Newsletter No. 346

No. 346, 4.11.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 丘成桐教授主講「研求之樂」 Professor Yau Shing-tung on ‘The Joy of Research’ • 研 究院在9月28日舉辦「研究院講座系列」,首場名為 「研求之樂」的講座,邀得博文講座教授丘成桐主 講。二百多名中大研究生及教職員踴躍出席。 研究院院長黃永成教授(右)致送紀念品予丘成桐教授 Prof. Wong Wing-shing (right), dean of Graduate School, presents a souvenir to Prof. Yau Shing-tung 四 川省劍閣縣下寺村新芽小學,在去 年四川大地震後頓成危樓。建築學 院朱競翔教授率領研究小組,研發了創新 的輕型結構建築系統,在兩周內為學生重 建新校。 新校舍以輕鋼框架為主幹,再以預製牆 板與之拉接,形成複合的輕型結構系統。 雖然外牆僅十六厘米厚,卻可抵禦強烈 地震,而且輕鋼框架受面材及表面塗層保 護,壽命最少達二十年。 新芽小學重建工程獲中大新亞四川重建基 金及香港龍的文化慈善基金資助,已於9月 竣工。新校舍除造價便宜、結構安全外,施工過程也極為 簡易,在建築學院人員指導下,三十名香港及內地的大學 生和建築師,在短短兩周內已建成四百五十平方米的永久 校舍。 朱教授表示:「新芽校舍的突破性研究解決了長久以來建 築速度與質量的矛盾,它的設計整合了不同的製造潛能, 而現場的建造活動更成為凝聚社群、傳遞知識的良好契 機。」 朱教授的研究團隊現正着手興建第二所四川新芽小學,並 致力進一步發展及推廣高集成度的環保建築產品。 建築學院創新設計 兩周建成抗震校舍 Seismic Proof School Built in Two Weeks • T he old building of the New Bud Primary School at Xiasi village in Sichuan’s Jiange County was seriously damaged in the earthquake last year. A research team led by Prof. Zhu Jingxiang of the School of Architecture has developed an integrated light-structure system for the reconstruction of the school. The primary load-bearing part of the new school is a light-gauge steel frame, which is strengthened by a prefabricated panel system. Although the wall is only 16cm thick, the system is able to resist high seismic forces. Under the protection of the outer panel and surface coating, the life of the skeleton is expected to last over 20 years. With the support of the CUHK New Asia Sichuan Redevelopment Fund and the Hong Kong Dragon Culture Charity Fund, the new school was completed in September. The building is safe and durable, and the construction cost is low. Its on-site assembly is also an easy task. With the guidance of CUHK researchers, 30 volunteers including university students recruited from the mainland and Hong Kong, as well as architects, built the 450-square-metre new school within just two weeks. Professor Zhu said, ‘This research has ironed out the long-existing contradiction between construction speed and quality. It does not only integrate the potential ability of different manufacturers, but also provides an opportunity to unite different communities and disseminate knowledge.’ Professor Zhu and his team are now working on the construction of the second New Bud Primary School and strive to improve and popularize this highly integrated sustainable architecture. 新芽小學環保設計 Eco Features of the New Bud Primary School 環保措施 Eco Features 好處 Benefits 採用隔熱及儲熱物料,配合多層構 造及恰當的門窗位置與面積比率 thermal insulation and storage materials multi-layer envelope system ratio of the doors and windows carefully designed • • • 使室內冬暖夏涼 classrooms cool in summer and warm in winter 分散式的自然採光與通風系統 decentralized opening system to bring in day-light and natural ventilation 大大減少能源消耗 energy consumption reduced greatly 多以機械方式裝嵌框架,減少使用 化學膠結劑 mechanical joints to minimize the use of chemical compounds 避免產生有害物質 toxic emission avoided 裝設太陽能淋浴設備及尿糞分離 式廁所 solar water heater and eco-friendly toilet 改善農村衞生 rural sanitation improved 舊校舍的建築材料,用作新校舍的 墊層、鋪地和蓄熱體 materials dismantled from the old school reused as paver, spacer or thermal mass 物資循環再用,減少浪費 waste reduced 在約一小時的講話中,丘教授與師生分享他於學術研究領 域中奔馳的心路歷程。 丘教授是舉世聞名的數學家,他深受中國文學及史學的啓 發,認為:「數學創作也如寫小說,總不能遠離實際。《紅 樓夢》能夠扣人心弦,乃是因為這部悲劇描述出家族的腐 敗、社會的不平、青春的無奈,是一個普羅眾生的問題。好 的數學也應當能接觸到大自然中各種不同的現象,這樣才 能夠深入,才能夠傳世。」 「研究院講座系列」旨在為研究生帶來與國際知名學者交 流的機會。 T he first ever Graduate School Seminar Series was kicked off with the lecture ‘The Joy of Research’ by Prof. Yau Shing-tung, Distinguished Professor-at-Large, on 28 September. In the one-hour lecture, Professor Yau shared his personal experience in and insights on research with over 200 CUHK postgraduate students and staff. A world renowned mathematician, Professor Yau is greatly inspired by Chinese literature and history. He pointed out that ‘Like novel writing, creativity in mathematics cannot deviate from the real world. The Dream of the Red Chamber touches countless readers because its tragic narrative portrays everyday social problems like decadent life in an extended family, inequality in society and helplessness of youth. Only when mathematic studies touch on the myriad of natural phenomena can they be developed deeply and passed on from generation to generation.’ The Graduate School Seminar Series aims at offering graduate students an opportunity to meet with and learn from world renowned research leaders. 朱競翔教授 Prof. Zhu Jingxiang