Newsletter No. 419
No. 419, 4.6.2013 9 1969 2013 II I T his bird’s eye view of the Institute of Chinese Studies under construction in 1969 shows the teaching blocks of Chung Chi College and the Tolo Harbour in the distance. Today, the institute has expanded with the addition of East Wing ( I ) and West Wing ( II ) of the Art Museum. New teaching blocks have replaced the traditional quadrangle-courtyard-type teaching buildings in Chung Chi, and the Faculty of Business Administration has moved to the Cheng Yu Tung Building which is situated on reclaimed land. 中 國文化研究所於1969年動工興建,其時從高處俯瞰,清晰可見 遠方的崇基學院教學樓和吐露港畔。物換星移,文化研究所已 增添了文物館東翼( I )及西翼( II ),兩座工程學大樓矗立於不遠處, 崇基校園原來的四合院式教學樓,換了新的教學樓群,工商管理學院 則遷到建在填海得來的土地上的鄭裕彤樓。
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