Newsletter No. 349

No. 349, 19.12.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 通向中大的新大門:新大學網頁簡介 A New Gateway to CUHK: the Revamped CUHK Website • 中國工程院院士講座系列 Lecture Series by CAE Academicians • 中 大今年再度舉行中國工程院院 士訪校計劃,邀請了該院農業 學部的著名資源學家孫九林院士、信息 與電子工程學部攝影測量與遙感學家李 德仁院士、醫藥衞生學部骨科專家盧世 璧院士,以及醫藥衞生學部研究動脈粥 樣硬化和心力衰竭的國際權威張運院 士,於12月1日起一連四天訪問中大。 四位院士並於12月3日主持了院士講座 系列,與中大師生及社會各界分享真知 灼見。 中國工程院的訪問團一行共十二人,到 訪多個中大的研究設施,了解最新的科 研發展,包括衞星遙感地面接收站、矯 形外科及創傷學系、電子工程學系、地理與資源管理學系 等,並與中大各相關學系的學者交流學術意見。 中國工程院院士訪校計劃於去年首辦,目的是加強中大與 中國工程院的學術交流。 F our academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited CUHK this year for four days from 1 December. They are: Prof. Sun Jiulin from the Division of Agriculture, an expert in resource management; Prof. Li Deren from the Division of Remote Sensing Receiving Station, the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, the Department of Electronic Engineering, the Department of Geography and Resource Management, to exchange views with their CUHK counterparts and learn about the latest scientific achievements of the University. CUHK kicked off the visiting academicians programme last year in the hope of promoting academic exchange between the University and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 新 的大學網頁已於2009年12月15日推出。這個由幾 個月前開始重新設計的網頁,除了讓人耳目一新, 更重要的是希望藉着重整資訊結構,加強功能。 新網頁保留了大部分原有資訊,但由於經過重新整理,用 者循着「入讀中大」、「優質教學」和「學術科研」三大主 題,便可更全面認識中大,而且更容易找到所需資料。設 計方面,則把水墨畫、古漢字等中國元素糅合於西方美術 框架之中,凸顯中大融會中西的特色。 新網頁也加入了一些新內容, 包括: 1. 特寫:以照片和文字介紹重 要的大學消息; 2. 採用Google技術的新校園 地圖:可放大縮小,並提供 多種資訊,包括建築物的 照片和所在地、聯絡資料、 校內設施開放時間、校巴 路線和步行徑等。只須在搜 尋欄輸入建築物或設施的 部分名稱,系統即能找到並 在地圖上顯示; 3.「簡易資訊整合」:讓您無須逐一瀏覽不同網站,即能掌 握校園活動資訊; 4. 社交書籤:讓您與朋友分享喜歡的網頁; 5. 索引:有數以百計中大網站的連結,用者可以按照英文 字母順序、中文筆畫或漢語拼音來瀏覽清單,也可以使 用搜尋功能尋找所需資訊; 6. 快速連結:引導您到其他您可能感興趣的網站; 7. 專題網頁:介紹校內的重要網站。 在新網頁中,供特定用者(如校友、訪客)的資訊也有所加 強。另外,為了精益求精,網站的每頁都設有「提出意見」 功能,方便用者提出建議。 A few months ago, the University undertook to revamp its website with a view to giving it a fresh look and making it more usable. The new University website was launched on 15 December 2009. On the new website, most of the existing information is retained but re-organized in a more accessible and user-friendly way. The new design combines eastern and western aesthetic elements to underscore the characteristics of CUHK. Examples of Chinese elements are Chinese ink painting in the header and the vertical arrangement of the characters in the University motto 博文約禮 . Furthermore, the main functions of the University are organized under three themes: Studying at CUHK, Teaching and Learning, and Research. New features have also been introduced. They include: 1. Feature stories to deliver news of institutional significance; 2. A new campus map using Google technology which supports information layering on top of map and zooming. The information includes photos and addresses, contact details and opening hours, modes of transport etc. Users need only enter part of the name of a facility in the search box, and its location will appear on the map; 3. RSS feeds enabling users to subscribe to and receive updates on campus activities; 4. Social bookmarking devices allowing users to share favourite pages with their friends; 5. CUHK A–Z with links to hundreds of CUHK sites. Users can browse the list by subject, in alphabetical order (English), by number of strokes (traditional Chinese) or by Hanyu Pinyin (simplified Chinese). A search function is also available to help users locate the information they need; 6. Quick Links on individual pages taking users to other information they might be interested in; 7. Web-within-web introducing users to CUHK sites of special interest. User-specific information for alumni, staff and visitors has also been improved. A link ‘Send Your Comment’ is available at the foot of all pages. Information and Electronic Engineering, an expert in photogrammetry and remote sensing; Prof. Lu Shibi from the Division of Medicine and Health, a renowned orthopaedist; and Prof. Zhang Yun also from the Division of Medicine and Health, an authority on atherosclerosis and heart failure. The four gave a talk for the Lecture Series by Academicians on 3 December. The 12-member delegation from CAE visited a number of CUHK research centres, including the Satellite 孫九林院士 Prof. Sun Jiulin 李德仁院士 Prof. Li Deren 盧世璧院士 Prof. Lu Shibi 張運院士 Prof. Zhang Yun