Newsletter No. 415

金曜風華:夢蝶軒藏中國古代金飾展 Radiant Legacy: Ancient Chinese Gold from Mengdiexuan Collection 文物館與藝術系合辦的「金曜風華:夢蝶 軒藏中國古代金飾」展覽,以香港夢蝶軒 藏近三百項公元前1500年至公元1700年 間歐亞及中國金飾為核心,是香港眾博 物館中第一次大規模、有系統的中國金器 展覽。 這次展覽不僅展示一個重要的私人珍藏, 更是首個綜合藝術史、文化交流史和工藝 技術的中國金飾研究。作為公元前一千多 年前經外族引入中國的金屬物料,黃金不 單帶來新穎的視覺享受,更為中國帶來嶄 新的藝術、文化和技術的衝擊。 Co-organized by the Art Museum and the Department of Fine Arts, the exhibition ‘Radiant Legacy: Ancient Chinese Gold from the Mengdiexuan Collection’ will present the collection of about 300 Eurasian and Chinese gold artifacts dating from ca. 1500 BCE to 1700 CE in the Mengdiexuan Collection. This ancient Chinese gold exhibition is the first comprehensive, systematic presentation of gold in ancient China held in a Hong Kong museum. More than just an exhibition of one private collection, this will be the first large-scale, art-historical, intercultural, and technical study of Chinese gold from the earliest times. As a material that was introduced into China through its contact with non-Chinese groups during the late 2nd millennium BCE, gold brought with it not simply a new visual appeal, but completely new technical, artistic, and cultural implications in the complex interactions between cultures, peoples, and regions over time and space. 展覽 Exhibition 研討會 Symposium 日期 Date 5.5–27.10.2013 4.5.2013 地點 Venue 文物館 Art Museum 報名日期 Registration — 8.4.2013 查詢 Enquiries 3943 7372 跪坐鹿形金飾牌 公元前六至五世紀 Gold recumbent stag, 6th–5th centuries BCE 教職員公積金計劃(1995)─投資簡報會 Investment Forum 財務處將於4月17及18日下午12時30分至2時舉行投資簡報會,地點為李兆基樓2號 演講室。詳情如下: Two investment forum sessions have been scheduled for 17 and 18 April from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm at LT2, Lee Shau Kee Building. Details are as follows: 17.4.2013 • 香港股票基金 Hong Kong Equity Fund • 香港指數基金 Hong Kong Index-linked Fund • A50中國指數基金 A50 China Tracker Fund 東方匯理資產管理香港有限公司 Amundi Hong Kong Limited • 平衡基金 Balanced Fund • 霸菱資產管理(亞洲)有限公司 Baring Asset Management (Asia) Limited • 研富資產管理 RCM Asia Pacific Limited 18.4.2013 增長基金 Growth Funds • JF資產管理有限公司 JF Asset Management Limited • 景順投資管理有限公司 Invesco Hong Kong Limited 穩定基金 Stable Fund 德意志資產管理(香港)有限公司 Deutsche Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 薄備簡餐。參加表格可於財務處網頁下載,查詢請致電薪津及公積金組:3943 1559/7236。 Light lunch will be served. The enrolment form can be downloaded from the Bursary website ( ). For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 3943 1559/7236. 2013校園音樂會 Campus Concert 2013 中大合唱團將於4月15日晚上8時於崇基禮拜堂舉行2013校園音樂會《清唱經典II》,演出 作品既有雅致精巧的文藝復興聖樂,也有用上新奇技巧(如泛音演唱)的前衞曲目。免費 入場,詳情請瀏覽: 。 The CU Chorus will host Campus Concert 2013—A Cappella Masterpieces II at 8:00 pm on 15 April at Chung Chi Chapel. Delicate and elegant Renaissance chorales and novel contemporary works with special techniques like harmonic singing will be performed. Admission is free. For details, please visit . 「大」「部」行活動 Walk for Green 為推廣校園的步行文化,物業管理處、資訊科技服務處及體育部於3至10月合辦「大」 「部」行步行獎勵計劃,鼓勵教職員和學生由大學站步行至本部。參加者步行前後只需 在位於康本國際學術園地下和何善衡工程學大樓五樓的拍卡器上拍中大通一次,便可 紀錄其步行,達一定指標,即成為「綠色步行者」,並獲獎狀或紀念品,而學生更可獲 加體育分數。詳情請瀏覽: 。 如有查詢,請聯絡 物業管理處陳雪琴(3943 4444 , 。 To promote a walking culture on campus, the Estates Management Office (EMO), with the support of the Information Technology Service Centre and the Physical Education Unit, launches the ‘Walk for Green’ to encourage staff and students to walk between the University MTR Station and central campus. From March to October, staff and students need only to tap their CU Link at two card-readers at G/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park and platform, 5/F, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building before and after walking and their walk will be recorded. Those who meet the target will become ‘Green Walkers’ and will be awarded certificates or souvenirs. Students will get extra points in their overall PE scores. For details, please visit . For enquiries, please contact Ms. Doris Chan, EMO at 3943 4444 or . 1995公積金計劃內各項投資回報成績 Investment Returns on Designated Investment Funds of Staff Superannuation Scheme 1995 基金 Fund 2.2013 1.3.2012–28.2.2013 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth -0.66% -0.97% 10.10% 9.03% 平衡 Balanced -0.60% -0.94% 6.08% 6.73% 穩定 Stable -1.57% -1.14% 0.56% 2.12% 香港股票 HK Equity -2.52% -2.77% 8.86% 10.09% 香港指數 HK Index-linked -2.98% -2.97% 8.97% 10.12% A50中國指數 ∆ A50 China Tracker ∆ -3.38% -2.00% -2.93% 9.90% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.06% 0.001% 1.14% 0.01% 美元銀行存款 * USD Bank Deposit* 0.06% -0.001% 1.27% 0.03% 澳元銀行存款 * AUD Bank Deposit* -1.58% -1.75% -1.10% -4.07% 歐元銀行存款 * EUR Bank Deposit* -3.67% -3.70% -2.45% -3.00% 強積金數據請參閱: For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: Δ Δ 累積回報是由2012年3月1日之後的十二個月之回報。實際投資回報數值包含由iShares安碩富時A50 中國指數ETF﹙2823﹚的市場價格及單位資產淨值的差異而產生的溢價或折讓。在2013年2月該溢價減 少了0.91%,而2012年3月至2013年2月之十二個月期間溢價的累計減幅為6.27%。 Cumulative returns are for the past twelve months from in 1 March 2012. The return data include a premium or a discount between the Market Price and the Net Asset Value of iShares FTSE A50 China Index ETF (2823). In February, there was a decrease in premium of 0.91% and for the twelve months from March 2012 to February 2013, the premium decreased by 6.27%. * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動。 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month. 8 No. 415, 4.4.2013