Newsletter No. 396

6 No. 396, 19.4.2012 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 利國偉心血管治療中心開幕 • Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Centre Opens 互聯網速度提升萬倍現突破 • Ultra High-speed Internet on the Horizon 欖球比賽男女子隊報捷 • Victory for Rugby Teams 中 大男子欖球隊衞冕成功,今年再次贏得香港大專體育協會欖球 比賽冠軍。女子隊亦成績驕人,贏得亞軍。比賽於3月18日在 沙灣徑球場舉行,中大隊員均訓練有素,英姿颯颯,比拼體育技巧與 合作精神。 The CUHK Men’s Rugby Team clinched the championship again this year in the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong Rugby Competition. The CUHK Women’s Team also performed outstandingly and was the first runner-up in the competition. The finals were held at Sandy Bay Sports Ground on 18 March. Kenyon 攝影 Photo by Kenyon 香 港中文大學威爾斯親王醫院利國偉 心血管治療中心於4月2日舉行開幕 典禮,主禮嘉賓包括偉倫基金有限公司主席 暨中大校董會前任主席兼終身校董利國偉 博士大紫荊勳賢伉儷( 右五及四 )、醫院管理 局胡定旭主席( 右三 )、中大校董會鄭海泉 主席( 左四 )、沈祖堯校長( 左三 )、威爾斯 親王醫院管治委員會何承天主席( 右二 )、 新界東醫院聯網總監馮康醫生( 左二 )、中大 醫學院霍泰輝院長( 右一 )和內科及藥物治 療學系系主任暨利國偉心血管治療中心主任 余卓文教授( 左一 )。 這個由跨界別團隊組成的中心於2010年 成立,每年進行逾二千五百宗微創心血管 手術,不僅服務新界東一百三十萬人口,亦是 全港心血管病轉介中心之一。沈校長致謝辭時感謝利國偉 博士家族及偉倫基金有限公司的無私貢獻和支持,以及 利博士及其家族高瞻遠矚,成立設施先進的心血管治療 中心,為患者提供迅速而適切的診斷和治療。 L ocated at the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH), the CUHK-PWH Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Intervention Centre officially opened on 2 April. Officiating guests included Dr. the Honorable Lee Quo- wei ( 5th right ), chairman of the Wei Lun Foundation Ltd. and former chairman and life member of the Council, 物 理系劉仁保教授在 超高速光學通信研 究取得突破,可望將互聯網 速度提升上萬倍。研究成果 於新一期權威學術期刊《自 然》發表。 劉教授與加州大學聖芭芭拉 分校Mark Sherwin教授及 博士研究生Ben Zaks合作, 利用自由電子激光器照射半導體裝置,成功觀測到「光 梳」現象,為邁向高達每秒萬億位(Tb/s)計的高速光學通 信技術奠定了重要基礎。 CUHK, and Mrs. Lee ( 4th right ); Mr. Anthony Wu ( 3rd right ), chairman of the Hospital Authority; Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( 4th left ), Chairman of the Council, CUHK; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 3rd left ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Mr. Edward Ho ( 2nd right ), chairman of the Hospital Governing Committee, PWH; Dr. Fung Hong ( 2nd left ), cluster chief executive, New Territories East Cluster; Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 1st right ), dean of the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; and Prof. Yu Cheuk-man ( 1st left ), chairman of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and director of the Lee Quo Wei Cardiovascular Intervention Centre. Established in 2010, the centre comprises a multidisciplinary team and performs more than 2,500 invasive cardiovascular procedures every year. It serves a population of 1.3 million living in eastern New Territories, and acts as a referral centre for cardiovascular diseases in Hong Kong. At the opening ceremony, Professor Sung expressed his gratitude to the Lee family and the foundation for their generous and continual support. Their far-sighted vision not only allowed the centre to come into existence, but has also benefited patients by providing early diagnosis and proper treatment with cutting-edge technologies. 若有關技術應用於現實,傳輸一張四層的藍光碟或一個包 含百萬冊圖書的電子圖書庫只需一秒,較現時互聯網廣泛 採用的銅纜傳輸技術快上萬倍。中大將以物理系光學科學 中心為基地,與加州大學繼續合作該項研究。 P rof. Liu Renbao of the Department of Physics made a key breakthrough towards ultra high-speed optical communication that has potential to speed up the current Internet by 10,000 times. The research findings have been recently published in the prestigious journal Nature . Professor Liu and researchers Ben Zaks and Mark Sherwin at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) used free electron lasers to irradiate a semiconductor device, and observed THz frequency comb, i.e., modulation of light at one trillion times per second (Tb/s). The observed THz frequency comb is a key element in future optical communication at Tb/s rate. ‘If such high-speed communication comes into being, one could transfer a whole quadruple-layer blue-ray disc or an electronic library of one million books in only one second,’ Professor Liu commented. This new technology has the potential to transfer data 10,000 times faster than copper cables, on which the current Internet is widely based. Researchers at the Centre of Optical Sciences of CUHK will continue to work with its collaborators at UCSB to conduct research.