Newsletter No. 370

4 No. 370, 4.1.2011 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 化創新科研為產品 • Commercialization of University Innovations 知 識轉移辦公室於11月下旬舉辦了兩場有關知識轉 移的研討會,對象分別是校內師生和公眾。 「從事科技創新最關鍵是要配合市場需要。」美國加州大 學三藩市分校醫學院汪建平教授( 右 )於2010年11月23日 的「中大知識轉移—大學創新科技產業化」研討會中,帶 出了這重要訊息。 汪教授強調,要成功轉化科研為產品,須考慮幾個關鍵因 素,例如着重保護科研成果的知識產權、發掘產品的市場 可銷性,以及建立科學家和業界人士之間的緊密合作。 「如果一項科技只能發展成市場上已有的相類產品,或市 場對該產品根本需求不大,即使是頂尖的科研成果,也難 以將之產業化。」汪教授指出,科技產業化必須建基於科 學家和商界之間的團隊合作,並輔以良好管理。 至於在11月26日舉辦的「中大知識轉移論壇」,由中大與 香港科技園公司合辦。上午,來自各地學界和業界的講者 藉着真實個案,向與會者展示了高價值科技產品的研究和 發展策略。下午的論壇由網絡編碼研究所聯席所長楊偉豪 教授主持,邀請了本地和國際知名專家分享他們對網絡及 最新編碼技術的見解,並展望有關技術的未來應用發展。 T wo seminars on knowledge transfer were held for CUHK members and the public in late November by the Knowledge Transfer Unit. ‘Market needs are important at every stage of the innovation process’ was one of the key messages given by Prof. Wong Kin-ping (right), from the School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, at the CUHK Knowledge Transfer Seminar Series – ‘Commercialization of University Innovations in Technology-based Projects’, held on 23 November 2010. The key factors for success, which Professor Wong emphasized in his talk, included the critical role of intellectual property protection by such means as patent filing, technology marketability, and teamwork between the scientists and business professionals. ‘If a technology is a “me-too” product or there is little market need, it will be difficult to commercialize even if it is based on high-quality science or from high-impact papers,’ said Professor Wong. It is essential to have a team of both technically-skilled scientists and business professionals with good management practices. 營造如家的溫習空間 • Turning Learning Spaces into Learning Homes 中 大圖書館系統及學能提升研究中心於11月30日 合辦一場研討會,討論如何把學習的地方營造為 家一樣的共享空間。逾四十位有份參與籌劃三三四學制下 學習空間的教職員出席。 中大正以learning commons的概念,設計靈活的共享學 習空間,供學生在隨和的氣氛下溫習或作小組研習。 在研討會中,專研這課題的加拿大卑詩大學教學及學 術發展中心兼教與學學術研究中心主任加里 ‧ 普爾博士 (Dr.GaryPoole)表示,一個理想的溫習環境,應有「家」 的特質。大學可讓學生參與設計,營造他們鍾愛並具個人 風格的環境,藝術布置、光線及家具擺設等,都要有學生 自己的特色,讓學生一看便有歸屬感。這就如他們遷進宿 舍時,可以一手一腳為房間裝飾布置一樣。 普爾博士表示,從經驗所得,溫習環境與學生學習息息相 關。大學可以先掌握學生甚麼環境及時間下,溫習成效會 高一些,再採用「家」這個概念,設計切合中大學生實際要 求的溫習空間。 J ointly organized by the CUHK University Library Services and Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, a seminar ‘When Students “Move In”: Turning Learning Spaces into Learning Homes’, was held on 30 November 2010, attracting over 40 stakeholders in the 3+3+4 learning commons initiative. CUHK is planning facilities which will adopt the ‘learning commons’ approach to provide a fully flexible environment for collaborative learning in more informal spaces. Dr. Gary Poole, a world authority on the topic and director of the Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth and the Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the University of British Columbia, gave a presentation on how students learn. He maintained that well- designed learning spaces take on the properties of a learning ‘home’. A campus must provide opportunities for students to shape their own learning spaces so that they can stamp their own identity upon them – just as they do when they first occupy their dorm rooms. A successful learning home will contain iconic design features such as art, lighting, furnishings and so on, so students can immediately identify with it. 左起:大學圖書館系統高級助理館長劉麗芝、加里 ‧ 普爾博士、大學圖書館館長施達理博士 From left: Ms. Lau Lai-che Maria, senior sub-librarian; Dr. Gary Poole; and Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian Jointly organized with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the second forum was held on 26 November. Distinguished speakers from across academia and industry shared their own success stories of biotechnology commercialization in the morning session which carried the theme ‘From High Impact Papers to High Value Products’. The afternoon session was steered and chaired by Prof. Raymond Yeung, co-director of the Institute of Network Coding. Local and renowned international experts shared their insight into the recent technological advancements in the field of network and coding, and their perspectives on future applications of this technology. Dr. Poole maintained that actual experience elsewhere helps us understand the kinds of learning our students undertake in areas we provide. CUHK can therefore better understand how and when students can learn well together. The University can apply the notion of a ‘learning home’ and tailor it specifically to learning space usage and design for CUHK students in very practical ways.