Newsletter No. 380
8 No. 380, 19.6.2011 成 就 ACHIEVEMENTS 本 校人文學科講座教授趙振開(北島)獲美國布朗大 學頒授文學博士學位,是今年獲該校榮譽學位的 十位人士之一。頒授儀式於5月29日在該校第二百四十三 屆畢業典禮上舉行。 布朗大學校長西蒙斯宣讀讚辭,她說:「作為一份民間文學 雜誌的創始人和出版者,你常常不惜以自身和家人付出的 巨大代價,為你的同胞創造並培育一個向世界表達自己的 平台。為了你對於人性根本之美德的堅持不懈的信仰、為了 你對於書寫文字之力量的信心,為了你對於人類之自由的 深切的信念,我們授予你榮譽文學博士學位以致敬意。」 P rof. Zhao Zhenkai (Bei Dao), Professor of Humanities, was conferred the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris 物 理系蕭旭東教授( 左 )和李泉教授( 右 )領導的 研究團隊,研發出低成本、高效率的銅銦鎵硒 (CIGS)薄膜太陽能電池。電池以玻璃、塑膠、金屬箔片 等材料為基底,再鍍上總厚度約1/200毫米的多層薄膜材 料組成,可在陰天及散射光下發電。 該電池的應用範圍極廣,可製成透視式電池,覆蓋於辦公 樓側牆和玻璃幕牆,以樓高二十層的商業大廈為例,可為 大樓提供約六成電力。另外亦可置於背包、手袋、帳篷、遮 陽傘等物品上,隨時隨地為電子產品充電,手掌大小的電 池只需日曬三小時,即可充滿一部手機的電量。此外還可 用作電動車、航天或軍用設備的電源。 蕭教授和李教授領導表示:「銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池的 效率較高,可媲美市場主流的晶體硅電池,而厚度卻比晶 體硅電池薄五十倍,可大大節省一半生產成本。」 北島獲美大學榮譽博士學位 Bei Dao Honoured by US University 中大膺數學研究最出色 亞洲大學 CUHK Rated Asia’s Top University for Mathematics 中 大獲《泰晤士報高等教育》評選全球五十所數學研 究最出色大學之一。《泰晤士報高等教育》與它的 數據供應商湯森路透,根據研究論文的引用影響力評選全 球最佳的數學研究機構,中大名列全球第十五,另一所入 選的亞洲大學則名列三十五。 C UHK was rated one of the top 50 universities for mathematics in the world by Times Higher Education . Times Higher Education worked with its data supplier Thomson Reuters to do an analysis of the world’s top research institutions for mathematics based on citation impact of research papers and found that CUHK is the highest ranked institution from Asia for this subject area, and 15th in the world. 物理系研發高效太陽能電池 Physics Professors Develop New Solar Cells 新型爬樹機器人面世 Robots Go Arboreal 副 校長兼現代機器人實驗室主任徐揚生教授( 右 )與 該實驗室林天麟博士( 左 )研發出具全方位活動能 力的爬樹機器人。此名為爬樹寶寶的機器人具有可彎曲的 身軀,兩端各有一組機械爪,能以毛蟲爬行的伸縮動作在 各種粗細的樹幹爬行,而且能在不規則的枝椏之間遊走, 較其他只能垂直向上爬行的爬樹機械人靈活。 爬樹寶寶可用於樹木檢查、保養及病蟲害防治等工作,亦 可用於監察樹上生態的科學研究,用途廣泛。它的重量僅 六百克,能負載重量達自身體重三倍的物件,因此能視乎 用途,配備各種儀器。 P rof. Xu Yangsheng ( right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and director of the Advanced Robotics Laboratory, and Dr. Lam Tin-lun ( left ) from the same laboratory invented a tree-climbing robot called the Treebot. The light and manoeuvrable robot can climb up trunks of different diameters and navigate complex branches with a caterpillar-like motion. Featuring a bendable body and two grippers, the Treebot can be used to monitor tree health and control pests. It can also be used as a tool for ecological observation. The arboreal robot weighs only 600 grams but can carry a payload three times its own weight. So, it can be fitted with different devices to carry out different tasks. causa by Brown University. He was one of 10 individuals who received honorary doctorates from Brown this year during its 243rd commencement exercises on 29 May. Brown president Ruth J. Simmons read Professor Zhao’s honorary citation during the ceremony: ‘As the founder and publisher of an underground literary journal you have, often at great personal cost to yourself and your family, created and nurtured a platform for your fellow citizens to express themselves to the world. For your persistent faith in the fundamental goodness of humanity and the power of the written word and for your deep belief in freedom for all, we honour you with the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa .’ A research team led by Prof. Xiao Xudong ( left ) and Prof. Li Quan ( right ) of the Department of Physics successfully developed a low-cost, high-efficiency CIGS thin film solar cell. CIGS cells are fabricated by depositing multilayer thin film materials of 1/200 mm in thickness on low-cost substrates such as glass, plastic and metal foil. The cells generate electricity even in cloudy weather and dim light. If made into transparent solar cells to clothe the outer glass walls of commercial buildings, they can cover about 60% of electricity consumption for a 20-storey commercial building. They can also be integrated into consumer products such as backpacks, handbags, tents, and sunshades for charging electronic products. A CIGS solar cell the size of a hand can fully charge a mobile phone in three hours under sunlight. It can also be used as power supply for aerospace and military devices, as well as electric cars. Professor Xiao and Professor Li said, ‘CIGS solar cells have the highest efficiency among various types of thin film solar cells. And compared to crystalline solar cells, they’re 50 times thinner and cost 50% less to produce.’ 照片蒙布朗大學提供 Courtesy of Brown University
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