Newsletter No. 416

B uildings on central campus in the early 1970s included the Benjamin Franklin Centre, the University Administration Building, the Institute of Chinese Studies, the University Library, and the Science Centre. As time went by, new buildings and landmarks were erected, such as The Gate of Wisdom , the Roman Garden ‘Forum’, Pi Ch’iu Building, Sui-Loong Pao Building, Y.C. Liang Hall, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, John Fulton Centre, Tin Ka Ping Building and the library extension. Together with their occupants, they have witnessed the University’s path to maturity. 七 十年代初期的校園本部,只見范克廉樓、大學行 政樓、中國文化研究所、大學圖書館及科學館等建 築。其後《仲門》、惠園、碧秋樓、兆龍樓、潤昌堂、邵逸夫 堂、富爾敦樓、田家炳樓、圖書館新翼等陸續落成,道路兩 旁綠樹成蔭,中大亦茁壯成長。 2013 c. 1973 10 No. 416, 19.4.2013