Newsletter No. 372

4 No. 372, 19.2.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 六百師生春日緩跑 • 600 Run for Fun 為 慶祝崇基學院創院六十周年及醫學院成立三十周 年,兩院於1月15日舉行院慶開幕典禮,並舉行第 十屆「春日緩跑」賽事,接近六百名師生、校友及學生參 與,人數為歷屆之冠。 崇基學院院長梁元生教授表示: 「自十年前兩院合辦第一屆『春 日緩跑』起,每年這賽事都是兩 院師生及校友熱切期待、極具 意義的活動。對崇基學院來說, 這是一個難得的機會夥同醫學 院提倡健康生活的訊息。」 六十周年院慶嘉年華亦於當日 假嶺南體育館運動場舉行,逾千 人渡過一個輕鬆的周末。 逸夫賀銀禧 • Shaw’s Silver Jubilee Celebration 師生同樂顯關愛 • Keep Caring with Fun and Joy 為 慶祝逸夫書院跨越四分之一世紀,書院由2010年 中開始舉辦多項活動,包括於1月5日的逸仙樓命名 儀式暨辛亥革命百周年紀念學術研討會開幕禮( 圖 ),當日 邀得逾百嘉賓出席。 何厚煌博士及林健忠博士透過「林健忠曉陽慈善基金會」 捐款,命名逸夫書院第二學生宿舍高座為「逸仙樓」,藉辛 亥革命百周年之際向革命先烈致敬。 書院另於1月14日舉行銀禧晚宴,宴請嘉賓四百位,中大校 長暨逸夫書院第四任院長沈祖堯教授亦有出席,更與眾同 樂,主持棟篤笑「從院長到校長」,在場嘉賓無不拍案叫 絕。 T o celebrate its silver jubilee, Shaw College has organized a series of events since mid-2010, including the naming of Yat-sen Hall and the opening I n joint celebration of the 60th anniversary of Chung Chi College and the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, an opening ceremony for celebrations was held 授、大學輔導長吳基培教授、學生事務處處長梁汝照先 生及多位嘉賓,他們除了見證2010年的三十位uBuddies 畢業,更欣賞精彩的歌舞表演,並與學生一起參與競技活 動。當天更舉行新一屆uBuddies的宣誓儀式,約三十位 uBuddies承諾,在未來一年與朋輩分享在校園的體會和 成長的經驗及智慧,推廣關顧互助的校園文化。 沈祖堯校長表示能在陽光普照的冬日與師生一起投入競 技比賽,發揮團體精神,是愉快和難得的體驗。他認為在 中大建立關顧校園十分重要,不但能加強對學生的支援, 對校內的學術氣氛和大家的心理健康亦有正面影響,他更 相信uBuddies能在推廣關顧文化擔當重要角色,除了助人 自助,亦能建立正面的人生觀和達致全人發展。 T he Keep Caring Fun Day cum uBuddies Presentation Ceremony organized by the Office of Student Affairs was held on 13 January at the Cultural Square. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng, University Dean of Students; and Mr. Raymond Leung, Director of Student Affairs were present to witness the graduation of the 2010 uBuddies (peer counsellors) and the wonderful performances and exciting competitive games. The event also featured the oath-taking of the 30-plus 2011 uBuddies who promised to share their experiences and wisdom with fellow students and promote a caring and supportive culture on campus. Professor Sung said it was a pleasurable and worthwhile experience to enjoy team-building games with students and colleagues on a sunny wintry day. He reaffirmed the importance of establishing a caring campus at the University which can help strengthen support among students and enhance the academic atmosphere and mental health awareness. He believed that uBuddies could play a vital role in promoting a caring culture on campus. In helping others, the uBuddies could also acquire self-help skills, develop positive values and attain whole-person development. on 15 January. Prior to that the 10th Fun Run was held. The event set a new record with nearly 600 participating, including teaching staff, alumni and students from the College and the Faculty. Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Head of Chung Chi College, addressed the participants, ‘First presented by the College and the Faculty of Medicine 10 years ago, the Fun Run has become an anticipated and meaningful activity among our students, staff and alumni. The College has great pleasure in partnering with the Faculty of Medicine in promoting the message of healthy living.’ A celebration carnival for the College’s 60th anniversary was also held on that day at the Lingnan Stadium, attracting over 1,000 participants. of an academic seminar to mark the centenary of the 1911 Revolution (photo) on 5 January. Over 100 guests attended the ceremony. The College received a donation from Dr. Ho Hau- wong and Dr. Lam Kin-chung via the Lam Kin Chung Morning Sun Charity Fund to name the high block of Student Hostel II at Shaw College after Dr. Sun Yat- sen. The act is a tribute to the martyrs of the 1911 Revolution. The College held a silver jubilee dinner on 14 January, with over 400 guests in attendance. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor and fourth Head of Shaw College, was one of the guests. His stand-up performance, ‘From College Head to Vice-Chancellor’ received great applause from the audience. 學 生事務處舉辦的 Keep Caring 同樂日暨朋輩輔 導員(uBuddies)交接禮於1月13日在文化廣場舉 行,出席的包括校長沈祖堯教授、常務副校長華雲生教