Newsletter No. 357

7 No. 357, 4.5.2010 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns on the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme. 2010年3月 March 2010 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 Scheme (未經審核數據 unaudited) 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 5.10% 5.15% 平衡 Balanced 4.12% 3.70% 穩定 Stable 0.44% 0.59% 香港股票 HK Equity 4.95% 4.56% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 3.22% 3.31% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.03% 0.001% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.06% 0.03% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 2.6% 2.36% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* –1.56% –1.56% 2010年第一季 1st Quarter 2010 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 Scheme (未經審核數據 unaudited) 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth –0.29% 1.70% 平衡 Balanced 0.01% 1.25% 穩定 Stable 0.28% –0.15% 香港股票 HK Equity –1.67% –0.79% 香港指數 HK Index-linked –2.67% –2.65% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.09% 0.003% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.21% 1.2% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 3.46% 2.81% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* –6.57% –6.54% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間的匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned 逸夫書院網頁展新姿 Shaw College Homepage Revamped 逸夫書院於3月31日更新網頁,加設多個 欄目,包括讓師生及校友掌握書院各類近 期活動的活動日誌,以及方便各界善長惠 贈的網上捐款系統。歡迎大家登入瀏覽, 一同體驗逸夫書院的新氣象。 The homepage of Shaw College has been revamped and launched on 31 March. New features have been incorporated such as event calendar which gives students, staff and alumni the latest on the College and the online donation system, a fast and easy track for benevolence. You are welcome to browse the new homepage. 逸夫書院招聘學生宿舍導師 Recruitment of Resident Tutors 逸夫書院現招聘2010至11年度學生宿舍男女導師,歡迎大學全職教職員或獲助學金的 研究生申請。申請人須持大學學位,並能操廣東話及英語。 導師的職責是協助舍監處理宿舍事務及促進宿舍生活。此為兼任職位,獲委任者必須入 住宿舍,住宿免費,需繳付冷氣安裝費及電話費(全年約七百港元),無任何津貼。 有意者請於5月10日前將填妥表格交回逸夫書院學生宿舍管理委員會陳小姐收。詳情及下 載表格請閱覽 , 或致電3158 2786。 Shaw College is inviting full-time University staff and postgraduate students receiving studentships to serve as resident tutors in its student hostels for the academic year 2010–11. The appointees must be degree-holders who speak Cantonese and English. The major duty of a resident tutor, who has to live in the hostel, is to assist the hostel wardens to manage the hostel and promote hostel life. This is a concurrent appointment. Free accommodation will be provided but fees for air-conditioner installation and use of the telephone (approximately HK$700 per year) will be charged. No allowance of any kind will be granted. Please send the completed application form (downloadable at shaw/hostel/main.htm) to Miss Chan, undersecretary of Shaw College Student Hostel Management Committee, before 10 May. For enquires, please call 3158 2786. 校園系統服務將暫時中斷 Temporary Shut Down of Campus-wide Applications 中大學生信息系統(CUSIS)將於2010年7月5日(星期一)正式投入服務,為配合數據轉 換及系統修改,期間校園網絡部分系統將暫停服務,其中較重要者為: The Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) will go live on Monday, 5 July 2010. To give slots for data conversion and systems modifications, a number of campus-wide applications need to be temporarily shut down during the CUSIS change over period. Some critical campus-wide applications that will experience outage are: 中斷服務時間 Outage Duration 受影響系統 /服務 Systems/Services Affected 30/6 (19:00) – 1/7 (07:00) 身分核實及目錄服務(CADS) Central Authentication and Directory Service (CADS) 30/6 (19:00) – 1/7 (08:30) 連接校園網絡的VPN及Wi-Fi VPN and Wi-Fi for campus network access 校園電郵系統(CWEM及Webmail) Campus-wide E-mail System (CWEM and Webmail) 30/6 (19:00) – 1/7 (19:00) 中大網站( ) 內需核實身分的網頁 CUHK webite ( ) that need to lgoin 網上教學平台:WebCT, Moodle及CUForum eLearning Systems: WebCT, Moodle and CUForum 30/6 (19:00) – 5/7 (09:00) MyCUHK 校園電子郵件系統中斷服務時,所有寄至 和 xxxx@mailserv.cuhk . edu.hk的電郵會被暫存,待服務恢復正常後將即時送至相關信箱。有關受影響系統 的詳細列表及系統更新的最新消息,請參閱CUSIS網頁: /cusis/ outage.html ,如有查詢,請聯絡資訊科技服務處電子服務台( https://helpdesk.itsc . ) 。 During the CWEM and webmail outage, all incoming e-mails to and will be stored. They will be delivered to appropriate mailboxes when CWEM resumes service. A more detailed list of affected systems is published at CUSIS website . For enquiries of the outage, please write to ITSC Electronic HelpDesk at group/itsc-help. 訃告 Obituary 中國語言及文學系榮休講座教授劉殿爵教授,痛於2010年4月26日上午在威爾斯親王醫 院辭世,大學同仁深切悼念。 劉教授於1978年獲中大禮聘出任中文系講座教授,爾後屢掌要職。1989年榮休後,嗣任 中文系榮休講座教授、中國文化研究所榮譽教授及逸夫書院高級導師、書院校董和書院 校董會高級顧問。 The University learns with deep sorrow that Prof. D.C. Lau, Emeritus Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, CHUK, passed away on the morning of 26 April 2010 at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Professor Lau was appointed Professor of Chinese by CUHK in 1978. He had since served the University and assumed various leadership positions. He retired in 1989 and was appointed Emeritus Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Honorary Professor of the Institute of Chinese Studies, and as Senior College Tutor, member of Board of Trustees and Senior Adviser to Board of Trustees of Shaw College. 《中大通訊》讀者意見調查 CUHK Newsletter Reader Survey 為精益求精,《中大通訊》即將進行網上讀者意見調查,請大家收到邀請電郵後,抽空回 應,你的寶貴意見將有助《中大通訊》持續進步。 The CUHK Newsletter will conduct an e-survey to collect readers’ views about the publication. Please fill out the questionnaire upon receiving the e-mail notifications and help us to improve the publication.