Newsletter No. 349

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 No. 349, 19.12.2009 香港教育研究所 Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research 教育學報, 第三十六卷第一至二期 售價:100港元(平裝),184頁 Education Journal, Vol. 36 Nos. 1–2 Price: HK$100 (paperback), 184 pp 教育研究學報, 第二十四卷第一期 售價:50港元(平裝),200頁 Educational Research Journal, Vol. 24 No. 1 Price: HK$50 (paperback), 200 pp 亞洲輔導學報, 第十六卷第一期 售價:50港元(平裝),96頁 Asian Journal of Counselling, Vol. 16 No. 1 Price: HK$50 (paperback), 96 pp 專題研究報告 Occasional Papers 教育政策研討系列之72 從國際視域看東亞社會的影子教育 何瑞珠 國際標準書號:978-962-8908-32-5 售價:20港元(平裝),40頁 Education Policy Studies Series No. 72 Understanding Shadow Education of East Asian Societies from an International Perspective Esther Sui-chu Ho ISBN: 978-962-8908-32-5 Price: HK$20 (paperback), 40 pp 學校教育改革系列之52 兩岸三地基礎教育數學課程改革比較及 對課程改革的啟示 丁銳、黃毅英、馬雲鵬、林智中 國際統一書號:978-962-8908-33-2 售價:30港元(平裝),72頁 School Education Reform Series No. 52 Mathematics Curriculum Reform in Basic Education in the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: Comparisons and Implications Ding Rui, Wong Ngai-ying, Ma Yun-peng, & Lam Chi-chung ISBN: 978-962-8908-33-2 Price: HK$30 (paperback), 72 pp 中文大學出版社 Chinese University Press 另一種聲音:國際詩歌之夜2009 The Other Voice: International Poetry Nights 2009 2009年11月,十四位來自 阿爾巴尼亞、埃及、德國、 日本、墨西哥、美國和中 港台的詩人雲集香港,舉 行香港有史以來最大規 模的國際詩歌盛會─香 港國際詩歌之夜。此書是 以他們自選的詩歌結集而成。 國際標準書號:978-962-996-440-5 售價:80港元(平裝),296頁 The book is an anthology of the poems written by 14 poets hailing from Albania, Egypt, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the United States, and the Great China regions of mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The poets assembled in Hong Kong in November 2009 in a gala celebration of poetry and recitation – International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong, the biggest and first such gathering in the territory’s history. The poems, selected by the poets themselves, are published in their original languages as well as Chinese and English. ISBN: 978-962-996-440-5 Price: HK$80 (paperback), 296 pp 其他 Others Professional Practices of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong: Linking HRM to Organizational Success 此書由中大管理學系徐寶容博士與前 香港人力資源管理學會會長黎鑑棠先 生合作編撰,結集多位資深人力資源 管理專家及學者的文章,以助讀者了 解本地人力資源管理發展的歷史及未 來拓展的趨勢,並全面剖析如何透過 專業的人力資源管理,提升企業的營 運表現。 國際標準書號:978-962-209-060-6 售價:280港元(平裝),368頁 出版社:香港大學出版社 This book was compiled and edited by Dr. Anna Tsui, senior instructor of the Department of Management and Mr. Lai Kam-tong, former chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management. It provides readers with a clear picture of the history and future development trend of local human resources practices and analyses how professional human resource management helps enhance the operation performance of a corporation. ISBN: 978-962-209-060-6 Price: HK$280 (paperback), 368 pp Publisher: Hong Kong University Press