Newsletter No. 419

6 No. 419, 4.6.2013 七社會賢達獲頒榮譽院士 Seven Distinguished Persons Appointed Honorary Fellows 香港中文大學於5月13日舉行第十二屆榮譽院士頒授典 禮,頒授榮譽院士銜予七位與中大淵源深厚的卓識之 士,表彰他們對大學及社會的卓越貢獻。 The Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Twelfth Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 13 May. Seven distinguished persons closely associated with the University were conferred Honorary Fellowships in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. 陳志海先生 Mr. Chan Chee-hoi Warren 本港著名的資深大律師,陳先生關注香港和內地的法律 教育發展,於2004年慷慨捐款支持中大成立法律學院, 並擔任學院籌劃委員會成員多年,現為學院諮詢委員會 成員。他並支持該院學生參加國際模擬法庭比賽,包括 在位於中環的法律學院研究生部設置陳志海模擬法庭 作練習場地,以及成立比賽基金。此外,陳先生亦捐款支 持歷史系及哲學系的發展。 A renowned Senior Counsel, Mr. Chan has supported the development of legal education in Hong Kong and mainland China. In 2004, he made a generous donation for the establishment of the Law School at CUHK. He served as a member of the Planning Committee for Law for years and is currently a member of the advisory board of the Law Faculty. Mr. Chan has been giving ardent support for law students to participate in international mooting competitions by setting up the Warren Chan Advocacy Fund and the Warren Chan Moot Court at the Graduate Law Centre in Central. He has also made donations for the development of the Department of History and the Department of Philosophy. 陳瑞球博士 Dr. Chan Sui-kau 著名工業家及慈善家,長江製衣有限公司及YGM集團的 創辦人,曾出任香港製衣業總商會會長及香港紡織業聯 會創會會長,對香港的紡織工業和經濟發展貢獻至鉅。 陳博士樂善好施,帶領其家族成員設立陳氏家族慈善基 金,大力支持本港及內地教育事業,包括中大的中醫中藥 研究所和「博群計劃」,受益學子遍及海內外。 A prominent industrialist and philanthropist, Dr. Chan is the founder of Yangtzekiang Garment Ltd. and the YGM Group. He has held various key positions including president of the Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manufacturers, founding chairman of the Textile Council of Hong Kong, making tremendous contributions to the development of the textile industry and the economy of Hong Kong. Dr. Chan and his family members are strong supporters of education in Hong Kong and mainland China, having made generous donations to numerous schools and universities, including CUHK’s Institute of Chinese Medicine and the I  • CARE Programme. 禤永明先生 Mr. Huen Wing-ming Patrick 中國工商銀行(澳門)股份有限公司副主席兼執行董事, 在銀行業界累積五十年經驗。禤先生致力推動澳門經濟 多元化,以及中大與澳門大學合作交流,現任逸夫書院 校董及財務委員會成員,並捐建禤永明樓,設立禤永明 系統工程與工程管理學講座教授席;又促成何鴻燊防治 傳染病研究中心的成立。 Currently vice-chairman and executive director of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Limited and with 50 years of banking experience, Mr. Huen has devoted significant efforts towards the diversification of Macau’s economy. He is a keen supporter of academic exchange and complementary cooperation between CUHK and the University of Macau. He serves as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee of Shaw College. He also made donations towards the construction of the Shaw College Huen Wing Ming Building. In addition to helping found the Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Mr. Huen assisted in the establishment of the Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases of CUHK. 李金漢教授 Prof. Lee Kam-hon 中大巿場學榮休講座教授,四十多年來在中大歷任要 職,包括工商管理碩士課程主任、工商管理學院院長、酒 店及旅遊管理學院院長等,並於1993年設計及推出全港 以至亞洲首個行政人員工管碩士課程。李教授更推動成 立坐落於校園的教學酒店,以及酒店、旅遊及不動產研 究中心,對學院貢獻重大。 Currently Emeritus Professor of Marketing at CUHK, Professor Lee has made significant contributions to CUHK for more than 40 years, assuming various key positions, including director of MBA Programmes, Faculty Dean, and director of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management. In 1993, he helped to launch the first Executive MBA Programme in Hong Kong and Asia. He also assisted the University to launch and complete the teaching hotel project on campus and established the Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research. 李樂詩博士 Dr. Lee Lok-sze Rebecca 全球首位踏足南北極及珠穆朗瑪峰的女探險家,探險兩 極十八次,更四度登上珠穆朗瑪雪域,被譽為「香港雪地 女王」。李博士積極推動極地考察和研究,於1997年創 立極地博物館基金並出任總監至今,推動全球環保工 作。她亦將為中大即將成立的「賽馬會氣候變化博物館」 提供數以千計珍藏的圖像及標本。 The world’s first woman explorer to reach the Arctic, Antarctic and Mount Everest, Dr. Lee has made 18 expeditions to the poles and four ventures to Mount Everest. In doing so, she has made immense contributions to polar exploration and research. She is the director of the Polar Museum Foundation which she founded in 1997. Dr. Lee will donate a valuable collection of objects she gathered during her field work in the ‘three poles’ to the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, to be set up by CUHK. 梁紹鴻博士 Dr. Leong Siu-hung Edwin 著名慈善家及大鴻輝興業有限公司主席兼創辦人。梁博 士熱心公益,屢次以其先父梁顯利先生之名義捐款,並 設立大鴻輝慈善基金,為弱勢社群提供教育、醫療及其 他支援服務。自2005年起,梁博士多次慷慨支持中大的 研究活動及學生交流計劃,以及設立梁顯利老年學及老 人病學講座教授席。 Famous philanthropist Dr. Leong is the chairman and founder of Tai Hung Fai Enterprise Company Limited. He offers educational opportunities and provides health care for the deprived by making donations in honour of his father, the late Mr. Henry G. Leong, and through the Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation. Since 2005, Dr. Leong has generously donated in support of the research activities and student exchange programmes of CUHK. He established the Henry G. Leong Gerontology and Geriatrics Endowed Professorship in support of research on gerontology and geriatrics. 麥高偉教授 Prof. Mike McConville 中大法律學院榮休教授,曾於多間頂尖大學出掌要職, 包括美國紐約大學及英國華威大學。他在推動個人權利 方面的貢獻國際知名,並完成一項大規模的中國刑事司 法制度研究。2005年,他獲委任為中大法律學院創院院 長及法律學講座教授,領導學院發展蒸蒸日上,成為本 港的法律教育重鎮。 Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Law at CUHK, Professor McConville assumed key positions in various top-notch universities including New York University and the University of Warwick. He is well-known for his contributions to human rights advocacy. He also completed an empirical study of the Chinese criminal procedure. In 2005, Professor McConville was appointed as founding director and Professor of Law at the CUHK School of Law. Under his leadership, the school underwent unprecedented growth and development.