Newsletter No. 348
No. 348, 4.12.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 兩岸三校運動賽中大奪三亞 Three Silvers in Friendship Games 兩 岸三校學生運動友誼賽是北京大學、香港中文大學和台灣大 學三校間的體育文化交流活動。本年第五屆賽事於10月27日 至31日假北京大學體育館進行,計有女子籃球、男女子羽毛球及男女 子乒乓球三項,本校在三項賽事中均名列亞軍。 T he fifth University Friendship Games, a sporting event organized by CUHK jointly with Peking University and the University of Taiwan, took place this year from 27 to 31 October at the Sport Centre of Peking University. The CUHK teams clinched silver in the three competitions, namely, women’s basketball, men’s and women’s badminton, men’s and women’s table tennis. • 康本國際學術園奠基 Foundation Stone Laid for Yasumoto Park • 中 大在11月9日舉行「康本國際學術園奠基典禮暨康 本國際交流獎學金計劃敬謝典禮」,由( 左起 )康本 健守博士伉儷、劉遵義校長及日本駐港總領事佐藤重和先 生主持。康本博士於2005年惠捐港幣一億元予中大,設立 康本國際交流獎學金計劃,以支持大學的國際學術交流活 動。大學和所有受惠同學對其慷慨支持均銘感於心,為表 謝意,特成立康本國際學術園,預計在2012年完成。 T he Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for the Yasumoto International Academic Park and Appreciation Ceremony of the Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship Scheme was held on 9 November. (From left) Mrs. and Dr. Alex K. Yasumoto; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; and Mr. Shigekazu Sato, The ambassadors contacted over 2,000 alumni in four weeks, providing them updates on the development of the University, inviting them to make contributions to the alma mater in any form such as making donations, offering services or mentoring students. The response was much better than expected. Over half of the alumni approached were willing to support the University and some HK$3,300,000 was raised. All donations will be spent on students, such as by setting up scholarships and bursaries, funding student exchange programmes and student activities, as well as upgrading student facilities. Sowing the Seeds of Love Mr. Ricky Cheng, Director of Institutional Advancement, was very satisfied with the results. Apart from raising funds, he affirms that the campaign brought about intangible benefits. It has strengthened the bond and communication between alumni and their alma mater and solidified their determination to support the University. He believes that although no one can say for sure when the seeds sown will sprout, they have laid a foundation of caring for the University. For instance, the alumni are willing to serve as mentors and share their experiences with our students. When there are internship opportunities in their companies, CUHK students would first come to their minds. ‘I hope the caring culture can be passed on to future generations. When current students who have benefited from the generosity of the alumni have graduated, they may in turn assist future CUHK students. These acts of kindness will make the University a place of love and caring,’ Mr. Cheng said. Alice Chan, Year 2 student of English Studies and English Language Education, was one of the ambassadors. ‘Talking with the alumni acquaints me with university (接上頁 Continued ) 學生大使陳逸嵐 Alice Chan, one of the ambassadors life in the old days. I also inform them of the latest developments of the University such as the establishment of the new Colleges.’ Alice said some alumni were very glad to receive her call. Though they never met, Alice enjoyed sincere conversations with many, with some phone calls having lasted over 45 minutes. Every Cent Counts Alice said one alumnus made a 50-year pledge. ‘The economy has ups and downs and no one can tell what will happen in the future. However, this 50-year promise represents a long-lasting relationship with the alma mater that won’t fail even in an adverse times.’ Anna Chan, Year 2 student of Chinese Medicine, joined the campaign as an ambassador. She was impressed by the alumni’s enthusiasm. ‘They were very generous with their time.’ What’s more, Mr. Yeung Siu-fung, an economics graduate in 1992, acted on his own initiative to call upon other members of his graduating class and College to set up a named scholarship. ‘It is amazing that CUHK alumni are still in touch with each other even after having graduated for more than a decade. They are concerned about the development of the University and hope to promote a learning atmosphere. CUHK alumni are vey special people,’ said Alice. Consul General of Japan in Hong Kong, officiated at the ceremony. In 2005, Dr. Yasumoto made a magnificent donation of HK$100 million to CUHK to establish the Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship Scheme in support of international academic exchange activities of the University. The University and all Yasumoto Scholars benefiting from the scheme are grateful for the generous support. As a token of appreciation, the University has decided to establish Yasumoto International Academic Park, which is expected to be completed by 2012.
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