Newsletter No. 398

6 No. 398, 19.5.2012 She will go to the Haskins Laboratories of Yale University to study the neural activity underlying talker normalization in lexical tone perception. 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 博士生獲富布賴特獎赴美深造 • PhD Students Win Fulbright Awards to Study in US 兩 名博士生楊敏( 前排左二 )和張偲偲( 前排左三 )獲 選為2012至13年研究資助局—富布賴特香港學 者計劃的獎學金得主。該計劃由研究資助局、美國駐港總 領事館和卓智基金慷慨資助,保送學生赴美從事博士論文 研究。頒獎禮在5月7日假美國領事館舉行,研究資助局主 席錢大康教授( 後排左三 )和美國駐港總領事楊甦棣大使 ( 後排左二 )主持。 主修社會學的楊敏將往哈佛大學研究中國大躍進到大饑 荒對社會和文化造成的創傷,以及倖存者對事件的記憶和 整合。主修語言學的張偲偲會前赴耶魯大學哈金斯語言實 驗室,研究語音感知的神經活動。 O n 7 May, two CUHK PhD students, Yang Min ( 2nd left, front row ) and Zhang Caicai ( 3rd left, front row ), received the 2012–13 awards under the Research Grants Council (RGC)-Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Programme at the US Consulate. The programme is supported by a generous grant from the RGC, the US 六十部門參與綠色辦公室計劃 • Sixty Units Say ‘GO!’ 校 園規劃及可持續發展處策劃的綠色辦公室計劃 (綠識辦)於5月11日舉行啟動儀式,由中大校長 沈祖堯教授( 前排右三 )、副校長程伯中教授( 前排右二 )、 協理副校長馮通教授( 前排左三 )、校園環境委員會主席 朱利民教授( 前排右一 )和校園規劃及可持續發展處處長 何婉兒女士( 前排左二 )主持。這個自發參與的計劃從四個 重點範疇:節約能源、減少廢物、環保採購、提升環保意識 及參與,鼓勵大學的學術、行政和服務單位參與和推動環 保行動,例如節約用電和回收物資。 當日大會的幾項特別安排,都以貫徹綠色行動為原則, 如會場室溫設定為攝氏二十五度,主禮嘉賓一概輕裝上 陣。典禮不印刷程序表,發言者把講辭載入平板電腦,自攜 赴會。 六十個率先參與計劃的部門,包括大學管理層、九所書院、 學生會和四個學生團體,均派代表參加誓師,承諾支持 和實踐環保。眾人在沈校長帶領下一起高喊「綠識辦」口 號:「做多步,更美好,中大GO!」,並見證校長簽署電子 「綠色辦公室約章」。 沈校長對同事和同學踴躍參與感到鼓舞,他說:「大學在 環保的成績備受肯定,最近訂下未來五年可持續發展目 標,期望『綠識辦』把環保理念和資訊傳揚,令每位中大 人身體力行,為環保多做一步。」 O rganized by the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (CPSO), the ‘Green Office Programme’ (GO!) was launched on 11 May. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 3rd left, front row ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. P.C. Ching ( 2nd left, front row ), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fung Tung ( 3rd right, front row ), Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Chu Lee-man ( 1st right, front row ), chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment; and Ms. Vivian Ho ( 2nd left, front row ), Director of CPSO. GO! is a voluntary incentive programme focusing on four priority areas: energy conservation, waste reduction, green purchasing, and enhancing awareness and engagement. The programme encourages academic, administrative and service units of the University to participate in and commit to some common, simple, effective and achievable green practices such as cutting down use of electricity and recycling materials. The ceremony was specially arranged to align with the concept of going green. For example, the room temperature was set at 25 degrees and all participants were casually dressed. The event rundown was available electronically, and officiating guests delivered the inaugural speeches by viewing their tablets. Representatives from the 60 participating offices including the whole management team, the nine Colleges, the Student Union and four student bodies also attended the ceremony and made the pledge to support and put sustainability into action. They also joined Professor Sung in reading aloud the slogan, ‘You can make a difference!’ and witnessed him signing the electronic ‘GO! Charter’. Prof. Joseph Sung was pleased to see so many colleagues and students committing themselves to this worthy cause. He said, ‘The University’s green initiatives have been fruitful and well recognized. Recently, we have set a five- year target of sustainable development. I hope “GO!” will bring its vision and message to all campus members, so that they will join hands to protect the environment.’ Consulate General in Hong Kong, and the Philomanthia Foundation. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Ronald T. Chin ( 3rd left, back row ), chairman of RGC; and Mr. Stephen M. Young ( 2nd left, back row ), US Consul General. Yang Min is a PhD candidate in sociology. She will be affiliated with Harvard University where she will research on the social and cultural trauma associated with the Great Leap Famine, with reference to how survivors recalled and reconstructed memories of the famine. Zhang Caicai is a PhD candidate in linguistics.