Newsletter No. 429/430

Nos. 429 /430, 23.12.2013 9 大學展覽廳開幕 University Gallery Opens 為誌中大金禧校慶而籌建的大學展覽廳於11月28日開幕,展示數百 珍貴歷史照片和文物,並設多媒體資源,讓公眾人士、師生及校友認 識中大過去半世紀的發展歷程及成就,同時回顧香港社會幾十年間 的迅速發展。 開幕禮由贊助籌建展覽廳的郭得勝基金代表郭炳聯博士( 右 )及中大 校長沈祖堯教授( 左 )主持,沈校長說:「大學展覽廳讓參觀者漫步 於中大半世紀的里程中,回顧艱辛的創校歷程,了解中大的文化傳承 及教育理念,並認識一眾中大學人的卓識丰采。」 展覽廳設於大學圖書館正門入口處,共兩層,分為七大展區─中大 大事回顧、創校歷程、全人教育的教學理念及特色、顯赫學人、中國 研究、海外合作、中大人及中大精神的故事。 In celebration of its Golden Jubilee, CUHK opened the University Gallery on 28 November. Through the display of hundreds of precious photographs, artefacts, and multimedia resources, the gallery exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK in the past 50 years, events which often mirror developments in Hong Kong. The University Gallery was built with a generous donation from the T S Kwok Foundation. Dr. Raymond P.L. Kwok ( right ), representative of the T S Kwok Foundation, and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( left ), Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, officiated at the opening ceremony. Professor Sung said, ‘The gallery will take us on a walk through the key milestones of the University’s history, the good times and the tough times, the evolution of cultural heritage and education philosophy, and to meet the great people of CUHK.’ Located at the main entrance of the University Library, the gallery comprises seven zones across two storeys, including milestones through the decades, the first years, the ideas and practice of whole-person education, outstanding scholars, China studies, overseas collaborations, and stories of CU people. 被譽為「香港女兒」、2003年 因照顧沙士病人而殉職的中大 畢業生謝婉雯醫生,1986年報 讀醫科。她在學生記錄中親筆 撰寫的自我介紹,現於大學展 覽廳展出。尚帶稚氣的字體記 下堅定的意向─「因此在畢 業後,我當然準備加入醫生的 行列,為社會和人民服務」。謝 醫生最後以青春的生命成就抱 負,她的無私和勇氣,令港人 感動不已。 The student record filled out by Dr. Tse Yuen-man Joanna for the CUHK medicine programme in 1986 is now being exhibited in the University Gallery. A medical graduate and ‘SARS fighter’, Joanna passed away in 2003 after having contracted SARS while trying to save her patients. The document recorded, in her handwriting, that her resolution was to be a doctor. ‘I will be well-equipped to be a doctor and serve the people and society upon graduation.’ When she passed away, the whole city was touched by her courage and selflessness.