Newsletter No. 419

No. 419, 4.6.2013 7 劉佐德全球經濟與金融講座系列 Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance 香港商人及慈善家劉佐德先生( 中 )日前透過劉佐德基金有限公司 慷慨捐贈中文大學一百五十萬港元,支持全球經濟及金融研究所成 立「劉佐德全球經濟與金融講座系列」,每年邀請國際知名學者及 專家到訪中大,主講全球及中國金融新知與研究,以及公眾關注的 課題,促進學術交流。支票致贈儀式於5月13日舉行,由沈祖堯校 長( 右七 )、劉佐德伉儷,以及研究所常務所長莊太量教授( 左四 ) 主禮。劉佐德先生家人( 右四至右六 )、藍饒富暨藍凱麗經濟學講座  教授劉遵義教授( 左六 )及研究所傑出研究員任志剛教授( 左五 )亦 蒞臨觀禮。 Mr. Lau Chor-tak ( centre ), Hong Kong entrepreneur and philanthropist, and chairman of the Lau Chor Tak Foundation Ltd, has made a generous donation of HK$1.5 million in support of the establishment of the ‘Lau Chor Tak Distinguished Lecture on Global Economics and Finance’ at the Institute of Global Economic and Finance (IGEF) of the Chinese University. The distinguished lecture series aims at further promoting scholarly exchange on global economics and finance. Prominent scholars and experts will be invited to deliver lectures on the latest developments in the global and Chinese economies or related topics of public interest. The cheque presentation ceremony was held on 13 May. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 7th right ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Mr. and Mrs. Lau Chor-tak; and Prof. Terence Chong ( 4th left ), executive director, IGEF. Lau’s family members ( 4th to 6th right ), Prof. Lawrence J. Lau ( 6th left ), Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, and Prof. Joseph Yam ( 5th left ), distinguished research fellow of IGEF, took part in the event. 四科研項目獲科研優秀成果獎 CUHK Receives Four Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards 中大於國家教育部頒發的2012年度高等 學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術) 中,獲頒一項科技進步獎一等獎及三項自 然科學獎二等獎,數目為本港院校之冠。 頒獎典禮於5月16日在逸夫書院大講堂舉 行,國家教育部副部長杜占元博士( 左 )親 臨擔任頒獎嘉賓,由華雲生常務副校長代 表領獎。 獲頒科技進步獎一等獎的研究為「非酒精 性脂肪性肝病發病機制與干預阻斷研究及應用」,由沈祖堯校長、內科及藥物治療學系 陳力元教授、于君教授及黃煒燊教授領導。獲頒自然科學獎二等獎則有「自旋退相干微 觀機制、相干保護及應用的理論研究」、「十足目甲殼動物的分子系統學研究」及「異種 胰島移植的安全性研究」,獲獎者包括物理系劉仁保教授、生命科學學院朱嘉濠教授、影 像及介入放射學系王毅翔教授,以及機械與自動化工程學系王昌凌教授。 The University received four Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in 2012. These include one first-class award in Scientific and Technological Progress, and three second- class awards in Natural Sciences, making it the institution with the highest number of awards in the local tertiary sector. The award presentation ceremony was held on 16 May at the Lecture Theatre of Shaw College. Dr. Du Zhanyuan ( left ), Vice-Minister of Education, presented the award certificates to Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK. Led by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Henry L.K. Chan, Prof. Yu Jun and Prof. Vincent W.S. Wong, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics; the research project on ‘Investigation and Application of Pathogenesis and Intervention for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease’ received the first-class award in Scientific and Technological Progress. Projects receiving second-class awards in the Natural Sciences included ‘Theory of Microscopic Mechanisms of Electron Spin Decoherence, Coherence Protection and Applications’, ‘Molecular Systematics of Decapod Crustaceans’, and ‘The Safety Study of Islet Xenotransplantation’. The professors honoured were Prof. Liu Renbao, Department of Physics; Prof. Chu Ka-hou, School of Life Sciences; Prof. Wang Yixiang, Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology; and Prof. Charlie C.L. Wang, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. 四心理學碩士生獲獎學金赴美受訓 Psychology Postgraduates Receive Overseas Training Awards 四名臨牀心理學碩士課程生( 左起 ) 陳家欣、林竹雅、唐可怡和陳詠恩獲 頒「悟宿基金會有限公司海外訓練 獎學金」,將於暑假前往美國受訓。 陳家欣及林竹雅將到加州大學聖地 牙哥分校進修,該校以腦神經心理 學聞名。陳家欣相信此行能夠學習 更多有關臨牀腦神經心理學的先進 知識,有助日後的專業發展。林竹雅則表示能入讀由該校的臨牀腦神經心理學課程, 不但機會難得,而實習定將讓她獲益良多。 陳詠恩及唐可怡將到波士頓大學受訓,該校以針對焦慮症及相關失調的認知行為治 療稱著。唐可怡說﹕「有幸前往知名的波士頓大學受訓,學習心理評估及關於焦慮症 等精神失調的治療方法,肯定是珍貴的學習體驗。」陳詠恩也十分期待到該校接受相 關訓練,向傑出的臨牀心理學家及研究專家取經。 Four clinical psychology postgraduate students: ( from left ) Chan Ka-yan Janice, Lam Chuk-nga Lana, Tong Ho-yee Backy, and Chan Wing-yan Winnie, have been granted the Providence Foundation Limited Overseas Training Awards, which support them to take training programmes in the US this coming summer. Janice and Lana will go to the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), renowned for its neuropsychology programme. Janice believes that UCSD’s state- of-the-art knowledge and skills in clinical neuropsychology will be beneficial to her professional development in this field. Lana treasures the opportunity to join the clinical neuropsychology programme and to learn more about this field in a real-life setting. Backy and Winnie will attend Boston University which is strong in cognitive- behavioural therapy on anxiety and related disorders. Backy said, ‘The opportunity to learn about the psychological assessment and treatment for different psychiatric disorders, in particular anxiety disorders and related challenges, at Boston University will be most valuable.’ Winnie also looks forward to the clinical training at Boston University which would enable her to learn from clinical psychologists and researchers who are prominent figures in the field.