Newsletter No. 349
No. 349, 19.12.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中大與美國地質調查局簽訂議定書 CUHK and US Geological Survey Sign Protocol • ( Continued ) 太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)與美國地 質調查局簽訂地球科學科技合作議定書,為首 份由亞洲區大學與該局簽訂的廣泛研究協議。簽署儀式 由中大校長劉遵義教授及美國地質調查局地理副主任 Dr. Bryant Cramer主持。 劉遵義校長在簽署儀式上致辭時表示:「地球信息與地 球科學是中大五大重點研究領域之一。通過是次合作, 中大將可在遙感研究及應用方面為美國及全球作出重大 貢獻,並與美國地質調查局攜手處理當前迫切的全球環 境問題。」 中大與美國地質調查局均關注地球資訊、科技發展及其 他地球科學領域的發展。根據議定書,雙方可在遙感數 據蒐採及管理、地球與環境科學的研究和應用、履行其 他共同責任和促進交流方面加強合作。 2005年成立的太空所,是香港唯一的國家級衞星遙感基 地,並建立了香港首個中/高解析度遙感衞星接收站。藉 着這些先進獨特的設備,研究員和學生能夠更深入觀察 地球及進行研究。美國地質調查局隸屬美國內政部,負 責四大科學範疇:生物學、地理學、地質學和水文研究, 致力提供翔實可靠的地球科學資訊;減少因災害帶來的 生命和財產損失;管理水利、生物、能源及礦產資源,以 及提高和保障人類的生活質素。 T he Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) have recently entered into a protocol on scientific and technical cooperation in earth sciences, making 校長劉遵義教授(左)及美國地質調查局地理副主任 Dr. Bryant Cramer簽署地球科學合作議定書 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) and Dr. Bryant Cramer, USGS Associate Director for Geography, sign protocol on earth sciences collaboration CUHK the first Asian university to reach such a broad- based research agreement with USGS. CUHK Vice- Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau and USGS Associate Director for Geography Dr. Bryant Cramer officiated at the signing ceremony. Speaking on the occasion, Professor Lau remarked, ‘Geoinformation and earth sciences is one of the five strategic research areas of CUHK. Today’s signing will provide a formal platform for CUHK to make major contributions to remote sensing and its application in the US and around the world. I firmly believe that by joining forces with USGS, we will be able to tackle some of the most pressing environmental issues the world is facing right now.’ CUHK and USGS share a common interest in geographic information science, technology development, and other earth science topics. Under the auspices of this protocol, both parties can enhance cooperation in acquiring and managing remotely sensed data, conducting earth and environmental science research for applications, and implementing other common responsibilities and exchanges. Established in 2005, ISEIS is the only national base for satellite remote sensing in Hong Kong. It is equipped with a middle-high resolution satellite remote sensing ground receiving station, which provides researchers and students a unique opportunity to carry out earth observation-related activities. USGS is a scientific agency of the US Department of the Interior, covering four major science disciplines: biology, geography, geology, and hydrology. Its mission is to serve the country by providing reliable scientific information to describe and understand the Earth; minimizing loss of life and property from natural disasters; managing water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhancing and safeguarding people’s quality of life. the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his pioneering research and development work on green fluorescent protein. In his address, he said that the most valuable aspect of university education is providing a sheltering arena where students can try out different courses, areas of study, and career options, so that everyone can find out where his or her true interests and talents lie. In the afternoon, the four constituent Colleges held graduation ceremonies for their students. The Master’s degree graduation ceremony was held in eight sessions at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and the University Mall on 11 and 12 December. 左起:劉遵義校長、錢永健教授、曾蔭權博士大紫荊勳賢、宋健博士、唐英年博士、大學校董會主席 鄭海泉博士 From left: Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Roger Y. Tsien, Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang, Dr. Song Jian, Dr. the Honourable Tang Ying-yen Henry, and Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, Chairman of the University Council
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