Newsletter No. 380

No. 380, 19.6.2011 9 李錫欽教授 Prof. Lee Sik-yum O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任副校長 New Pro-Vice-Chancellor 大學校董會經校長推薦,並依據《香港中文大學條例》第5(6)條及 規程7規定,通過委任教育心理學講座教授侯傑泰教授為大學副校 長,任期兩年,由2011年8月1日起生效。 The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has appointed Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Professor of Educational Psychology, as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for a period of two years from 1 August 2011, as recommended by the Vice-Chancellor and in accordance with Section 5(6) and Statue 7 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance . 新任/續任協理副校長 New/Reappointed Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors 化學系吳基培教授獲委以兼任方式出任協理副校長,任期三年,由 2011年8月1日起生效。 Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng, professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been appointed as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor on a concurrent basis for a period of three years from 1 August 2011. 馮通教授再度獲委任為協理副校長,任期三年,由2011年8月1日起生效。 Prof. Fung Tung has been reappointed as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University for a period of three years from 1 August 2011. 續任大學輔導長 Reappointment of University Dean of Students 化學系吳基培教授獲續任大學輔導長,任期三年,由2011年8月1日起生效。 Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng, professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been reappointed as University Dean of Students for a period of three years from 1 August 2011. 續任研究院院長 Reappointment of Dean of Graduate School 信息工程學講座教授黃永成教授獲續任研究院院長,任期三年,由2011年9月1日起 生效。 Prof. Wong Wing-shing, Professor of Information Engineering, has been reappointed as Dean of the Graduate School for a period of three years from 1 September 2011. 續任書院院長 Reappointment of College Head 歷史學講座教授梁元生教授再度獲委任為崇基學院院長,任期三年,由2011年8月1日起 生效。 Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Professor of History, has been reappointed as Head of Chung Chi College for a period of three years from 1 August 2011. 榮休教授 Emeritus Professors 以下五位教授獲頒授榮休教授名銜,除孔祥復教授的名銜由2011年6月15日起生效外,其 餘皆由2011年8月1日起生效。 The following professors have been awarded the title of emeritus professor with effect from 1 August 2011, except in the case of Prof. Kung Hsiang-fu, whose emeritus professor title became effective on 15 June 2011: • 何鴻燊防治傳染病研究中心孔祥復教授 Prof. Kung Hsiang-fu, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases • 酒店及旅遊管理學院/市場學系李金漢教授 Prof. Lee Kam-hon, School of Hotel and Tourism Management/Department of Marketing • 統計學系李錫欽教授 Prof. Lee Sik-yum, Department of Statistics • 生物醫學學院姚大衛教授 Prof. Yew Tai-wai David, School of Biomedical Sciences • 公共衞生及基層醫療學院何陳雪鸚教授 Prof. Ho Chan Sutying Suzanne, School of Public Health and Primary Care 大學更改電話號碼字首 University Phone Number Prefix Changes 大學對電話線路的需求隨其發展日益增加。為此,大學引入新電話系統,字首現為2609、 2696及3163的所有電話號碼,一律改為3943,最後四個數字則保持不變;而並非以以上 三組字首開頭的電話號碼,則沿用舊號碼,不受影響。此外,新系統採用五位數字的內線, 可用的內線數目超逾八千條。 採用新字首的電話號碼已於6月5日開始使用,與原來的號碼同時並行,以便有充裕時間作 過渡安排,詳情請參看下表。 在過渡期內,凡電話號碼以2609、2696或3163為字首的部門/單位,請盡快將網頁及印刷 品的聯絡電話,改成字首為3943的新號碼;新印製的信紙及名片,亦請採用新號碼,印有 舊號碼的信紙及名片,請於2012年4月30日後停止使用。 現以2609、2696、或3163為字首的傳真號碼,也改為3943,過渡安排與電話號碼相同。 其他字首的傳真及電話號碼維持不變。 如有查詢,請致電資訊科技服務處熱線:3943 8877或電郵 As the University develops, the need for new telephone lines has kept increasing. The University has therefore introduced a new telephone system. With the new system, all existing telephone numbers beginning with 2609, 2696 and 3163 will have their prefixes changed to 3943, while the last four digits of the numbers remain unchanged. Telephone numbers with other prefixes shall remain unchanged. As a 5-digit extension number system, the new system can accommodate more than 8,000 extension lines. Starting from 5 June, the new prefix has been operational in parallel with the existing ones. Please refer to the diagram below for details of the transitional arrangements. During the transitional period, all departments/units with the prefixes of 2609, 2696 or 3163 are advised to display the new contact numbers (with the prefix 3943) on websites and in publications as soon as is practicable. New stock of letterheads and business cards should be printed with the new contact numbers and those with the old ones should not be in use after 30 April 2012. Fax numbers with the prefixes 2609, 2696 and 3163 will also change to 3943 in the same way as telephone numbers. Fax and telephone numbers with prefixes other than the above three remain unchanged. For enquiries, please contact the ITSC hotline: 3943 8877 or email: . 日期 Date 撥打整個號碼 Dialing full numbers 撥打內線 Dialing extension numbers 來電 Call in 致電 Call out 現時 4 位數字內線 Existing 4-digit extensions 現時 5 位數字內線 Existing 5-digit extensions 5.6.2011 – 1.1.2012 新系統(字首 3943)與現有系統(字首 2609、 2696、3163)並行,所有來電均會接駁至接收人 New system (with prefix 3943) starts and runs in parallel with existing system (with prefixes 2609, 2696, 3163). All calls can reach the recipient 來電顯示現有號碼(即字首 2609、2696、3163) Caller ID, if displayed, remains the same (i.e. with prefix 2609, 2696, 3163) 不變 No change 不變 No change 2.1.2012 – 30.4.2012 來電顯示均為 3943 xxxx Caller ID, if displayed, will all be 3943 xxxx 撥打內線,需要在現時的 4 位數字內線前加 上‘3’字。 例:內線 1234 改為 31234 Add the digit‘3’in front of existing extension number: e.g., ext. 1234 becomes ext. 31234 若首個數字為‘5’字,將轉為‘3’字 例:內線 53321 改為 33321 If the first digit is‘5’, change it to‘3’: e.g., ext. 53321 becomes ext. 33321 1.5.2012 – 31.8.2012 致電字首 2609、2696、3163 者將聽到訊息,指中 大電話號碼字首已轉為 3943: Callers of numbers with prefix 2609, 2696 or 3163 will hear a message indicating that the new prefix of CUHK numbers is 3943 1.9.2012 新系統全面採用 Migration Completed 更改電話號碼字首過渡安排(僅限於以2609、2696、3163為字首的電話號碼) Transitional Arrangements for Phone Number Prefix Changes (Only for telephone lines with prefixes 2609, 2696 and 3163) 孔祥復教授 Prof. Kung Hsiang- fu 何陳雪鸚教授 Prof. Ho Chan Sutying Suzanne 李金漢教授 Prof. Lee Kam-hon 姚大衛教授 Prof. Yew Tai-wai David