Newsletter No. 390

2 No. 390, 4.1.2012 那些熟悉的身影,默默連繫了我們 The Familiar Silhouettes Who Connect Us 上司眼中的華姐 Words from Supervisor 簡月蓮女士(機械與自動化工程學系執行助理) Ms. Kan Yuet-lin (executive assistant, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering) 「華姐是一個和藹可親、勤力和富責任感的員工。」 ‘Wah Che is an affable, hard-working, and responsible member of staff.’ 在E世代,聯繫世界是彈指間事,只要指 頭輕輕一觸,便可把文字、圖像、照片和 影音檔案傳至千里以外。不過,在中大 校園,仍不時看到揹着信袋背包的員工 往來各部門送遞文件。《中大通訊》訪 問了兩位資深辦公室助理,細談在雨晴 寒熱下,在這全港最大、超過一百三十多 公頃的校園穿梭奔走的故事。原來,科 技再先進,也有取代不了的服務。 邱潔華 Yau Kit-wah 機械與自動化工程學系辦公室助理,1988年加入中大 OA in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, joined CUHK in 1988 responsible for cleaning test tubes and preparing apparatus. In 1990, she was transferred to the Dean of Students’ Office at Shaw College (SC). She had to travel between SC and central campus once in the morning, and once more in the afternoon. In addition to the Mail Room, she had to hand in the computer room fees to the Accounting Operations and Systems Unit (AOU) at the University Administration Building (UAB) and posted the announcements at Science Centre. Her hard work won her supervisor’s appreciation and she was encouraged to take the promotion examination for the rank of OA. As a quick-tempered person, Wah Che prefers to deliver on foot rather than taking time to wait for the shuttle bus. ‘I carry an umbrella and wear a pair of trainers whenever I go outside. Walking up and down in the sun is definitely not good. That’s why summer is not my favourite season.’ As time passes, Wah Che has developed knee pain problems. She was worried that she might not be able to cope with the work when she grew older, and applied for a transfer. Wah Che was transferred to the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering in 1994, the year when the department was founded. Being one of the founding members of the department, Wah Che said, ‘One day, I set off from the Mong Man Wai Building to the Mail Room at the John Fulton Centre with a trolley of mail. Prof. Kwong Chung-ping , founding chairman of the department, saw me. He was astonished and asked, “Are you alone in carrying so much mail? But even so you’re walking faster than me!” He then helped pushing the trolley to the Mail Room. I was very moved.’ While she has served in a number of units, Wah Che feels the care from colleagues everywhere. She is glad to work at CUHK. She also met some of her best friends here. She said, ‘I was able to apply for a staff loan from the money in my superannuation account. Together with the savings from the Credit Union, I was able to support the studies of my son and daughter in the US.’ Wah Che has a special talent—she has a good memory of the names, telephone and room numbers of over 100 academics, research assistants and postgraduate students of the department. She can tell you the telephone and room numbers of any individual member that you would care to name. ‘Though I am absent-minded, I do have a good memory for these things. Maybe it’s because I treat them as my family members.’ No wonder she likes working here so much. She always takes leave only upon her colleagues reminding her of annual leave being due to be forfeited. 邱 潔華 談到在中大工作時說:「在中大真的很愉快, 因為在這裏所得的實在很多,包括同事和上司的認 同、友誼和子女留學的機會。」 華姐最初在醫學院利希慎臨床研究實驗室任校工,負責清 洗試管和整理儀器,1990年轉職至逸夫書院輔導處。自 此,每天早午往返書院和本部各一次,除收發室外,也會到 行政樓會計組繳交電腦室收取的款項,以及往科學館張貼 通告。華姐工作認真,獲上司認同,鼓勵她考辦公室助理 的升級試。 華姐坦言她的性子急,嫌等校巴費時,寧可用走的。「故 此,出門必帶傘,穿運動鞋。我亦不太喜歡夏季,炎熱的 天氣上下山,實在不好受。」由於長期上下坡,膝蓋有點疼 痛,華姐擔心年紀漸長,日後未能應付,遂再申請轉調至其 他部門。 華姐1994年調職至機械與自動化工程學系,剛好是該系 成立之時,成為系內元老之一。華姐說:「讓我最難忘的, 是有一次推着一小車的信件,從蒙民偉樓往富爾敦樓收發 室,在近邵逸夫堂的路上,碰到了機械與自動化工程學系 首任系主任 鄺重平 教授,他驚訝地問:『這大堆信件,就只 你一個人來推?但怎麼走得比我還快?』接着,二話不說, 便幫我推着小車直到收發室。」 不管在哪一部門,華姐都感受到同事對她的關懷和照顧, 深慶能在此充滿人情味的地方工作,其間亦結識了另一位 女辦公室助理,且成為知己好友。她說:「因為在大學工 作,可以借用公積金,加上我又參加了儲蓄互助社,所以能 有一筆錢送一對子女到美國升學。」 華姐還有一項厲害的本領,系內逾百教職員、研究助理和 研究生,只要一說名字,她便可唸出電話號碼和房號來! 「其他東西很容易忘記,不知怎的,對這些卻一下子就牢 記了,大抵我覺得他們都像家人吧。」怪不得她表示最愛 上班,每次都是由同事提醒累積假期快滿了才放假。 W hen asked about her life in CUHK, Ms. Yau Kit-wah said, ‘It’s really a pleasure to work here. I’ve gained so much, including the recognition from colleagues and supervisors, friendship and the opportunity for my children to study abroad.’ Ms. Yau, or ‘Wah Che’ (Sister Wah), was first engaged as a workman at the Lee Hysan Clinical Research Laboratories of the Medicine Faculty, where she was In the electronic era, connecting one with the world is simple and easy. Texts, graphics, photos and audio-visual files can be sent thousand miles away by simply pressing a button. However, you can still see staff members carrying big post bags travelling around the CUHK campus, delivering mail to various units. The CUHK Newsletter talks to two senior office assistants ( OA ) about their stories, and their toils through the days, be it sunshine or rain, hot or cold, on Hong Kong’s largest campus at 137.3 hectares. There are services that cannot be replaced by state-of-the-art technology.