Newsletter No. 357

4 No. 357, 4.5.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 計 算機科學與工程學系博士生鄭子彬( 右 ),憑網絡 服務研究佳績,從全球數百名候選人中脫穎而出, 奪得IBM博士生英才計劃獎學金。 鄭子彬於2007年從廣州來港,在中大攻讀博士學位,在計 算機科學與工程學系呂榮聰教授( 左 )指導下,鑽研網絡 服務。 雖然網絡服務程式都是按國際統一的開放式標準編寫,但 其穩定性、反應速度及處理效率等仍會因地理位置和網 絡性能影響而出現差異。子彬去年進行了一項全球最大規 模的性能分析,對象是全球二萬多個網絡服務程式,其結 果對網絡服務研究有極高的參考價值,世界各地已有超過 二十所大學或研究機構下載該研究的數據集,作進一步研 究之用。 子彬表示:「今次獲獎是一份莫大的肯定。」他除獲超過 十萬港元的獎學金外,更將於今年暑假到IBM位於北京的 中國研究院實習三個月。 M r. Zheng Zibin (right), a PhD student in computer science and engineering, has defeated hundreds of candidates worldwide to receive the IBM PhD Fellowship Award for his research in web service. 中國文化研究生兼獲美國大學及海外研究生獎學金 • Chinese Studies Student Wins Local and American Scholarships 應 屆中國文化研究哲學 碩士李建深不但獲六 所著名美國學府錄取修讀博 士課程,同時亦榮獲尤德爵 士紀念基金海外研究生獎學 金,獲頒發港幣八十五萬元, 將於今夏赴美深造。 李建深兩年前於翻譯系本科 課程畢業,後在中國研究講座 教授勞格文教授和藝術講座 教授蘇芳淑教授聯合指導下, 修讀哲學碩士課程。他早前獲佛羅里達大學、普林斯頓 大學、史丹福大學、加州大學洛杉磯分校、印第安納大學 及賓夕法尼亞州大學錄取,前四所大學更給以長達五年的 全期學費、津貼及研究資助。 Sammy graduated with a BA in translation from CUHK two years ago. He then studied Chinese Culture under the joint supervision of Prof. John Lagerwey, Professor of Chinese Studies, and Prof. Jenny F.S. So, Professor of Fine Arts. Sammy has been accepted by Florida University, Princeton University, Stanford University, UCLA, Indiana University and University of Pennsylvania. The first four offered full tuition, stipend, and research funding for five years. In the end, Sammy decided to pursue doctoral studies in Chinese art history at Princeton’s Department of East Asian Art and Archaeology. He will investigate the art of the Warring States Period in bronze and lacquer. Princeton is offering him a total of US$320,000. Mr. Zheng came from Guangzhou to pursue his doctoral studies at CUHK in 2007. Under the supervision of Prof. Michael Lyu (left), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, he specializes in web service research. Though there is an international standard for implementing a web service programme, geographical differences and network performance will affect its stability, response time, and throughput. Mr. Zheng conducted a large- scale performance evaluation on more than 20,000 real- world web services from multiple locations in 2009. Upon releasing his evaluation and research dataset, more than 20 universities or research institutes worldwide has downloaded his dataset for further study. Mr. Zheng said, ‘The award is a great recognition.’ He has won a scholarship of over HK$100,000 and a three- month internship at the IBM China Research Laboratory in Beijing. 建深最後決定負笈普林斯頓 大學攻讀東亞藝術及考古學 博士學位,專研中國戰國時代 的銅器及漆器藝術,他可獲 三十二萬美元的全額資助。 M r. Li Kin-sum Sammy, a current MPhil student in Chinese Culture, has been accepted into the PhD programmes of six renowned American universities. He has also been awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies with a total of HK$850,000. Sammy will pursue his doctoral studies in the US this summer. 告別教職員會所餐廳 • Farewell to Staff Common Room Clubhouse 大 學教職員會所餐廳於4月16日晚上舉行雞尾酒派對,告別陪伴大家 三十載的白色小屋。逾二百位會員、賓客及校友聚首一堂,拍照留 念,懷緬曾在此渡過的美好時光。會所餐廳將遷至保健路五旬節會樓高座 地下,並暫定於5月中旬開幕。雖然離別依依,但只是暫說再見,待在新址 恢復營業,會所餐廳將會續載大家的歡聲笑語。 A farewell cocktail party was held at the Staff Common Room Clubhouse on the evening of 16 April. Over 200 members, guests and alumni gathered for drinks, and shared fond memories of the beloved tile-top clubhouse. The new clubhouse is scheduled to reopen in mid- May at the ground floor of the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex High Block on Clinic Road. It is hard to say good-bye, but the new clubhouse will be filled with the same spirit of camaraderie and joy in the days to come. 工程博士生獲IBM全球英才計劃獎學金 • Engineering Student Receives IBM Fellowship