Newsletter No. 372

6 No. 372, 19.2.2011 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 七員工獲優異服務獎 • Seven Receive Exemplary Service Awards 2 009至10年度員工優異服務獎頒獎典禮於1月7日舉 行,由沈祖堯校長( 右七 )頒獎。七位得獎人為專業進 修學院李麗儀女士( 左五 )、心理學系唐小琴女士( 左六 )、 物業管理處梁輝林先生( 左七 )、財務處楊月芬女士( 右 六 )、資訊科技服務處劉寶群女士( 右三 )、物業管理處戴 志清先生( 右五 )及學生事務處韓慧麗女士( 右四 )。當日 出席的包括大學主管人員、得獎者的親友及同事等約一百 五十人。有關頒獎典禮詳情和得獎人服務心得的錄像,可 於網上瀏覽 。 S even members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2009–10 by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (7th right), Vice-Chancellor, on 7 January. The recipients were Miss Li Lai-yee (5th left, School of Continuing and Professional Studies), Miss Tong Siu-kum (6th left, Department of Psychology), Mr. Leung Fai- lam (7th left, Estates Management Office), Miss Yeung Yuet-fun (6th right, Bursary), Ms. Lau Po-kwan (3rd right, Information Technology Services Centre), Mr. Tai Chi-ching (5th right, Estates Management Office) and Miss Hon Wai-lai (4th right, Office of Student Affairs). About 150 guests including senior management, staff, students, and family members of the awardees attended the ceremony. For details of the ceremony, as well as sharing by the awardees, please visit . 亞運獎牌得主全接觸 • Meeting Guangzhou Asian Games Winners 在 2010年廣州亞運會表現出 色、勇奪四十面獎牌的香港 運動員,早前兩度親臨中文大學,與 學生討論他們的目標和理想,並詳 談運動生涯及訓練的點滴。 體育部於2011年1月17日舉行第一場 分享會,邀請了空手道銅牌得主陳枷 彣小姐及教練廖學明師傅分享。陳 枷彣講述對運動的濃厚興趣,以及 專心矢志的練習,促使她最終踏上 頒獎台。她努力不懈及面對困難而 從不退縮的精神,教人動容。 1月26日,黃金寶先生( 右三 )、張敬 樂先生( 右二 )、蔡其皓先生( 右一 )、郭灝霆先生( 左一 )、 李慧詩小姐( 左三 )及刁小娟小姐( 左二 )出席第二場分享 會,講述從精英單車運動員到在亞運會勇奪獎牌的歷程, 刻苦不撓的精神叫觀眾熱烈讚賞。他們說因每天刻苦訓練 及比賽而失去了與家人相處的時間,但亦因為全情投入, 獲得的比失去的要多,運動豐富了他們的人生。 were Miss Chan Ka-man, Karate bronze medalist and her coach, Mr. Liu Hok-ming. Miss Chan talked about how her interest and determination in sports had made her a winner. Her resilience and persistence against difficulties were especially inspiring to the audience. The second session took place on 26 January with six members of the Hong Kong Cycling Team, including Mr. Wong Kam-po (3rd right), Mr. Cheung King-lok (2nd right), Mr. Choi Ki-ho (1st right), Mr. Kwok Ho- ting Marco (1st left), Ms. Lee Wai-sze (3rd left) and Ms. Diao Xiaojuan (2nd left). They shared their experiences from training as elite athletes to winning the medal in the Asian Games. The audience was impressed by how they went through endless hardships in the process. The athletes said the tough daily training and competitions left them very little time for their families. Yet, at the same time, as they strived to realize their dreams, they found their gains were much more significant when compared to the losses, and their lives were fully enriched by sports. 星級講師授全球經濟新形勢 • Star Lecturers on Global Economic Development 全 球經濟及金融研究所舉辦的全球金融菁英領導 研討班於1月21日圓滿結束。前香港金融管理局 總裁任志剛教授、1997年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主邁倫.斯 科爾斯教授( 圖左站者 )、中大博文講座教授並1999年諾 貝爾經濟學獎得主羅伯特.蒙代爾教授、前美國聯邦儲 備系統理事會副主席唐納德.科恩博士等十多位國際星 級講師,在一連六天的課程中,講授多個重要經濟課題, 包括全球經濟之新發展、國際貨幣 體制之新形勢、人民幣國際化、資 產價格泡沫、金融衍生工具及財務 槓桿等,為金融界提供專業培訓。 除業界高級行政人員外,參加研討 班的還包括中國銀監會、中國證監 會、中國人民銀行的主要官員;台灣 證券交易所、新加坡金管局、馬來西 亞中央銀行、香港金管局及證監會 的高層主管,合共三十多人。 T he first ‘Executive Leadership Programme in Global Finance’ launched by the Institute of Global Economics and Finance ended with success on 21 January. Over 10 international star lecturers, including Prof. Joseph Yam, former chief executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority; Prof. Myron S. Scholes (photo left, standing), 1997 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; Prof. Robert A. Mundell, CUHK Distinguished Professor- at-Large and 1999 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; and Dr. Donald L. Kohn, former vice chairman, Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System, shared insights on important topics such as the latest global economic developments, the international monetary system, the renminbi as an international currency, asset price bubbles, and financial derivatives and leverage over the six-day programme. The lectures offered customized professional training for the financial sector. Apart from senior executives in the industry, there were senior officials of China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and The People’s Bank of China; senior executives of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Central Bank of Malaysia, Hong Kong Monetary Authority and The Securities and Futures Commission among the 30-plus participants of the programme. H ong Kong athletes achieved phenomenal results, bagging 40 medals at the Guangzhou Asian Games 2010. The elite athletes were invited by the Physical Education Unit to two sharing sessions to share their aims, ideals, and experiences with CUHK students. The guest speakers of the first session held on 17 January