Newsletter No. 443

443 • 19.9.2014 7 校園消息 Campus News 廣東省英語教師培訓課程 In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 由香港教育局撥款港幣超過一百三十萬元,委託教育學院優化英語教學研究中心舉辦的 「廣東英語教師培訓課程2013 – 14」順利進行,並於7月26日舉行慶祝會。該課程2011年創 辦,旨在幫助廣東英語教師了解香港英語教學的最新趨勢,語文教學理論的課堂實踐,以 及設計校本英語課程的技巧。 今年課程於7月6至26日舉行,共三十九位來自廣東省十一個城市的小學英語教師參與多項 結合理論與實踐的培訓活動,課題包括英語為第二語言教學法、校本課程發展、照顧學生 學習差異、運用資訊科技提升英語教學等,活動包括由教育學院的教師培訓專家及前線小 學英語教師所教授的工作坊、三次小學參觀、教學錄像分析、週末文化遊等。 The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education cheered over the success of the In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 2013–14 at the celebration ceremony held on 26 July. Commissioned by the Education Bureau with a funding of over HK$1.3 million, CEELT has been organizing the teacher training programme from 2011 till now, aiming to help participants to keep abreast of the latest trends in English language learning and teaching in Hong Kong, translate theories of language teaching into classroom practices, and develop skills in designing school-based English Language curriculum. In the three-week programme from 6 to 26 July, 39 primary English teachers from 11 Guangdong cities participated in various training activities combining theory and practice of major education topics such as the latest primary English teaching methodologies, school-based curriculum development, catering for learner diversity as well as using IT to enhance English learning and teaching. Various activities include workshops conducted by teacher training experts of the Faculty of Education and local frontline primary English teachers, visits to three local primary schools, video-recorded lesson observations and cultural tours on Saturdays. 前排:教育學院院長梁湘明教授(右四)、教育局高級專業發展主任劉淑儀女士(左四)、課程總監及 優化英語教學研究中心總監麥陳淑賢教授(右三)、教育學院副院長石秦家慧教授(左三) Front row: Prof. Alvin Leung (4th right), Dean of Education; Ms. Rosalind Lau (4th left), senior professional development officer, Education Bureau; Prof. Barley Mak (3rd right), programme director and director of CEELT; Prof. Cecilia Chun (3rd left), Associate Dean of Education 中大蟬聯十三屆划艇賽總冠軍 CUHK Rowers Clinch 13th Championship in a Row 由全港大學賽艇錦標賽籌委會主辦、香港賽艇協會協辦、成龍慈善基金會贊助的「成 龍挑戰盃2014年全港大學賽艇錦標賽」,於8月16及17日在沙田賽艇中心舉行,共有二 百四十多位來自七所本地大學的運動員參與。本校共派出男女艇手各二十二名,參加十 一個比賽項目,共獲四金五銀三銅的佳績,並奪得男、女子全場總冠軍,更連續第十三 年獲得全場總冠軍。 Organized by the committee of the Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships, sponsored by the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation, and co-organized by Hong Kong, China Rowing Association, the ‘Jackie Chan Challenge Cup Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2014’ was held on 16 and 17 August at the Shatin Rowing Centre. Over 240 athletes from seven local universities took part in the competition. Twenty-two male and 22 female rowers from CUHK participated in 11 events, in which they won four golds, five silvers and three bronzes. The CUHK team also captured the men’s overall and women’s overall championships, and bagged the overall championship again, making it the winner of the title for 13 consecutive years. 張妙清獲心理學傑出貢獻獎 Fanny Cheung Awarded for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology 中大副校長兼卓敏心理學講座教授張妙清最近於巴黎舉行的國際應用心理學大會上獲頒 2014年度傑出科學貢獻獎,以表揚她在推動國際應用心理學發展的成就。 該獎項由國際應用心理學協會(IAAP)每四年頒授一次,每次只頒予一至兩位在國際心理 學上有傑出貢獻及影響力的心理學家,迄今全球只有共十人獲頒此獎項,張妙清教授是首 位亞洲心理學家獲此殊榮。 張教授表示:「我十分榮幸能與九位世界頂尖心理學家前輩分享此殊榮,並成為第一位來自 亞洲的得獎人,證明了國際心理學界愈加認同及重視中國心理學對主流心理學學術發展的 重要貢獻。」 張教授一直致力發展應用心理學中與文化相關的測量工具,先後將明尼蘇達多相人格測驗 (MMPI及MMPI-2)翻譯為中文引入中國,又開創中國人個性測量表(CPAI)的研究,成為 亞洲首個全面的人格測量工具。 Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology of CUHK, was presented the 2014 Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to the International Advancement of Applied Psychology by the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) at the International Congress of Applied Psychology held in Paris earlier. The award is presented every four years to one or two psychologists who have made distinguished scientific contributions to international psychology. This is the first time an Asian psychologist has won this award and, so far, there have only been 10 awardees in total. Professor Cheung remarked, ‘I am honoured to share this distinguished award as the first Asian recipient with nine other world-class psychologists before me. It shows the international psychological community has come to recognize the important voice that Chinese psychology can contribute to the scientific development of mainstream psychology.’ Professor Cheung plays a leading role in developing and validating culturally relevant assessment tools in applied psychology. She helped to translate the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI and MMPI-2) into Chinese and helped standardize the Chinese versions using large-scale representative national samples. She then initiated the research programme to develop the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI), the first comprehensive personality measure in Asia.