Newsletter No. 424

6 No. 424, 4.10.2013 今期展示一件顯示中大歷史與香港歷史交織的文物─中文 大學紋章。中大成立後,校董會按大學條例經校長代表向倫敦的 英國紋章院申請授予紋章。附圖所示即由該院三位高級紋章官 Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy & Ulster Kings of Arms於 1967年蓋印簽發的證書,也許亦是中大與紋章學浪漫情懷的 唯一連繫。證書展示的紋章與現時大學所用校徽大致相同,只 是兩旁以十足中國風描畫的護盾神獸─麒麟,今已鮮用。文中 亦指定盾中央當置「雙色回頭鳳」設計,而該雙色訂為「or」和 「purpure」,亦即金、紫兩色。 Another item from the University archives shows how the history of CUHK is closely interwoven with that of Hong Kong. Not too long after the establishment of the University, the Council, through the Vice-Chancellor and in accordance with the University Ordinance, represented to the College of Arms in London for the grant of a coat of arms. The picture here shows the document issued in 1967 under the hands and seals of the Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy & Ulster Kings of Arms, the three senior officers of the College of Arms, and is probably the University’s only link to medieval and chivalric romanticism. As one can see, the coat of arms is pretty much the University emblem as we know it today, except that the two supporters, the mythical beasts chi lin , depicted in a truly chinoiserie manner, are seldom shown nowadays. The document also provided for the use of the feng reguardant counterchanged , or, simply put, a phoenix looking backwards and in two colours, which is at the centre of the shield. The two colours prescribed in the document are or and purpure , which are heraldic language for gold and purple. 鬧市中的咖啡 A Marketplace of Coffee 中大的品咖啡文化可能才剛剛起步,但其實在校園已經可以找到為數不少 的咖啡品牌,其中有些更是世界知名牌子。范克廉樓學生膳堂靜悄悄出售 的意大利 illy 咖啡,正代表着優良的咖啡烘焙及保存技術。 先此聲明,這裏的咖啡是校園中最帶勁的,特別是其「齋啡」,那種辛澀 濃烈對舌尖和上顎的衝擊,剛睡醒或空腹者也許受不了。可是,若你是箇中 老手或夠堅持的話,回報會是那豐厚的層次和久久不散的喉韻。你如果不 逞強,不妨來個意大利泡沫咖啡,享受那微帶煙燻和巧克力的味道。 咖啡吧座落囂鬧的學生活動中心,是國際生喜愛的聚腳點,充滿歡樂與熱 鬧。這裏的分貝很高,咖啡因亦然。 CUHK may be just starting on brewing its own coffee culture, but you’d be surprised by the number of coffee brands on campus, some of them quite well-known around the world. The student canteen at Benjamin Franklin Centre has been unceremoniously selling illy coffee, the Italian brand synonymous with technical innovations in the coffee industry. Caveat Casual Drinker! The brew here is the strongest on campus. Its pristine version (with neither milk nor sugar) may be too strong for a brain just wakened, or a stomach neglectfully empty. It may be robust to your palate and bitter to your tongue-tip. But if you are seasoned or persistent enough, you will be rewarded by its complexity and lingering aftertaste. To go softer, you may opt for its cappuccino variety with a pleasantly smoky and chocolaty flavour. The coffee bar, a favourite among international students, is part of the student marketplace full of animated conversations and lively commotions. Decibels are high, and so is the caffeine level.