Newsletter No. 410

No. 410, 4.1.2013 5 1971 2012 大 學行政樓會議廳於1971年開幕,典禮兩個月後,捐建 會議廳的關祖堯爵士病逝,大學將會議廳易名祖堯堂 以資紀念。最初壁上只有關祖堯爵士的油畫像,四十年後的 今天,環型的會議廳已懸掛了共十六幅歷任校監、校董會主 席和校長肖像。 T he Conference Hall at the University Administration Building donated by Sir Kwan Cho-yiu was opened in 1971. He passed away two months after the opening ceremony. As a tribute to Sir Kwan Cho-yiu, the University named the venue Cho Yiu Hall. The portrait of Sir Kwan Cho-yiu was the first and only one on the wall in the early days. Forty years later, 16 portraits of past University Chancellors, Council Chairmen and Vice- Chancellors adorn the walls.