Newsletter No. 343
No. 343, 19.9.2009 7 O 新任校董會主席 New Council Chairman 經大學校董會提名,大學監督委任校董鄭海泉博士為下一任大學校 董會主席,由2009年10月24日起生效,接替於今年10月23日任滿 後榮休的鄭維健博士。 On the nomination of the University Council, the Chancellor of the University has appointed Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, a member of the Council, as the next Chairman of the University Council with effect from 24 October 2009, succeeding Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng who will retire upon the expiry of his present term of office on 23 October 2009. 新任博文講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任蒙代爾教授為博文講座教授,由2009年9月1日起生效。 蒙代爾教授曾於麻省理工學院及倫敦經濟學院就讀,1956取得麻省 理工學院博士學位。他曾執教於史丹福大學、The Johns Hopkins Bologna Center of Advanced International Studies及芝加哥大學, 自1974年起出任哥倫比亞大學經濟學講座教授。有「歐羅之父」之 稱的蒙代爾教授,1999年獲頒諾貝爾經濟學獎。 Prof. Robert A. Mundell has been appointed Distinguished Professor- at-Large with effect from 1 September 2009. Professor Mundell received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1956 after studying at MIT and the London School of Economics. He taught at Stanford University, the Johns Hopkins Bologna Center of Advanced International Studies and the University of Chicago. He has served as Professor of Economics at Columbia University since 1974. Known as ‘Father of the Euro’ for his work on currencies and monetary policy, Professor Mundell received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1999. 中大師生報普通話測試享優惠 Privileged Putonghua Test Enrolment for CU Link Cardholders 由普通話教育研究及發展中心舉辦的第三十八期普通話水平測試,將於本年12月初舉行, 中大通持有人可於即日起至9月28日享優先報名,並獲達一百元的折扣優惠,以及價值 二百四十元的三小時導試班名額,名額有限,先到先得。詳情請參閱中心網頁: www.fed. , 查詢請致電2609 6749或電 郵 。 The 38th Putonghua Proficiency Test will be held by the Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education in early December 2009. CU Link cardholders enjoy privileged enrolment from now to 28 September — HK$100 off the examination fee and a free three- hour lecture on the test (worth HK$240) on a first-come, first-served basis. Details are available on the centre’s website . For enquiries, please contact the centre at 2609 6749 or . 2010至11年度教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2010 –11 關祖堯教職員進修基金、利希慎教職員進修基金及中英友好信託獎學金現接受申請。有 意者可上網瀏覽詳情,網址為 asp 。 截止申請日期為2009年10月30日。查詢可致電人事處(2609 7876 / 8607)。 其他教職員進修資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流 / 交換計劃的資料,已於8月中旬 送達各學院院長、系主任及部門主管,並載於上述網頁。 The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development, the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund are now open for application. Interested staff members may obtain detailed information at https://perntc.per . . The deadline for application is 30 October 2009. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (2609 7876 / 8607). A summary of other staff development grants/programmes and major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Office of Academic Links has been sent to all Faculty deans and department chairmen/unit heads in mid-August for reference. It is also available on the website mentioned above. 換領2009至10年度泊車證 Renewal of Parking Label for 2009 –10 2008至09年度泊車證之有效期將於2009年9月30日屆滿。2009至10年度新泊車證將於 2009年10月1日起生效,現已可供申領。 申領新證時,須將舊證交還保安組,並提交駕駛執照、車輛登記文件及保險單(或其副 本)以便核閱。基於私隱及保安理由,持證人須親自或委託代表到保安組辦理換證手續。 詳情及申請表格,請於保安組網頁閱覽及下載 html 。 University parking labels for the 2008–09 school year are due to expire on 30 September 2009. New labels for the 2009–10 school year, valid from 1 October 2009, are ready for collection. You are required to return the old label when submitting your application for the new one. Your driving licence, vehicle registration document and insurance policy (or photocopy) should be produced for verification. For privacy and security reasons, parking label renewal should be processed in person or through a designated representative. Please visit the Security Unit webpage for details and the application form. 奮進一甲子—新亞書院歷史圖片展 Six Decades of Endeavour: A Pictorial History of New Asia College 由桂林街到農圃道,由農圃道到沙田,新亞書院走過了充滿挑戰又豐盛的歲月。2009年標 誌着新亞書院邁向六十周年。為慶祝這難忘時刻,書 院於9月舉辦歷史圖片展覽,展出一系列印證着書院成 長、發展、鞏固及進步的珍貴圖片及文物,展覽詳情 如下,查詢請聯絡林先生(2696 1963/ cyruslam@cuhk. )。 From Kweilin Street to Farm Road, to Shatin, New Asia College has gone through challenging and bountiful times. Since its establishment in 1949, the College has experienced growth, consolidation and advancement. The year 2009 marks the 60th anniversary of New Asia College. In celebration, a historical photo exhibi- tion themed Six Decades of Endeavour will be held in fall this year. Details are as follows. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Lam at 2696 1963/ cyruslam@cuhk. . 展期 Exhibition Period 日期 Date 25/9 – 25/10/2009 地點 Time 大學圖書館展覽廳 University Library Exhibition Hall 開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony 日期 Date 25/9/2009 時間 Time 4:00 pm 地點 Venue 大學圖書館展覽廳 University Library Exhibition Hall 開幕典禮茶會暨新亞書院六十周年院慶茶會 Opening Tea Reception cum The 60th Anniversary Tea Reception of New Asia College 日期 Date 25/9/2009 時間 Time 4:30 pm 地點 Venue 中國文化研究所庭園 Courtyard, Institute of Chinese Studies 中大學者群像相片展 A Fellowship of Learning: Portraits of CUHK Researchers 中大的研究人員,以增進擴大人類的知識為己任,並於多個重要研究領域躋身國際前列。 本地著名攝影家謝至德先生,以鏡頭捕捉了中大三十 五位出色研究人員的神韻,希望觀者得睹本校研究活 動之包羅萬象,並從中感受研究人員傾注心力、上下 求索之精神。展覽由研究事務處及資訊處合辦,詳情 如下: CUHK researchers have been at the forefront of scholarly pursuits and have helped to push back the frontiers of knowledge. Mr. Ducky Tse, a famous homegrown photographer, has captured on celluloid 35 of these remarkable researchers. This exhibition, co- organized by the Research Administration Office and the Information Services Office, will give the viewers an idea of the impressive range of CUHK’s research activities and the scope of their intellectual endeavours. Details are: 日期 Date 29/9 – 9/10/2009 時間 Opening Hours 9:00 am – 6:00 pm 星期日及公眾假期休息 Closed on Sundays and public holidays 開幕酒會 Opening Reception 4:30 pm 29/9/2009 地點 Venue 邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳 Foyer Gallery, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall
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