Newsletter No. 390

No. 390, 4.1.2012 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 逸夫禤永明樓動工典禮 • Shaw College Huen Wing Ming Building Works Commences 逸 夫書院於12月8日舉行禤永明樓動工典禮,標誌着 一個多功能學習中心之工程隨即開展。該中心將為 學生提供更適切及完備的學習設施,迎接大學於明年恢復 四年制後新增學生的需求。中心將設有現代化的資訊科技 設備和軟件,方便同學從世界各地獲取知識,並與不同地 域的人士交流。 典禮邀得捐贈人禤永明先生及其家人聯同中大校長沈祖 堯教授、逸夫書院校董會主席馮兆滔先生,以及逸夫書院 院長陳志輝教授擔任主禮嘉賓,約一百二十名書院好友、 老師及同學出席活動。 禤永明樓由書院的訪問學人單位改建,工程耗資超過 二千四百多萬元,由禤永明伉儷及其家人禤駿遠伉儷、 文本立伉儷慷慨捐資,並獲大學教育資助委員會資助,預 計於2012年暑假完成。 T he Works Commencement Ceremony for Huen Wing Ming Building of the Shaw College was held on 8 December, marking the commencement of works and preparation to meet the increasing demand for quality learning facilities upon the double cohort admission in 2012. The building will house a multi-purpose learning centre equipped with up-to-date IT hardware and software to facilitate acquisition of knowledge, learning and exchange with people all over the world. Officiated by Mr. Huen Wing-ming Patrick and his family members in conjunction with Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. Clement Fung, chairman of Board of Trustees, Shaw College; and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, head of Shaw College, the ceremony was participated by some 120 teachers, students and friends of the College. The centre costs over HK$24 million. It is funded by the generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Huen, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Huen, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Man as well as the University Grants Committee. The centre is expected to be completed by summer in 2012. 馮兆滔先生(左一)及陳志輝教授(右一)致送紀念品予禤永明伉儷。 Mr. Clement Fung (1st left) and Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan (1st right) present a souvenir to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Huen 中國古籍研究中心冠名 • Naming of the Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts 大 學校董會通過,中國文化研究所中國古籍研究中 心冠名為「劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心」,以紀念 劉教授對中心之貢獻。劉殿爵教授自1989年於中大榮休 後,專注於中國古籍研究工作,建立「漢達文庫」,編纂 《香港中文大學中國文化研究所古籍逐字索引叢刊》, 為中心日後發展奠定基石。劉教授於2010年4月辭世,遺 願將畢生積蓄合共二千一百三十六萬港元及其《論語》、 《孟子》、《老子》三書英譯所得版稅悉數捐予中心。 T he University Council has approved the renaming of the Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts of the Institute of Chinese Studies as the D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts, in recognition of 美國福利改革研討會 • Seminar on American Welfare Reform 加 州大學柏克萊分校社會福利學院副教授周鎮忠教授,透過富布賴特訪問學人計畫到訪中 大,並獲社會工作學系邀請於11月25日舉行研討會,題目為「福利改革及美國亞裔移民的 福利服務使用」,吸引近百名社工系師生出席。周教授在會上講述他有關美國福利改革對亞裔移 民影響的研究成果,並探討可為這些人口提供的相關社會福利服務。研討會反應熱烈,參加者不 但深入了解現時美國社會福利服務,亦批判地檢視了美國的社會福利改革政策,並思考其在本地 社會推行的可能性。 P rof. Chow Chun-chung Julian, associate professor of the School of Social Welfare at UC Berkeley and a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at CUHK, was invited by the Department of Social Work to hold a seminar titled ‘Welfare Reform and the Use of Welfare Services by Asian American Immigrants’ on 25 November, attracting nearly 100 teachers and students of the department. During the seminar, Professor Chow shared his research findings on the impact of welfare reform on Asian American immigrants and examined related welfare services available to this population. The seminar was very stimulating that participants not only gained insights into the current American social welfare provision, but also critically reviewed on the welfare reform policies in the US and its applicability in local communities. Professor Lau’s distinguished contributions to the centre. The late Professor D.C. Lau had devoted his time to the research of ancient Chinese texts after his retirement from CUHK in 1989. He established the CHANT Database and compiled The ICS Ancient Chinese Texts Concordance Series , which laid a solid foundation for the centre. Professor Lau had named the centre the sole beneficiary of his will before his death in April 2010. His residuary estate, comprising HK$21.36 million in cash and the royalties proceeding from his translations, Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, Mencius , and Confucius: The Analects , were donated to the centre. 劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心主任何志華教授(後)與劉殿爵教授(前) Prof. Ho Che-wah (back), director, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts, and the late Prof. D.C. Lau (front)