Newsletter No. 401

No. 401, 19.8.2012 5 醫學院教授奪美國臨床化學 協會大獎 CUHK Professor Awarded by American Association for Clinical Chemistry 醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授盧 煜明獲美國臨床化學協會和美 國國家臨床生物化學學院頒發 傑出研究獎,以表揚其開創無 創性產前檢查,為臨床化學研 究領域作出重要貢獻。 Prof. Dennis Lo Yuk-ming, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, has received the AACC-NACB Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry in a Selected Area of Research from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) for his ground-breaking work in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. 流動學校計劃獲贈百萬 Mobile Schooling Project Receives Donation 幸福醫藥黎用冠慈善基金慷慨捐贈一百萬港元,支持中大教育學院及香港教育研究所主辦的「幸福走多步─流動學 校」計劃,為本港高中學生提供通識課程及戶外考察活動。 Fortune Pharmacal Lai Yung Kwoon Foundation donated HK$1 million to support the ‘A Step Further to Achieve Higher: Mobile Schooling Project’. Co-organized by the Faculty of Education and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, the project provides local high school students with general education courses and field trips. 中港澳大學生文化交流營 Cultural Programme for Mainland Students 學術交流處(國內事務)於7月8至14日舉辦內地大學生 文化交流營。三十六位來自內地十四所院校的學生,與十 名中大和澳門大學的學生,一起參與在香港及澳門舉行 的一系列講座和參觀活動。 The Office of Academic Links (China) organized the Third Summer Cultural Interflow Programme for Mainland Students from 8 to 14 July. Thirty-six university students from the mainland and 10 students from CUHK and the University of Macau participated in the one-week programme, which featured lectures and visits in Hong Kong and Macau. 物理系與歐核組織簽署合作協議 Physics Department Signs Agreement with CERN 中大與歐洲核子研究組織(CERN)的緊湊渺子線圈實 驗(CMS)研究團隊於7月13日簽署合作協議,為物理系 研究生及科學家提供參與基本粒子物理實驗的平台。此 外,中大本科生亦會獲得參與CERN暑期實習計劃的難 得機會。 CUHK and the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) signed an agreement for cooperation, which enables postgraduate students and senior scientists from the Department of Physics to take up research in elementary particles. Undergraduate students will also enjoy the rare opportunity to participate in the CERN Summer Student Programme. 破解人類胚胎着床之謎 Long-standing Mystery of Human Reproduction Solved 上皮細胞生物學研究中心主任 陳小章教授領導的研究團隊, 最近發現上皮細胞鈉離子通道 在胚胎着床(即胚胎植入子宮) 過程中不可或缺的作用,揭開了 長期以來關於胚胎植入子宮的 啟動過程的謎團。該研究發現 刊登於7月號的《自然醫學》。 A research team led by Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre, has discovered the important role of the epithelial Na+ channel in embryo implantation. The findings solve one of the long-standing mysteries surrounding human reproduction. The research was published in the July 2012 issue of Nature Medicine . 中大學生獲國際程式比賽銀獎 CUHK Wins Silver in Programming Contest 計算機科學與工程學系之「ACM程式設計隊」在波蘭華 沙舉行的第三十六屆「ACM國際程式設計比賽」世界總 決賽中取得第八名,勇奪銀獎。出賽隊伍由三名本科生 組成,包括兩名主修計算機科學學生羅維漢( 右二 )和韓 文軒( 右一 ),以及主修計量金融學的袁澤暉( 左二 )。 The ACM Programming Team from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering came in eighth and was awarded a silver medal in the 36th Annual World Finals of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest held in Warsaw, Poland. The team comprised three undergraduate students: Law Wai-hon ( 2nd right ) and Hon Man-hin ( 1st right ), both majoring in computer science, and Yuen Chak-fai ( 2nd left ), majoring in quantitative finance. 太空所學者獲「龍計劃」傑出貢獻獎 ISEIS Scholar Receives Dragon Programme Award 太空與地球信息科學研究所Prof. Daniele Perissin利 用衞星雷達干涉技術,揭示城市地鐵工程引起的地面沉 降問題,獲中國國家科技部和歐洲空間局合作的太空遙 感領域「龍計劃」頒發傑出貢獻獎。 Prof. Daniele Perissin of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science has received the Dragon Programme award from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) for his contribution to the success of the second phase of the Dragon Programme, the largest cooperation programme on space remote sensing between ESA and the MOST.