Newsletter No. 370

No. 370, 4.1.2011 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 超越寧養治療之視野 • Beyond the Horizon in Palliative Medicine 中 大醫學院與李嘉誠基金會「人間有情」香港寧養 服務計劃合辦的第三屆「華人地區醫護人員紓緩 治療研討會」於12月11日舉行。開幕儀式由李嘉誠基金會 代表、香港醫院管理局聯網服務總監張偉麟醫生( 前排 右三 )、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院院長李心平教授( 前排 右四 )及中大醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 前排右五 )主持。 逾百位醫護界人士出席。 大會邀請台北醫學大學賴允亮醫師以「超越寧養治療之視 野」為題,講述安寧緩和治療在台灣的發展;港大行為健 康教研中心教學總監陳麗雲博士探討如何在華人社區善 終服務推動尊嚴治療,霍泰輝教授則講述紓緩醫學教學的 重要性。 T he 3rd Annual Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population jointly organized by the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK and Li Ka Shing Foundation ‘Heart of Gold’ Hong Kong Hospice Service Programme was held on 11 December 2010. The representatives from Li Ka Shing Foundation; Dr. Cheung Wai-lun (3rd right, front row), director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority; Prof. S.P. Lee (4th right, front row), Dean, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Prof. T.F. Fok (5th right, front row), Dean of Medicine, CUHK, officiated at the opening ceremony. Over 100 health care professionals from different backgrounds took part in the symposium. Dr. Enoch Lai from Taipei Medical University was 香港學生能力續居前列 • HK Students Perform Well in Academic Ability 電子工程學系四十周年 • 40th Anniversary of Electronic Engineering Department 由 2009年諾貝爾物理學獎得主、前中大校長高錕爵 士成立的中大電子工程學系,慶祝成立四十周年, 邀得創新科技署署長王榮珍女士、中大電子系校友及立法 會議員譚偉豪博士,以及香港學術及職業資歷評審局主席 廖約克博士任主禮嘉賓,與中大校長沈祖堯教授和電子工 程學系系主任曾漢奇教授一起主持慶祝典禮。 為迎接二十一世紀的重大挑戰,學系已作好準備加強可再 生能源和高效能源應用、降低人口老齡化導致的醫療成本 等課題的教研。為配合有關策略,學系今年首次推出生物 醫學工程主修課程,並招聘專研生物醫學工程、有機電子 及太陽能電池的教授。 E stablished by Prof. Sir Charles K. Kao, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physics, the CUHK Department of Electronic Engineering celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. Officiating at the ceremony were Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, HKSAR Government; Dr. the Hon. Samson W.H. Tam, 左起:廖約克博士、王榮珍署長、曾漢奇教授、沈祖堯校長、譚偉豪博士和 副校長程伯中教授一起主持亮燈儀式 Ceremony officiated by (from left) Dr. York Liao, Miss Janet Wong, Prof. H.K. Tsang, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. the Hon. Samson W.H. Tam and Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 教育學院院長及香港教育研究所所長盧乃桂教授(左)和學生能力 國際評估計劃香港中心總監何瑞珠教授 Prof. Lo Nai-kwai Leslie (left), Dean of Education and director, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research; and Prof. Ho Sui- chu Esther, director, HKPISA Centre alumnus of the Department of Electronics, CUHK and member of the Legislative Council; Dr. York Liao, chairman of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. H.K. Tsang, chairman of the Department. In preparation for the important challenges of the 21st century, the Department is planning to strengthen teaching and research directed at the problems of renewable energy and efficient energy utilization, reducing the cost of healthcare for the ageing population. The new Biomedical Engineering Programme offered for the first time this year, and the recruitment of new professors with expertise in biomedical engineering, organic electronics and solar cells are the result of this strategic focus. 中 大教育研究所「學生能力國際評估計劃(PISA) 香港中心」公布第四期PISA研究結果,發現在 六十五個國家及地區中,香港學生的能力表現再居前列, 中文閱讀能力排名第四,數學和科學能力均排名第三。 中心於2009年4至6月,以隨機抽樣方式,邀請了一百五十一 間中學的近五千名學生進行測試,評估他們在閱讀、數學 和科學三方面的能力。 結果顯示,香港基礎教育朝向優化而均等的發展,可是校 內學生之間的成績差異卻顯著增加,反映校內學生學習能 力的差異比以前擴大。因此,中學教師如何裝備自己,教 育當局如何支援學校,以照顧學生的學習差異,實是當務 之急。 T he Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment of the Institute of Educational Research at CUHK released the survey results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2009). The results reveal that 15-year-old Hong Kong students again stand in the top tier among 65 countries and regions. They rank fourth in reading and third in both mathematics and science. From April to June 2009, about 5,000 students from 151 schools were randomly selected for the assessment in reading, mathematics and science. The result revealed that Hong Kong’s basic education system is inclined towards quality education with equality. However, it is found that within-school difference of student performance has increased significantly, suggesting that the academic ability of students within a school is becoming more diverse. As such, how secondary school teachers should equip themselves, and what support the education authority should provide schools in order to take care of the widened learning difference among students in schools would be a timely agenda. invited to deliver a plenary lecture entitled ‘Beyond the Horizon in Palliative Medicine’ at the symposium on Taiwan’s experience in developing holistic palliative care. Prof. Cecilia Chan from the Centre on Behavioural Health of The University of Hong Kong also shared her research on the intervention to preserve dignity at the end of life. Professor Fok focused on palliative care as an important component of medical education.