Newsletter No. 390

6 No. 390, 4.1.2012 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 第七十屆大會 • The 70th Congregation 中 大於12月15日舉行第七十屆大會(頒授學位典禮), 典禮由香港特區行政長官、中文大學監督曾蔭權博 士大紫荊勳賢主持。大會頒授榮譽文學博士學位予朱銘博 士;榮譽社會科學博士學位予何子樑醫生、李和聲先生及 余宇康教授,以表彰他們對促進文化學術、科技和社經發 展、增進人民福祉,以及對中大發展的傑出貢獻。 大會同時頒授各科博士學位,計有五名醫學博士、三百一 十四名哲學博士、十名教育博士,以及音樂博士和理學博 士各一名。 何子樑醫生是傑出的泌尿科專科醫生,他管理的何善衡慈 善基金會對中大的學術和研究發展貢獻至鉅,包括捐資建 設教研設施、學生宿舍、贊助學術科研,更成立善衡書院, 為同學提供全人教育。 朱銘博士是蜚聲國際的雕塑大師,獲各地藝壇高度評價。 他的作品深藏東方精神,融合傳統與現代的獨特藝術表 現,不斷追求革新。朱博士的著名大型雕塑《仲門》豎立 在中大校園已二十四載,是校園的重要地標,意義深遠。 李和聲先生是傑出企業家、財經界巨擘和社會領袖,他曾 捐資中大成立上海總會科研技術中心,以及李和聲香港歷 史資源中心,鼎力支持大學發展。2007年,其弟李和鑫博 士為表揚他對本港教育事業的貢獻和無私奉獻的精神,特 慷慨捐資中大成立和聲書院 余宇康教授是傑出的腎病學專科醫生和慈善家,他與中大 淵源深厚,鼎力支持中大成立醫學院,出任內科及藥物治 療學系名譽教授,更慷慨贊助設立多項巨額獎學金,支持 醫學研究及改善醫療設備。 C UHK held its 70th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 15 December. The Chief Executive of HKSAR Government, Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang, GBM, also the Chancellor of the University, presided at the Congregation. Four distinguished persons were conferred honorary doctorates in recognition of their outstanding contributions in their respective areas of achievement to academic, cultural and scientific progress, socio-economic advancement, the promotion of community welfare, and the development of the University. Dr. Ju Ming was conferred the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa . Dr. Ho Tzu-leung, Mr. Lee Woo-sing and Prof. Yu Yue-hong Richard were awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . A total of 331 doctoral degrees were also conferred at the congregation. These included one Doctor of Science, five Doctor of Medicine, 314 Doctor of Philosophy, 10 Doctor of Education, and one Doctor of Music. Dr. Ho Tzu-leung is an eminent urologist. The S.H. Ho Foundation managed by Dr. Ho has been generously supporting the academic and research development of CUHK, including the building of teaching and research facilities as well as student hostels, sponsoring scientific research. The Foundation also made possible the establishment of the S.H. Ho College to provide whole- person education for students. Dr. Ju Ming is an internationally-renowned sculptor. His works have been exhibited and recognized throughout the art world. Embracing oriental spirits, his works combine tradition and modernity, showing his continuous pursuit of innovation. His famous sculpture, the Gate of Wisdom , installed on the CUHK campus 24 years ago, is of great significance to the University and has become a campus landmark. Mr. Lee Woo-sing is an eminent entrepreneur, and a leader in finance and the community at large. He has rendered great support to the University by contributing to the establishment of the Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre, and the Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre. In 2007, Dr. Li Wo-hing, Mr. Lee’s brother, made a magnanimous donation to CUHK to establish the Lee Woo Sing College, in recognition of Mr. Lee’s contributions to local education and philanthropy. Prof. Yu Yue-hong Richard is a distinguished nephrologist and philanthropist. He has long been associated with CUHK and has been a staunch supporter in the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine. He is currently Honorary Professor of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of CUHK, and has made generous and substantial donations to the Faculty for the setting up of a number of scholarships, supporting its medical research and improving its facilities. 左起:何子樑醫生、朱銘博士、中大校董會主席鄭海泉博士、中大監督曾蔭權博士、中大校長沈祖堯教授、李和聲先生和余宇康教授 From left: Dr. Ho Tzu-leung; Dr. Ju Ming; Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng, CUHK Council Chairman; Dr. Donald Tsang, the Chancellor of the University; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Mr. Lee Woo-sing and Prof. Yu Yue-hong Richard