Newsletter No. 360

No. 360, 19.6.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 建 築學院吳恩融教授於2010年5月獲香港紅十字會 和香港電台合頒的「香港人道年獎」。 五年前,吳教授目睹甘肅毛寺村小孩冒着遇溺的危險,涉 水過河上學,動了惻隱之心,發起「良橋助學夢成真」項 目,帶領學生義務為村民搭橋。其後他在2007年創立無止 橋慈善基金,至今發動超過三百四十名義工,在陝西、四 川、甘肅、貴州及雲南共完成了十一個無止橋項目,受惠村 民已達萬多名。 他的言傳身教,感染了來自香港及國內十多所大學的數百 位學子,離開自己的安樂窩,跟隨他攀山涉水,服務社群。 受到良師的啟蒙,好些已畢業的學生,在發展事業之餘, 仍投入大量時間和精神,以自己的專識,參與國內的興 學、建屋、重建等項目。吳教授說:「內地需要建千千萬萬 道橋,我建不完,我的學生也建不完,唯有薪火相傳,才有 望完成。」 P rof. Ng Yan-yung Edward, professor in the Architecture School, was awarded the Third Hong Kong Humanity Award by the Hong Kong Red Cross and Radio Television Hong Kong in May 2010. Five years ago, shocked and distressed by the scene of children at the village of Maosi, Gansu province, risking their lives to cross a raging river in order to go to school, Professor Ng launched the project ‘A Bridge Too Far • A Dream Comes True’ to build a bridge for the villagers with the help of student volunteers. A total of 11 Wu Zhi Qiao projects have been completed by over 340 volunteers so far in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Gansu, Guizhou and Yunnan, benefitting more than 10,000 people in rural China. Inspired by the role model of their teacher, many of Professor Ng’s students set aside time and energy to help others while pursuing their own careers, applying their professional knowledge and expertise to education, construction and rehabilitation projects on the mainland. Professor Ng says, ‘Thousands of bridges are needed to be built on the mainland. I won’t be able to build them all in my lifetime. Neither will my students. It takes the effort of multiple generations to get the job done.’ 吳恩融教授人道精神獲表揚 Professor Edward Ng Wins Humanity Award 音樂學生作曲奪魁 Music Student Recognized for Composition 中 大音樂博士學生李家泰以室樂作品《枯丫 嘯鳴》於本地青年作曲家比賽「音樂新一 代2010」奪得冠軍。比賽由香港作曲家聯會及香 港電台合辦,旨在鼓勵年青人積極創作及提供交 流經驗的平台。 今年參賽的有來自本地不同院校的音樂系學生, 也有自外國學成歸來的年輕人。九首入圍作品, 由管弦雅集的樂手於「音樂新一代2010」音樂會 中以長笛、雙簧管、法國號、中提琴、大提琴和鋼琴的組合演繹,並由評委即場選出優勝 作品。 M r. Lee Kar-tai Phoebus, CUHK student of Doctor of Music Programme, has won the first prize in the New Generation 2010 with his piece Arid Branches Resound . The competition, organized by the Hong Kong Composer’s Guild and RTHK Radio 4, aims to provide a platform for exchange among young composers and to showcase Hong Kong’s creative talent. This year nine compositions made it to the final, including works by local and overseas music students. They were performed by professional musicians from the HK Kamerata on flute, oboe, horn, viola, cello and piano. 吳恩融教授獲頒人道年獎(圖片由紅十字會 提供) Prof. Edward Ng receiving the Humanity Award (Photo courtesy Hong Kong Red Cross) 新大學教職員會所餐廳開幕 New Staff Common Room Clubhouse Opens • 中大揚威莎劇賽 CUHK Wins Shakespeare Festival 由 英文系及藝術行政主任辦公室 合辦的「第六屆中國大學莎劇比 賽決賽」,於5月31日至6月2日在邵逸 夫堂舉行,今年中大憑演出劇作《第十 二夜》,在十二隊決賽隊伍中勝出,其 中陳 欣同學( 右 )更獲頒傑出女演員 獎。該劇演員及導演將獲一星期免費英 倫之旅,行程包括參觀莎士比亞的故 居、歷史悠久的天鵝劇院、環球劇院及 世界首屈一指的牛津大學,親身體驗英 倫文化。 決賽結果已上載於網頁: www2.cuhk. 。 The 6th Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival Performance Finals, co-organized by the Department of English and the Office of the Arts Administrator, were held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall from 31 May to 2 June. CUHK beat the other 11 teams in the final with Twelfth Night and became the winner. Ms. Joyce Chan (right) from CUHK was chosen as one of the outstanding actresses. The director and actors from CUHK will enjoy a one-week trip to the UK to see Shakespeare performed professionally on the stage at Stratford and in London’s West End this summer. The results of the festival can be found at . 遷 至五旬節會樓高座地下的新大學教職員會所餐廳於6月11日開幕,邀得常務副校長 華雲生教授( 左二 )、大學教職員會所搬遷籌劃工作小組主席馮通教授( 右二 )、大 學教職員會所搬遷籌劃工作小組及大學賓館執行委員會主席陳志輝教授( 左一 )、與大學 教職員會所康樂及活動委員會主席黃陳慰冰女士( 右一 )為主禮嘉賓。 為慶祝新餐廳開張誌喜,由即日起至7月3日惠顧新餐廳均可享有八折優惠。歡迎致電 2603 6202訂座或查詢。 T he Staff Common Room (SCR) held the opening ceremony of its clubhouse, located at the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex High Block, on 11 June. The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (2nd left), CUHK Provost; Prof. Fung Tung (2nd right), co-convenor of the SCR Re-provisioning Working Group; Prof. Andrew Chan (1st left), co-convenor of the SCR Re-provisioning Working Group and chairman of the Executive Committee of University Guest House System; and Mrs. Amelia Wong (1st right), chairlady of the SCR Social and Activities Committee. As a warm welcome from SCR, all patrons at the new clubhouse will enjoy a 20% discount until 3 July. You are welcome to make a reservation at 2603 6202.