Newsletter No. 348
No. 348, 4.12.2009 獎學金得主參與研討會感言: Here’s how CUHK Fung Scholars at the conference feel about the event: 張頌欣(崇基/專業會計學/三年級) Cheung Chung-yan Jessica (CC/PAC/Year 3) 這次會議讓我看到馮經綸慈善基金有限公司對培育年輕領袖 的貢獻與願景。 I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the foundation for arranging the conference, which clearly demonstrated their commitment to nurturing future leaders. 盧貽浚(崇基/風險管理科學/四年級) Lo I-tsun Jacky (CC/RMS/Year 4) 是次會議讓我獲益良多。我不但有機會從多位傑出企業家身 上學習,更能與世界各地學生交流,真是一舉兩得。 The Li & Fung Leadership Conference has definitely broadened my horizons and redefined the way I think. I have learnt a lot from the insightful speeches and I enjoyed very much interacting with other scholars. 甯靜儀(崇基/語言學/四年級) Ning Ching-yee Jeni (CC/LIN/Year 4) 這次利豐學者會議確實是一次難能可貴的經驗。鍾普洋先生 強調「信任」是企業家成功不可或缺的要素,這種嶄新的管理 哲學帶給我很大的啟發。他們的人生經驗和建議對我們這些 年輕人來說絕對是不可多得的。 This conference was exceptionally rewarding. I was inspired by the ‘trust’ philosophy highlighted by Mr. Po Chung, who sees trusting others as an indispensable attribute for a successful entrepreneur. The advice and guidance given were invaluable. 利豐獎學金得主學習企業家成功路 CUHK Fung Scholars Learn from Successful Entrepreneurs • 在 2009至10年度,共有三十二名中大學生獲得利豐獎學金,其中四人於10月31日往 上海,與逾六十名來自美國、新加坡、內地及香港的利豐獎學金得主聚首一堂,參 加題為「企業家乃經濟復甦的希望?」的馮氏學者領袖研討會。 研討會的講者是敦豪國際亞太區創辦人兼榮休主席鍾普洋先生,以及美國德太投資公司 合夥人兼董事總經理馬雪征女士,他們與利豐集團及馮經綸慈善基金有限公司主席馮國 經博士,向一眾未來企業家講述自己的成功故事。 I n 2009–10, 32 CUHK students received the Li & Fung Scholarship. Four of them attended the Fung Scholars Leadership Conference 2009, held on 31 October in Shanghai with the theme ‘Entrepreneurs, Our Hope for Economic Recovery. True?’. Over 60 Fung Scholars from the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, and mainland China got together to listen to the inspirational sharing by Dr. Victor Fung, chairman of the Li & Fung Group and the Victor and William Foundation, and two distinguished guest speakers, Mr. Po Chung, co-founder and chairman emeritus of DHL International, and Ms. Mary Ma, partner and managing director of TPG Capital Limited. 微軟要員講述未來電腦科技 Microsoft Chief Officer on Future of Computing • 微 軟公司首席研究暨策略長克瑞格.蒙迪先生在 11月16日蒞臨中大演說,與四百多名學生和學者分 享他對電腦科技未來發展的願景。 在演說中,蒙迪先生講解多項先進科技,分析科技如何改 變人類與世界的互動模式;並探討電腦科技可為各個學 科帶來哪些機遇。他還即場展示了一些先進科技,包括空 間性計算、預測性計算,以及3D和自然用戶介面,講解這 些技術將如何裨益全球的教育、醫療、能源和環境等重要 課題。 蒙迪先生同時頒發2009年微軟學者獎學金予香港區獲獎 學生。該獎學金旨在表揚和獎勵亞太地區在計算機及相關 專業表現傑出的博士研究生,獲獎者可在北京微軟亞洲研 究院實習三至六個月,與世界頂級學者一起從事前沿科技 研究。本校訊息工程學系何愷明是今年兩位香港區微軟學 者之一。 比爾.蓋茨自微軟引退後,兩位高級行政人員繼任其職 務,蒙迪先生是其一。他主理全球其中一所最大型的電腦 科技研究所,並掌管微軟的長遠技術發展策略。此外,他 還開創了微軟在醫療、機器人、超級電腦、長期研究上的發 展方向,並積極促成技術和商業育成等業務。 蒙迪先生亦曾擔任微軟首席技術顧問十多年,負責對外 關係,就電腦技術問題與美國及多個國家協商,特別是中 國、印度與俄羅斯。他於本年4月獲美國總統奧巴馬委任為 總統科技顧問委員會成員。 M r. Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer of Microsoft Corporation, shared his vision for the future of computing with over 400 academics and students at CUHK on 16 November. Mr. Mundie talked about the technologies that will change how people interact with theworld, anddiscussed the opportunities for every academic discipline to harness the power of computing. Mr. Mundie also demonstrated and showcased a number of advanced technologies, including spatial computing, anticipatory computing, 3D and natural user interfaces. Mr. Mundie described how, when combined, they will create a great deal of change, positively impacting important global issues such as education, health care, energy and the environment. On the occasion, Mr. Mundie presented the 2009 Microsoft Research Asia (MSR Asia) Fellowship to the Hong Kong winners. The MSR Asia Fellowship Program is designed to encourage PhD students in the Asia-Pacific region to realize their potential in computer science-related research as well as to recognize outstanding PhD students. He Kaiming from the Department of Information Engineering is one of two Hong Kong winners this year. Mr. Craig Mundie is one of two senior executives who took over from Mr. Bill Gates at Microsoft. He oversees one of the world’s largest computer- science research organizations and is responsible for Microsoft’s long- term technology strategy. Mr. Mundie has spent much of his career building startups in various fields including health care, robotics, supercomputing, long-term research, and remains active in incubating new technologies and businesses. For more than a decade, Mr. Mundie has served as Microsoft’s principal technology- policy liaison to the US and foreign governments, with an emphasis on China, India and Russia. In April 2009, he was appointed by President Barack Obama to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. NEWS & EVENTS
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