Newsletter No. 349
No. 349, 19.12.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 科學絕不沉悶—中大生代表香港出戰「科學一叮」 Biochemistry Student Wins Grand Prize in FameLab Contest 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 十二項研究項目獲撥款 Twelve Research Projects Receive Grants 生 物化學系三年級生張嘉麟早前參加英國文化協會 舉辦的第一屆「科學一叮」香港區決賽,以「人體 老化」為題目,於短短三分鐘內向評判闡述其觀點,帶出 氧氣及糖分在維持生命和導致老化所扮演的角色,憑生動 有趣的表現擊敗對手,勇奪香港區冠軍,更獲觀眾選為最 受歡迎參加者,贏得「觀眾心水大獎」。他將於明年代表 香港赴英出戰國際總決賽。 嘉麟對獲獎感到非常鼓舞,並表示:「我很高興有幸參與 推廣香港科學傳播,成為這領域的先鋒,向大眾展示科學 有趣及生動的一面。科學絕不沉悶!」 中大這次共派出八位同學參與賽事,為眾參與機構之冠, 因而獲頒「最佳機構代表獎」。理學院院長伍灼耀教授表 示:「『科學一叮』比賽有趣又饒有意義,理學院同學踴躍 報名參加之餘,更非常投入比賽過程,創出佳績,我對他 們的表現感到十分高興,深以他們為榮。」 C heung Ka-lun Anthony, a final year biochemistry student of CUHK, stormed to victory in the first British Council FameLab science communication competition recently held in Hong Kong. He impressed both the judges and the audience with his graphic depiction of the aging process at the Hong Kong finals. He had three minutes to convince the judges of his chosen scientific argument—the key roles oxygen and sugar play in both sustaining life and causing aging—and was judged best on the basis of the content, clarity and charisma of his presentation. Anthony beat nine other finalists to bring home the grand prize and was voted the ‘Audience Choice’. He will represent Hong Kong at the international finals to be held in the UK next year. ‘I am excited to be at the frontier of science communication in Hong Kong. I want to tell the public that science is fun and lively. Science is not boring!’ said Anthony. With eight students in the contest, the University won ‘Best Institution’ prize for fielding the largest number of contestants in the open auditions. Prof. Ng Cheuk- yiu, Dean of Science, said, ‘I am very happy with our students’ achievements. The Faculty is very proud of their participation in such a meaningful event. I believe that students from the Faculty of Science will continue to challenge themselves in future competitions, and our Faculty members will give them full support and guidance.’ 崇基學院五十八周年校慶 Chung Chi College 58th Anniversary • 崇 基學院為慶祝學院五十八周年校慶,於10月30及 31日舉行了一連串精彩活動,包括10月30日在崇基 學院禮拜堂舉行的校慶感恩崇拜,由前院長兼社會學系榮 休教授李沛良擔任主禮嘉賓。其他慶祝活動包括環校跑、 千人宴和校友日等。 I n celebration of the 58th anniversary of Chung Chi College, a series of celebratory events was organized 宋健博士談中國科學事業六十年 Dr. Song Jian on Six Decades of Science and Technology in China • on 30 and 31 October. The Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service was held on 30 October at the College Chapel. Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, former College head and Emeritus Professor of Sociology of the University, addressed the assembly. Other events included the Feast for a Thousand, a round-the campus-run, and Chung Chi Alumni Day. 張嘉麟囊括兩項大獎 Cheung Ka-lun Anthony wins the grand prize and the ‘Audience Choice’ award 張嘉麟扮演老年人 An aging Anthony 國 家傑出領導人及著名科學家宋健博士於12月9日 在中大演講,題為「科教興國—中國科學事業 60年」。 宋博士在演講中分析過去一甲子以來,中國在農業、工業、 高技術和基礎研究等科學領域的發展歷程,介紹中國對世 界具影響力的科學成就。 他說:「如果中國人能從歷史中學到什麼經驗教訓的話, 那就是必須對外開放。……改革開放以來,中國敞開了大 門,科技和教育部門與世界各國合作,向他們學習。大量 引進先進技術,提高了全民族的生產力和人民收入。」 D r. Song Jian, a distinguished state leader and world- renowned scientist, presented a public lecture entitled ‘Six Decades of Science and Technology: in Service to the Nation’ on 9 December at CUHK. Dr. Song gave an overview of China’s technological development in agriculture, industry, high technology and basic research over the past 60 years. He also spoke on a number of scientific breakthroughs by which China has brought major impacts to the whole world. He said, ‘If there is any lesson to learn from our history, it is we must open ourselves to the rest of the world.… Since the implementation of the open door policy, China’s scientific and educational departments have learned from advanced countries and brought in advanced technologies through various cooperation projects, increasing productivity of the country and incomes of the people.’ 劉遵義教授(右)向宋健博士致送紀念品 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right) presents a souvenir to Dr. Song Jian
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