化。會員人數穩定,約千多人,有定期電子通訊維繫。 這樣的一個次文化,食物質素和用餐地點固然重要,但 最重要的是會員之間的關係,以及會員如何利用賓館的 設施及服務。這次遷址安排,加上賓館適時銳意求新, 將會為這個次文化帶來正面的衝擊。 現階段新館的設計、搬遷的籌劃才剛起步,預計正式遷 入新址的日子不會早於明年2月。大家熟悉的白色小屋 舊會所餐廳,將會考慮發展成為伍宜孫書院院址的一部 分。各位大學賓館的忠實擁躉請放心,豐盛的筵席還是 會繼續開下去的,不論是在士林路,還是在保健路。 as fresh bakery and ‘speakeasy’ dining ( si fang cai ), build new facilities such as a show kitchen to offer cooking classes and provide better services.’ Ms. Winnie Lok has worked as waitress at the Guest House for 13 years. Learning of the impending removal, she said, ‘I think it will be fine. I know that no matter where we relocate to, we will be serving the same old familiar faces and receiving their support.’ The University Guest House has been in operation for 29 years and formed a subculture on campus. Its membership of a thousand strong are connected by, inter alia, an electronic newsletter. Food and location are important to such a subculture. But equally important is the relationship between members and how they make use of the Guest House and its facilities. The relocation and reinvention will definitely spell good for the Guest House System. The design of the new premises and removal matters have just begun. It is expected that the removal will not take place before February 2010. The Staff Common Room Clubhouse will form part of the new Wu Yee Sun College. Those who care about the Guest House can rest assured that the same good meals are served, whether on Residence Road or Clinic Road. Finding a New Home: 新大學賓館模擬設計透視圖 Perspective sketch of the new Guest House 從新大學賓館眺望崇基校園及馬鞍山 View from the new Guest House of Chung Chi campus and Ma On Shan
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