Newsletter No. 357

3 No. 357, 4.5.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 中 大與台灣佛光山文教基金會於4月12日舉行「人間 佛教研究中心第二期合作協議」簽約儀式,佛光山 開山宗長星雲大師( 中 )並於翌日假邵逸夫堂主講「禪與 悟」佛學講座。 簽約儀式的主禮嘉賓包括星雲大師、劉遵義校長( 右 )、 佛光山中港澳總住持滿蓮法師、國際佛光會香港協會會長 陳漢斌先生、文學院院長熊秉真教授及文化及宗教研究系 系主任黎志添教授。 中大與基金會早於2005年簽訂第一期合作協議,於中大文 化及宗教研究系成立人間佛教研究中心。據第二期合作協 議,基金會將捐贈七百五十萬港元予中心,開展佛教研究。 千多名中大教職員、學生和公眾人士慕名而來,聆聽星雲 大師深入淺出,解釋禪為何物。他說:「禪是我們的心,是 我們自己。」他說參禪就如做學問,小疑小悟,大疑大悟, 不疑不悟,所以必須打破沙鍋問到底。另外還要用心悟 禪,要苦思冥想,方能有悟。 T he University and Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education in Taiwan signed a second collaboration agreement on 12 April. The Ven. Master Hsing Yun (middle), founder of Fo Guang Shan Monastery, was invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Chan and 探討兩岸貨運直航發展與影響 • Development and Impact of Direct Transportation Link 利 豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所網際物流研究中心最 新調查發現,自2009年兩岸貨運直航以來,香港作 為亞太區轉口港及中國大陸門戶的角色漸受影響,兩岸經 香港海運轉口貨量隨之下降,其勢信必蔓延空運轉口貨量。 有見及此,研究所於4月15日假日航酒店舉辦「兩岸貨運 直航在即之迷思及策略」論壇,廣邀業內專家、學者和從 業員討論最新研究結果,分析兩岸三地貿易和貨運物流現 況及發展趨勢,並探討兩岸直航是否會進一步影響香港的 國際物流轉運中心地位。論壇由香港物流發展局資助,出 席者近百人。 T he opening of direct cargo flights between mainland China and Taiwan will likely influence the role of Hong Kong as an entrepôt for the Asia-Pacific and 探究古埃及文明 • Lecture on Ancient Egyptian Civilization Enlightenment’ on 13 April at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Officiating at the signing ceremony were the Ven. Master Hsing Yun; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right), CUHK Vice-Chancellor; the Ven. Man Lian, Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; Mr. Chan Hon-bing, president of Buddha’s Light International Association Hong Kong Chapter; Prof. Hsiung Ping- chen, dean, Faculty of Arts, and Prof. Lai Chi-tim, chairman, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK. In 2005, with the support of the foundation, the CUHK Department of Cultural and Religious Studies established the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism to promote Buddhist culture. The second collaboration included a donation of HK$7.5 million from the foundation to conduct research. In his lecture which over a thousand CUHK staff and students and members of the public attended, the Ven. a gateway to mainland China, according to a study conducted by the CUHK Center of Cyber Logistics under the Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics. To enable eminent industry experts, academia and practitioners to share the latest research findings and insights on current and projected flows among the three locations, the Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics organized an open forum on ‘Imminent Direct Transportation Link: Uncertainties and Strategies‘ on 15 April at Nikko Hotel. The forum, funded by the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council, attracted around 100 participants. Master Hsing Yun first explained simply what ‘Chan’ (or Zen) was. He said, ‘“Chan” is our mind. “Chan” is ourselves.’ He said practising ‘Chan’ is like studying. A small inquiry leads to a small enlightenment, a great inquiry leads to a great enlightenment; no inquiry leads to no enlightenment. One has to use one’s heart to experience and realize ‘Chan’. The path to enlightenment can be revealed only after racking one’s brain and going through numerous challenges. NEWS & EVENTS 簽訂佛教研究合作協議暨星雲大師演說 • Buddhist Studies Collaboration and Lecture by Ven. Master Hsing Yun 本 年度第三場博文公開講座於4月9日在 香港中央圖書館舉行,由歷史學講座教授 蒲慕州教授主講「千年榮華今何在─古埃及文明 探幽」,近二百五十人出席聽講。 蒲慕州教授從埃及文明象徵的金字塔、展現宗教思 想的木乃伊、膜拜眾神的神廟,以及埃及人燦爛而 生意盎然的藝術等多個角度,引領聽眾探討古埃及 文明。 T he third Bowen Lecture was held on 9 April at the Hong Kong Central Library. Prof. Poo Mu-chou, Professor of History, was invited to host the lecture entitled ‘Where Has All the Glory Gone? A Search for Ancient Egyptian Civilization’. Close to 250 people were in attendance. Professor Poo discussed different aspects of ancient Egyptian civilization, including the pyramids, mummies, temples and art. 利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所所長張惠民教授於論壇上發表 研究成果 Prof. Waiman Cheung , director of the Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, at the forum