Newsletter No. 360

No. 360, 19.6.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 論傳媒生態、手術安全 Talks on Media Ecology and Surgical Safety • 中 大與香港公共圖書館合辦的博文公開講座第五 及第六講於5月29日及6月5日在香港中央圖書館 舉行,由社會科學院院長李少南教授( 右 )主講「香港傳 媒生態:利潤與責任」、醫學院外科學系系主任賴寶山教 授( 左 )主講「刀下怎留人?」 李少南教授分析,目前媒介的操守問題,並非全由於新聞 人員操守不足而起,主要關鍵在於媒介老闆把盈利放在首 位,忽略媒介的社會功能。此外,社會大眾喜聞樂道煽腥 煽色的新聞內容,並不深究自己的選擇對下一代及整個社 會的影響,亦是做成腥色內容充斥的主因。 賴寶山教授則從外科醫生的角度出發,講述現代手術流程 及系統設計如何達致高質量但低風險的手術結果。 J ointly organized by CUHK and the Hong Kong Public Libraries, the fifth and sixth Bowen Lectures were held on 29 May and 5 June respectively at the Hong Kong Central Library. Prof Paul S.N. Lee (right), Dean of Social Science, talked on ‘The Media Ecology in Hong Kong: Profit-making versus Responsibility’ while Prof. Paul B.S. Lai (left) on ‘Surgical Safety – the Number One Issue in Surgery Today’. Professor Lee analysed that if owners put profit above all and ignore the social role of media, journalists cannot do much to run healthy and responsible media. Furthermore, the ready consumption of sensational journalism by the audience who are not conscious of the impact of their choices on society and their children also constitutes an important factor for the prevalence of sensational contents. Professor Lai illustrated and explained, based on a surgeon’s prospective, what the medical profession could deliver in terms of processes of surgery and system design, to achieve high quality and low risk operations. 善衡書院宿舍命名 S.H. Ho College Names Two Hostels • 善 衡書院兩座學生宿舍 何添堂及利國偉堂的 命名禮於5月27及28日舉行, 分別由何添夫人、利國偉博士 伉儷親臨主持揭幕儀式。到 賀嘉賓盈百,包括何添博士和 利國偉博士的家人、大學同仁 及友好等,場面熱鬧。 談到何添博士多年來對中大 的支持,校長劉遵義教授深表感激說:「何添博士對中大 的支持多年不輟,他不憚勞苦邀請其他慈善家捐贈中大。 因何博士宅心仁厚,中大師生得以在優良的校園環境治學 研究。」 劉校長又感謝利國偉博士對中大的貢獻,稱「自創校以 來,利博士竭力向政府及社會人士取得重大資助與支持, 屢屢籌得鉅額捐款,使中大得以日新又新。」 善衡書院將於本年8月錄取第一批共一百六十名學生,所有 六百名學生在學期間均會入住該兩座新宿舍。 (左起)劉遵義教 授、利國偉博士伉 儷以及辛世文教授 (From left) Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Dr. Lee Quo-wei and Mrs. Lee, and Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun Dr. and Mrs. Lee Quo-wei unveiled the commemorative plaques in the presence of over a hundred guests, including members and friends of the Ho and the Lee families, as well as University members. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, expressed his gratitude to Dr. Ho. ‘Dr. Ho’s exemplary contributions have been instrumental to the achievements of the University in teaching and research. His generous donations have significantly improved our environment and facilities, and for these I remain grateful.’ He also thanked Dr. Lee for his long and distinguished service to the University. ‘Dr. Lee’s extensive connections have helped us to raise considerable funds from the local community to sustain the University’s continuous development.’ The first 160 student members of the College will come into residence in August 2010. All of its 600 students will reside in the two new hostels throughout their undergraduate studies. (左起)劉遵義教授、何厚鏘先生、 何添夫人、何厚浠先生、何子樑醫 生,以及辛世文教授主持何添堂揭 幕儀式 (From left) Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Mr. Ho Hau-chong Norman, Mrs. Ho Tim, Mr. Ho Hau-hay Hamilton, Dr. Ho Tzu-leung and Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun unveil the commemorative plaque for Ho Tim Hall 伍宜孫書院奠基禮 Foundation Stone Laid for Wu Yee Sun College • 伍 宜孫書院於6月9日舉行奠基典禮,標誌着書院建 築工程順利展開。伍宜孫慈善基金會董事兼伍宜 孫書院籌劃委員會委員伍步昌先生( 左二 )、伍宜孫書院籌 劃委員會委員伍尚宗先生( 右二 )、中大校長劉遵義教授 ( 左一 ),以及伍宜孫書院候任院長李沛良教授( 右一 )主 禮,近百大學成員及書院好友應邀出席。 and Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (1st right), Master-Designate of Wu Yee Sun College. About a hundred members of the University and supporters of the College attended the ceremony. ‘I am certain the students of Wu Yee Sun College will uphold the College motto of “Scholarship and Perseverance” in their academic pursuits, and contribute what they have learnt to serve the community,’ remarked CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau at the ceremony. Wu Yee Sun College will provide board and lodging facilities for 600 students, and appropriate facilities and services for up to 600 non-residential students. It is expected to admit its first cohort of students in the 2012–13 academic year. 劉遵義校長致歡迎辭時表示:「我相信伍宜孫書院的學 生,一定會用心學習,努力實踐『博學篤行』的院訓,將來 學成之後,貢獻所長,服務社會,不負捐款人的美意。」 書院建成後將為六百名學生提供膳宿,也為不多於六百 名走讀生提供生活和學習的設施和服務,預期於2012至 13學年取錄首批學生。 T he Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Wu Yee Sun College, one of the five new Colleges, was held on 9 June, kicking off the construction of the College. The ceremony was officiated by Mr. Albert P.C. Wu (2nd left), director of Wu Yee Sun Charitable Foundation Limited and member of the Planning Committee for Wu Yee Sun College; Mr. Arthur Wu (2nd right), member of the Planning Committee for Wu Yee Sun College; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (1st left), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; C UHK held naming ceremonies for two student hostels at S.H. Ho College—Ho Tim Hall and Lee Quo Wei Hall, on 27 and 28 May respectively. Mrs. Ho Tim and