Newsletter No. 390

No. 390, 4.1.2012 3 黃 滿輝 加入大學時,職稱是校 役,今日的職員編制已不設此 專責送信的職位,而他亦升任為辦公 室助理,被同事暱稱為「輝哥」。話說回 來,原來當年輝哥根本無須送信。他說: 「我隸屬商務組,主力在當時設於大學 圖書館地庫的收發室工作,並兼理組內 雜務。每天上班後,先把郵政局送來的信 件分類,隨即拿着崇基、新亞和聯合三所 書院的信件上大學的郵車,分送各院,順道 拿取三院寄出的信件。 「回到收發室後,便把校內的信件,分放各部 門的信格,待各部門專責郵遞的校役或校工 來取。約10時半,我會隨郵車出發,到大圍郵 局寄信。這個流程在下午又會重覆一次。」 1989年調往會計組後,輝哥正式開始外出送取文件,一晃 數年。隨着大學急速發展,校方增添了一輛郵車。輝哥表 示:「這樣的安排,讓我們省時省力。」 「但由於大學行政樓地方不敷應用,財務處大部分職員要 遷往邵逸夫夫人樓,我改為帶着信件、支票、單據、發票等 往來兩棟樓宇。因為經郵車和收發室運送費時失事,我會 親力親為每天往返八次,約每小時一轉,而總有一兩次信 袋會重達十八公斤,輕者也有七八公斤。」 綜合多年出勤經驗,輝哥出門必備三樣寶物和堅守一大要 訣:「必帶雨傘、大塑膠袋和職員證,而且只乘搭鐵路。雨 太大時,即使撐傘,信袋也會弄濕,用塑膠袋套住便安全多 了。我不時會到其他部門及校外機構,職員證當不可缺。有 一次送信至港島,我先乘港鐵到紅磡,再轉乘過海巴士。 誰知,剛出隧道便遇上塞車,害我焦急萬分,雖然最終及 時送抵,但我決定此後出勤絕不坐巴士。」 錯選交通工具叫人焦慮,走冤枉路則叫人跌足。有一回輝 哥要送信到崇基行政樓,卻不知道可抄何善衡工程學大樓 下山的捷徑,「我傻傻地沿着校巴路線下山,到了方樹泉樓 再轉向該樓走,繞了好一個大圈。」 今天輝哥肩上的信袋已由昔日的旅行袋換成環保袋, 各處捷徑當然也了然於胸,「親歷大學的成長,真的感慨 良多。」 上司眼中的輝哥 Words from Supervisor 陳玉珍女士(財務長室高級私人秘書) Miss Annita Chan Yuk-chun (senior personal secretary, Bursar’s Office) 「輝哥就像『萬能俠』,辦公室內大大小小 的『奇難雜症』,如文儀用品或小型電器 損壞了,他都會竭盡所能,務求把它們『起死 回生』。」 ‘Fai Gor is the “Superman” in our office. He is capable of solving all sorts of problems, including the repairing of office machines and electrical appliances. This helps us a lot.’ 黃滿輝 Wong Mun-fai 財務處辦公室助理,1978年加入中大 OA in Bursary, joined CUHK in 1978 M r. Wong Mun-fai joined the University as an office messenger, a post which no longer exists. Mr. Wong, nicknamed ‘Fai Gor’ (Brother Fai), was promoted to the rank of OA many years ago. He said, ‘Being in the Business Office, I spent most of my time in the Mail Room then located at the basement of the University Library and took care of the section’s chores. I picked up the post bags delivered by the Post Office early in the morning, and sorted the letters and parcels. Then I would dispatch the mail for Chung Chi (CC), New Asia and United Colleges through the campus post van, which also collected the Colleges’ outgoing mail. ‘Upon returning to the Mail Room, I would distribute the mail for various units by inserting the posts into the units’ pigeon-holes. In those days, each unit had an office messenger or workman to take care of its own mail. About 10:30 am, I would take the post van to Tai Wai Post Office, where outgoing mail items were posted. This routine would be repeated in the afternoon.’ In 1989, Fai Gor was transferred to the AOU, where he started his days of delivery mail to other units by hand. Several years passed, the University purchased a new post van to keep up with the demand for efficiency and speed. Fai Gor said, ‘With such arrangement, a lot of time and efforts were saved.’ ‘As the UAB did not have sufficient space, most sections of the Bursary were moved to the Lady Shaw Building. While it would be too time- consuming for mail items to go through the Mail Room and post van, I was tasked with delivering letters, cheques, bills, invoices, and other documents on foot. I had to make about eight trips per day between the UAB and the Lady Shaw Building, i.e., once an hour, carrying a post bag weighing from some 7 to 18 kg.’ With years of mail delivery experience on and off- campus, Fai Gor developed his three ‘must-bring items’ formula and had a tip to offer. ‘I must carry an umbrella, a big plastic bag and my staff ID card. When it rains heavily, the post bag will get wet even if you are armed with an umbrella. I’ll use a big plastic bag to cover it. I frequently have to visit different units or external organizations where the staff do not recognize me. The staff ID card is a vital proof of my identity. Once I was asked to deliver a document to Hong Kong Island, I took the train to Hung Hom and got on a cross-harbour tunnel bus. Unfortunately, I ran into a traffic jam shortly after the bus crossed the tunnel. I was scared of being late. Luckily, I arrived on time. After that I never travelled by bus while I was on duty.’ While choosing transportation unwisely caused anxiety, taking an unnecessary long route made Fai Gor mad. He recalled delivering a letter to the CC Administration Building. Not knowing that there was a shortcut near the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building, ‘I simply followed the bus route downhill and made a turn at the Fong Shu Chuen Building heading to the destination. It’s really a long walk.’ Fai Gor’s post bag has been changed from an ordinary carrier bag to a recycled bag. He is now familiar with the shortcuts on campus. ‘Seeing the University develop through these years prompted me to reflect profoundly on the changes that have taken place.’