Newsletter No. 362

10 No. 362, 4.9.2010 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 副校長續任 Re-appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor 經校長推薦,並依據《香港中文大學條例》第5(6)條及規程7規定,校董會再度委任化學 講座教授黃乃正教授為大學副校長,任期兩年,由2011年2月1日起生效。 The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has appointed Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, Professor of Chemistry as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for a period of two years from 1 February 2011, as recommended by the Vice-Chancellor and in accordance with Section 5(6) and Statue 7 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance . 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns on the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme. 2010年7月 July 2010 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 Scheme (未經審核數據 unaudited) 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 5.73% 6.63% 平衡 Balanced 5.13% 5.99% 穩定 Stable 3.00% 4.45% 香港股票 HK Equity 4.07% 5.23% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 4.39% 4.48% A50中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund 10.39% 9.89% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.08% 0.001% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* –0.18% –0.25% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 5.73% 5.48% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* 6.65% 6.65% 2009年8月1日至2010年7月31日 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 基金 Fund 1995 計劃 Scheme (未經審核數據 unaudited) 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth 4.82% 9.64% 平衡 Balanced 4.63% 9.00% 穩定 Stable 7.96% 6.82% 香港股票 HK Equity 4.98% 5.75% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 4.39% 5.34% A50中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund –8.97% –15.09% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.54% 0.01% 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit* 0.78% 0.23% 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit* 13.15% 10.37% 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit* –6.98% –7.27% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間的匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned 2010至11年度學生工讀計劃基金 Student Campus Work Scheme 2010–11 學生工讀計劃基金現已開始接受教職員申請。計劃目的是讓有經濟需要的學生利用課餘 時間,協助教職員進行研究或其他工作,以獲取報酬。 工作性質須為: 協助大學教員從事研究工作; 為行政人員(助理主任級或以上)提供額外人手,支援短期工作; 其他經學生工讀計劃委員會批准之工作。 現時本科生及研究生工讀報酬為每小時五十港元。工讀計劃詳情及申請表格已發送各 部門及行政單位主管。教職員可向其所屬部門或單位索取申請表格,填妥後交回碧秋樓 332室入學及學生資助處獎學金及經濟援助組學生工讀計劃委員會秘書收,截止申請日期 為2010年9月30日。 Applications for grants under the Student Campus Work Scheme are now invited from members of the academic and administrative staff. The aim of the scheme is to help needy students by providing opportunities for paid campus work, in the form of assisting University academics/administrators in their projects. The nature of the work should be confined to: assisting academic staff in their research projects; assisting administrative staff (executive officer rank or above) in short-term projects that require a large task force; any other job assignments as approved by the Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme. Current Remuneration for undergraduates and postgraduates is HK$50/hour. Details of the scheme and application forms have been sent to the heads of departments and administrative units. Staff members who are interested in applying should obtain application forms from their offices and return the completed forms to the Secretary, Committee on Student Campus Work Scheme, c/o Scholarships and Financial Aid, Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, Room 332, Pi Ch’iu Building, no later than 30 September 2010. 研究生宿舍招聘女宿舍導師 Female Resident Tutor Vacancy at Postgraduate Halls 研究生宿舍現招聘女宿舍導師一名。導師主要職責為協助推動宿舍之各項活動及處理辦 事處行政事務。 申請者必須為持大學學位的大學全職教職員,能操流利普通話、廣東話及英語,並精 於籌辦課餘活動。導師將獲分配賽馬會研究生宿舍女生單人房一間,住宿免費。申請 表格可於研究生宿舍第一座辦事處索取,於2010年9月15日前交回該辦事處。查詢請電 3163 3123或電 郵 與施小姐聯絡。 The Postgraduate Halls are looking for a female resident tutor. Major duties are to help organize and promote hostel activities, and to assist in administrative duties in the general office. This is a concurrent appointment. The appointee will be provided a free female single room in the Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall. The appointee must be a full-time, degree-holding University staff, preferably fluent in Putonghua, Cantonese and English, good at organizing extracurricular activities. The application form is available at the general office of the Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall (PGH1). Completed forms should be returned to the office by 15 September 2010. For enquiries, please contact Miss Karen Hsi at 3163 3123 or . 「B 區」開放臨時泊車 Temporary Parking at ‘Site B’ 由2010年8月30日起,位於澤祥街、港鐵大學站對出之「B區」空地,將臨時開放,提供五 十個泊車位給職員使用。 請注意,「B區」停車場只供展示有效之「A」、「AR」及「AM」泊車證之車輛停泊,未經批 准而停泊之車輛將被扣押。該區不准停車過夜。 欲駕車進入「B區」之職員,只須以「中大通」輕觸閘口之讀卡機,即可啟動閘桿,離開時 必須使用同一張「中大通」開閘。 With effect from 30 August 2010, 50 temporary parking spaces will be available at ‘Site B’ of CUHK campus. ‘Site B’ is the open space located at Chak Cheung Street, opposite the University MTR Station. Please note that only vehicles with valid ‘A’, ‘AR’ and ‘AM’ parking labels are allowed to park at the ‘Site B’ car park. Unauthorized vehicles will be clamped. And no overnight parking is allowed. The barrier gate of the car park can be activated by placing a CU Link staff card against the card reader at the entrance. The same card used for entry must be used on the card reader for departure. • • • • • •