Newsletter No. 346

No. 346, 4.11.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 可持續發展?環境發展? Sustainable Development? • 甚 麼是可持續發展?前香港天文台台長林超英先生 於10月16日在中大指出,可持續發展的概念始於 1970年代,其目的是讓人類可永續生存。 林先生的講座題為「可持續發展?」。一般認為可持續發展 包含經濟、社會和環境發展三方面,但林先生質疑環境從 沒有發展起來,一直以來討論的只是減少對環境的破壞而 已。他並以地球過去六十萬年的轉變為佐證,農牧和工業 革命出現後,二氧化碳和甲烷的排放不斷增加,排放量更 因近半世紀的城市化、物質主義和消費主義而大幅飆升, 全球暖化也愈趨嚴重。 林先生認為當務之急,是善用科技、善待自然和善育靈性, 以達至人類與自然共存的可持續發展。 是次講座為工程學院及社會科學院合辦的「可持續發展工 程講座系列」的第一講,系列共六講,旨在增進中大師生 的環保知識,從而推動校內開展更多關於環保的工程學研 究項目,提供更多高效能的綠色方案,以節約能源及減少 污染。 W hat is sustainable development? ‘The concept of sustainable development was first brought forth in the 1970s with the aim of sustaining human survival,’ said Mr. Lam Chiu-ying, former director of the Hong Kong Observatory, who delivered a lecture titled ‘Sustaining What?’ on campus on 16 October. It is assumed that sustainable development encompasses economic, social and environmental developments. However, Mr. Lam questioned that the environment has never been developed. ‘We have just been talking about how to minimize the damage to our environment.’ He also recalled the environmental changes of the earth over the past 600,000 years as an example. The emissions of carbon dioxide and methane have been increasing since the emergence of farming and rearing activities, and the industrial revolution. The increase has taken an alarming speed over the past 50 years due to urbanization, materialism and consumerism, spurring the threat of global warming. Mr. Lam pointed out that sustainability could only be achieved by maintaining harmony between man and nature. In a nutshell, we should use technology wisely, care for our environment wholeheartedly, and cultivate our spiritual well-being. The lecture kicked off the ‘Sustainable Engineering Seminar Series’ co-organized by the Faculties of Engineering and Social Science. A total of six seminars are to be held, which aim at promoting environmental knowledge among CUHK teachers and students, and encouraging more engineering research projects to contribute to developing green solutions for pollution and energy over-consumption. 逸夫同學關心世界 Shaw Students Care about the World • 逸 夫書院在10月16日舉行題為「逸夫同學關心世界」 的書院聚會,兩隊在暑假期間遠赴柬埔寨和四川 省當義工的學生,與同學分享服務所得。 到柬埔寨的是逸夫書院扶輪青年服務團的二十一名學生, 他們探訪孤兒院和殘障兒童之家,又到貧民村派發白米, 參觀垃圾山、萬人塚及罪行博物館等。 那邊廂,逸夫書院院長沈祖堯教授率領二十名學生,前往 去年四川地震災區北川縣,提供災後服務。服務團主要探 訪當地中小學及板房區,教授英語,並提供簡單醫療檢查 和資訊等。 八天的行程令計量金融學二年級的四川內地生劉方舟感 受良多,她發現災民物資不缺,有些家庭甚至有筆記型電 腦,但她覺得︰「物質幫助固然重要,但更重要的是精神支 援,讓他們走出悲傷。」 沈祖堯教授的兩名朋友合共捐贈六十萬元,資助逸夫同學 繼續參與四川災後服務。沈教授說︰「書院非常重視及鼓 勵學生參與社會服務,提供許多體驗及交流的機會,期望 他們不只專注學業,更可以關心社會、服務人群。」 O n 16 October, two groups of Shaw students shared their experiences and gains from their visits to Cambodia and Sichuan with their fellow students in the Shaw College Assembly entitled ‘Shaw Students Care about the World’. Twenty-one students of the Rotaract Club of Shaw College went to Cambodia to volunteer at orphanages and a disabled children’s home. They distributed rice to impoverished villagers, and paid visits to garbage hills, killing fields and a genocide museum. Led by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, head of Shaw College, another group of students visited Beichuan county of Sichuan province, one of the hardest hit areas in last year’s earthquake. They visited schools and temporary housing areas, taught English and provided basic medical services to the locals. Liu Fangzhou, a native of Sichuan and second-year quantitative finance major, learned a lot from the eight-day trip. Although the victims were not lacking in resources, she said, ‘While material assistance is important, what more important is moral support that can help them get over their psychological trauma.’ Two friends of Professor Sung have donated HK$600,000 to support Shaw students to provide post-disaster services to the victims. Professor Sung said, ‘By providing many opportunities to see the world, Shaw College encourages our students to commit themselves to community service. We hope that they not only excel in academic performance, but also care about society and are willing to serve people in need.’