Newsletter No. 343

8 No. 343, 19.9.2009 1 化學過程的美在哪裏? What (beauty) do you see in the chemical process? 化學屬於分子科學。化學家可以改變分子結構和特性,作不同 的應用,這是一門具創意的科學。麻省理工的Stephen Lippard 說得好:「人類的想像力無疆界,因此化學範疇永無止境。」 Chemistry is a molecular science. Chemists can change the structure and properties of a molecule and use it for different applications. It’s also a creative science. Stephen Lippard of MIT says it well: ‘Since human imagination has no boundaries, the field of chemistry can therefore never be considered mature.’ 2 分子的互動和人際互動,兩者之間有沒有相似之處? 你喜歡哪一種? Are there similarities between interaction on the molecular level and on the interpersonal level? Which do you favour? 人與人之間的關係和化學反應一樣,或多或少受許多變數左 右。你以尊重和耐心待人,你們之間的關係是否就一定好呢? 不一定。相較之下,化學物質就沒有那麼複雜。畢竟世上只有 百多種化學元素,而且化學物質沒有情緒。我喜歡化學,但亦 需要建立人際網絡。 There’s always uncertainty in human relationships, as in chemical reactions to a certain extent. If you treat someone with respect and patience, does it mean things will be great between the two of you? Not necessarily. Compared to people, chemicals are less complex. After all, there are only 100-plus chemical elements, and chemicals don’t have moods. I love Chemistry, but I also need to establish an interpersonal network. 3 你出任大學輔導長已有七個月,你認為最大的挑戰 是甚麼? Seven months into the job as University Dean of Students, what do you think are your major challenges? 我很想了解同學的想法和需要,但要建立一個良好和廣泛的 溝通平台是有一定的困難,因為中大有逾二萬名本科生及研究 生,同學的背景廣泛多元,既有本地生,又有內地生和海外生。 I want to understand what’s on students’ minds and what they need. But it’s a challenge to build a comprehensive network that covers everyone. We have more than 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, including local, mainland and overseas students. We do have a broad and diverse mix here at CUHK. 4 這七個月以來,你是否有與同學緊密合作解決問題 或達成共同目標的經驗? Can you share an experience of closely working with students in resolving an issue or achieving a common goal in the last seven months? 教務會重組可算是其中一個例子。有些同學認為中大學生會 會長應為重組後的教務會的當然成員,但這點與經廣泛討論 後達至的決定──其中一名學生代表由全體本科生選出── 相牴觸。同學當然有他們的理據,但對於經嚴謹程序達成的 決議,我們該如何對待?為此教務會召開了特別會議,在當中 老師和同學分享了彼此的看法,同學看到大學重視他們的意 見,老師也明白同學是理性行事。這事件加深了校方與同學的 互相了解。 The reorganization of the Senate. Some student members were of the view that the President of the Chinese University Student Union should be an ex-officio member of the reorganized Senate, which was at odds with the decision already reached after wide-ranging discussions, that one of the student members be elected by and from among all undergraduates. The students had their point of course, but what should we do with the proposal that had been passed after a rigorous process? At a Senate meeting specially convened for the purpose, teachers shared their views with the students. The students could see that the University was taking their views seriously and the teachers could see that the students were conducting themselves rationally. The incident deepened the understanding between the University and the students. 5 你曾在香港(中大)、英國(牛津大學)和美國(加州 理工學院)的頂尖學府求學和工作。與牛津和加州 理工相比,中大的學生生活如何? You’ve studied and worked at top universities in Hong Kong (CUHK), the UK (Oxford) and the US (Caltech). How does CUHK compare to Oxford and Caltech in terms of student life? 我在牛津時是研究生,在加州理工時從事博士後研究。我在實 驗室工作的時間很長,比較少與本科生交流。但我察覺到,在 那些大學的研究團隊之間和學生之間交流甚多。香港學生多 自顧自的,很少主動去接觸別人。 At Oxford, I was a graduate student and at Caltech, a postdoctorate. I was always in the lab and didn’t engage in much interaction with undergraduate students. But I did notice that there’s more interaction among research teams and among students at those universities. Hong Kong students tend to keep to themselves; they’re less forthcoming. 6 這些年來,中大同學的特質有甚麼變化? How have the traits of CUHK students changed over the years? 多得互聯網和科技進步,同學學習新事物,如Facebook,比 以前更快。不過,比起以往的同學,他們的耐性和毅力稍遜。 由於生長在富裕社會,獨立能力也較低。 Thanks to the Internet and other technological advancements, students master new things such as Facebook more quickly now. That said, they’re not as patient and persevering as before. And having grown up in an affluent society, they’re less independent. 7 學生事務處會有甚麼新發展? What developments can be expected from the Office of Student Affairs? 我們有優秀的團隊,轄下的四個組別提供全方位的服務,協助 同學全面發展。我們向與書院及學院緊密合作,提供指導及支 援,加強同學的體驗式學習及就業技能;我們亦關心同學的精 神健康,設有專業心理輔導予有需要的同學;此外,我們今年 將舉辦關顧校園運動,推廣關顧文化;至於非本地生,我們重 視個人關顧,並藉各類活動推動文化交流。 We have an excellent team. The four sections provide comprehensive services to students, facilitating their all- round development. We will continue to work closely with the Colleges and Faculties to provide guidance and support for students to enhance their experiential learning and career development. We care about the mental health of our students and offer professional psychological counselling for those in need. A ‘Caring Campus’ campaign will be launched this year to promote a caring culture in campus. We will also offer pastoral care at a personal level for non-local students and help to promote cultural diversity through various activities. 8 香港的大學生最需要哪些價值觀或品質? What values or qualities do you think a university- educated young person in Hong Kong needs most? 他們應該有理想、有毅力,並且懂得為達成自己的目標而籌 謀。他們也應該有自省能力。 They should have vision, perseverance and be able to plan for the fulfilment of their goals. They should also be self- reflective. 9 近日有關年輕人濫用毒品消息,令人憂心忡忡。你對 於年輕人是否樂觀? Are you optimistic about our youth in general (given so much troubling news about drug abuse)? 我們必須要樂觀,因為他們是社會的未來。遇到這些問題,我 們必須正視,並在有需要時為年輕人提供指導。 Yes, we need to be optimistic. They’re the future of our society. We need to confront these problems and give them guidance, when the need arises. 10 閒聊時你有甚麼消遣? What do you do in your free time? 我喜歡中國音樂,尤其是二胡。我也喜歡逛書店和看武俠小 說。但現在工作繁忙,能做這些事的時間不多。 I like Chinese music, especially erhu music. I also like browsing in bookstores and reading martial arts novels. But my jobs leave me very little time for that. Prof. Denni s Ng 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問黃乃正教授 Prof. Henry N.C. Wong will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming