Newsletter No. 384

第三八四期 二零一一年十月四日  No. 384 4 October 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P4 「任何吃進肚子裏的東西都有 一些化學物質,毒與不毒視 乎濃度和身體的吸收。」 ‘All foods we consume contain chemicals but how toxic they are depends on their concentration and absorption by the body.’ 向英國取經 清廷駐英公使郭嵩燾,應該是歷史上最早訪問英國格林尼治天文 台的中國人之一,他在光緒三年五月二十三日(1877年7月3日)的 日記中寫下:「至羅亞爾阿伯色爾法多里[Royal Observatory], 倫敦觀星台也。」今年7月,一群中大學生踏足同一地點。雖然物換 星移,但他們和一百三十四年前的郭公使一樣,仍在英國看到可資 借鑒的經驗。(見頁2 – 3) Lessons from the UK Guo Songtao, the first Chinese ambassador to Britain in late- Qing China, must be one of the earliest Chinese visitors to the Royal Observatory Greenwich. He visited the observatory on 3 July 1877 and wrote down what he saw in his journal. This year, a group of CUHK students set foot in the same place. Although China has changed from what it was 134 years ago, these students still have something to learn from the UK (see pp. 2–3). P10 「我來自一個慣於放眼世界的 小國。」 ‘I come from a small country which is used to looking out at the world.’ 《中大通訊》電子版 Online version of CUHK Newsletter