Newsletter No. 429/430

Nos. 429 /430, 23.12.2013 7 香港中文大學    周年 50 th Anniversary of CUHK 金禧大學校長論壇 Golden Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum 約 四十位來自全球十四個國家及地區的高等院校校 長,於12月6至8日雲集中大校園,出席中大五十周 年校慶重點活動之一的「金禧校慶大學校長論壇」,探索 大學在國際化下的多文化及跨文化交流。參與院校包括劍 橋大學、牛津大學、悉尼大學、蘇黎世聯邦理工學院、北京 大學及復旦大學等。 中大校長 沈祖堯 教授致歡迎辭時表示:「論壇不但促進大 學之間建立國際網絡及夥伴關係,更多方面裨益整個學術 界,並引導未來高等教育的發展路向,進一步推進大學教 育發展、開拓不同學科的學習及研究領域,並優化教育成 效,培育大學生成為國際公民。」 三位世界著名高等學府的校長獲邀擔任論壇的主題演講 嘉賓。首場演講題為「全球公民:大學教育之角色」,由伊 利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校校長 Phyllis Wise 博士主講。 她指出大學間緊密的夥伴關係,以及其中跨地域及跨界別 的協作,對解決日益複雜的全球問題至為重要。同時,為了 裝備大學生應付未來世界的各種挑戰,大學領袖必須肩負 責任,制訂優良教育網絡與模式,為學生創造機會,並提供 有利條件,促進他們日後的發展。 上海交通大學校長 張傑 教授主講「大學政策與方針:中國 與世界」,他分析目前中國的教育政策與改革,重點講述內 地大學與國際大學的協作,以及大學如何成為推動國家創 新發展的動力。張教授以上海交通大學為例,闡述大學如 何透過改革管理模式、延攬人才,以及落實發展策略,成為 具創意的學府。 最後一場演講題目為「夥伴及合作關係:大學、政府及社 群」,由牛津大學校長 Andrew Hamilton 教授主講。社 會各方對大學有不同期望,而大學亦有其使命及核心價 值。Hamilton教授探討大學處身其中如何平衡各方關係, 保持學術自由同時承擔起社會責任。 S ome 40 university heads from 14 countries and regions gathered on the CUHK campus for a roundtable on ‘Enhancing Intercultural and Multicultural Exchanges in Universities’. The Golden Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum held from 6 to 8 December was hosted by CUHK as a highlight of its 50th anniversary celebrations. Among the participants were heads from the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, the University of Sydney, ETH Zurich, Peking University and Fudan University. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said in his welcoming remarks, ‘Apart from fostering global partnerships, the synergy generated by the forum will point the way for the future development of global higher education, promoting advancement in university education, expanding the frontiers of learning and research, and cultivating global citizens for the benefit of mankind.’ Three keynotes were given by world-renowned academic leaders. The first one titled ‘Global Citizenship: the Role of University Education’ was delivered by Dr. Phyllis Wise , Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She pointed out that collaborations and partnerships that cross disciplines and jump borders are necessary to solve increasingly complex global problems. As today’s students who will ultimately be the ones to face and resolve these challenges live in a world where they move seamlessly geographically and socially, university leaders have the responsibility to create the models and build the networks of education that will give them the tools and the opportunities to excel. In his speech ‘University Policies and Strategies: China and the World’, Prof. Zhang Jie , President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), discussed the national educational initiatives and reforms in China, and specifically how SJTU has engaged in international collaborations and performed as the engine and source of innovation to promote innovation in the country. Quoting the example of SJTU, Professor Zhang analyzed how a university becomes an innovative institution through the reform of management philosophy, recruitment of talent and implementation of development strategies. The third keynote lecture titled ‘Partnerships and Collaborations: Universities, Governments and Community’ was given by Prof. Andrew Hamilton , Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. He explored the relationship that exists between universities, the government and communities. Taking into account the different expectations set by nations and regional communities as well as the mission and core principles that universities set for themselves, he discussed the extent of compromise between notions of academic freedom and public duty. 張傑教授 Prof. Zhang Jie Phyllis Wise 博士 Dr. Phyllis Wise Andrew Hamilton 教授 Prof. Andrew Hamilton